Может, немножко ОФФ, но "по заявкам читаталей".

вот те 10 процентов ["умных шуток"] и надо постить на rmm, чтоб было что посмотреть и не тратить время в пустую
ОК, вот сегодня свалилось в почту. Понимать - как получится:
Few days back while visiting one of compromised web-sites, your pc was taken over by our Virus
also it broken into all your network devices such as your phone, ever since that time its gathering good deal of important information about yourself using your personal computer and your smart phone , we've got your video clips , photos , call recordings , connections , your social media connections , your emails , your street address and also videos of yours changing clothing , bathing etc
I'm sure its very distressing for you and you ought to be thinking what should you do ? isnt it ?
Relax breathe deeply , dont stress and focus carefully now , if you want these audio video recordings, e-mails, data, Phone data, photos etc along with your other secrets (you can guess it well) to remain between you and me, and don't want me to share it along with your loved ones, close friends, colleagues, or on popular websites like Fb, Reddit, Xvideos, Pornhub and many others , there is a simple way to avoid it.
Simply pay 550$ worth of bitcoin to my bitcoin wallet address, from my opinion its really fair and low amount to keeping your little secret. (if you do not know this, search "how to buy bitcoin" in Google).
Bitcoin Address: 1Fxq6pdj3CY4vANrSGDXZqSKf5Q3jFvFyT
(It is case sensitive, so copy and paste it)
You've some days to make the payment. (I've a special pixel in this e-mail, and at this moment I am aware that you've read this email message).