Причем тут физика , это азы звукорежиссуры .))
MYTH #2: Minimum Phase behavior is an important criteria when buying an equalizer.
Minimum phase is one of the few things you
don't have to worry about when buying an equalizer. It's not that it isn't important, it is. It's just that no known examples of commercial equalizers that are
notminimum phase even exist. None. Forget all the marketing hype to the contrary.
A precise definition of minimum phase is a detailed mathematical concept involving positive real transfer functions, i.e., transfer functions with all zeros restricted to the left half s-plane. If the last sentence produced a zero in the middle of your brain, don't worry. All you need to know is minimum phase behavior is not a problem in any equalizer you may consider purchasing.
Here again is an example of sloppy rhetoric. A failure to communicate clearly what is being thought. Somewhere years ago some marketing type needed a term, a buzz word if you will, for distinguishing his company's equalizer from everybody else's. Some engineer dropped the term minimum phase and the marketing guy went nuts. That's it, thought he; never mind that it doesn't fit what is trying to be said, it sounds good. Nice and high-tech, so he used it to try to build a smoke screen between comparable products.
What they wanted to say was their product could create boost/cut curves with less phase shift than their competitors, and that this was a good thing. Problem was, here comes the engineer again to say this simply wasn't true.
Any two equalizers producing the same curve do so with exactly the same phase shift. Same universe, same physics, same results -- much to marketing's chagrin. So they compromised on claiming their product had MINIMUM PHASE characteristics. Never mind that all the competition also had minimum phase behavior. The customer wouldn't know that. The promotion implied that the other products didn't. Let the buying public figure out otherwise.
Okay, now you know otherwise. Don't be hoodwinked by this buzz word.
Повторюсь , все аналоговые EQ корежат фазу , причем совершенно одинаково ))...