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The current plan is that 4.34 will be released this week, and will include some bugfixes, plus support for stretch markers. The other things (undo improvements, midi multicontext editing etc) will come in a later version.
The rc1 changelog (which is autogenerated by our build process) is long, this is what the final changelog should look like:
API: added PCM_Source_GetSectionInfo
Locking: improved granularity for item locking, fixes
MIDI recording: fixed overdub/replace extra noteons
MIDI recording: improved overdub/replace recording with looped items
MIDI recording: overdub/replace time selection autopunch behaves normally when no time selection
Metronome: better overlapped sound when using a mix of click sounds and samples
Metronome: preserve pitch when using project playrate
OSX: fixed memory leak in CoreText drawing introduced in 4.32
ReaSamplomatic5000: improved import media item from arrange to work better with section items
ReaSurround: fixes when using more than 32 channels
Tab to transient: threshold is checked post-take/item gain
Stretch markers: change the internal timing of items using convenient handles
Stretch markers: generate via actions/mousemaps or via dynamic split window
Timestretch: support for larger time expansion/compression values
Timestretch: updated to elastique 2.28
Timestretch: better Soundtouch output quality near beginning of streams
VST: improved bridging behavior with embedded windows
Video: preserve rotation setting when duplicating/splitting items
Windows: topmost button tweaks to better work with embedded bridged plug-ins
This build is up!
v4.34rc2 - April 22 2013
+ ReaMote: fixed some issues with high channel counts
+ OSX: improved ini file performance/reliability
v4.34rc1 - April 21 2013
+ Stretch markers: change the timing of items using convenient handles
# Stretch markers: alt+click stretch markers to remove, alt+drag to adjust underlying audio position
# Stretch markers: see Item/Stretch markers menu, (ctrl/cmd)+alt click audio items to add stretch markers
+ Dynamic split: support for creating stretch markers rather than splitting
+ Timestretch: support for larger time expansion/compression values
# Timestretch: (note however pitch may not always be able to be preserved, depending on the algorithm used)
# Stretch markers: disabled snap-to-1.0-rate code as it made editing uncomfortable
# Stretch markers: draw edge on stretch marker triangles
# Stretch markers: better drawing of overlapping markers
# Stretch markers: better alt+click removal logic
# Stretch markers: ctrl+alt+shift to adjust pair of stretch markers
# Stretch markers: mouse map support with additional editing modes
# Stretch markers: quality issue fix [thx Janne83]
# Stretch markers: added locking support, better interaction with locking system
+ Locking: improved granularity for item locking, fixes
# Stretch markers: improved grouped-marker editing behavior with multiple markers at a particular time
# Stretch markers: mouse modifier support for ripple edits
# Stretch markers: removing first/last stretch markers will no longer recreate edge stretch markers
# Stretch markers: prevent creating effective rates of less than 0.1, which often would fail
# Stretch markers: limit max stretch value to 0.02x rather than 0.1x
# Timestretch: elastique flushing support overhaul
# Stretch markers: option (project, take) for transient vs tonal behaviors
# SoundTouch: supported flushing for optimize-transient mode (though ST ends up producing silence in these instances)
# Stretch markers: transient mode fixes
# Stretch markers: mouse map editing mode for moving marker preserving left hand rate
+ Timestretch: updated to elastique 2.25
# Stretch markers: video support
+ Video: preserve rotation setting when duplicating/splitting items
# Stretch markers: reverse active take handles stretch markers
+ Timestretch: updated to elastique 2.28
# elastique: disabled use of direct API due to crashing etc
# fixed issues related to take envelopes broken in an earlier pre
# elastique: updates/fixes, re-enabled direct API mode
# Stretch markers: complete overhaul
# Stretch markers: fixed display during continuous scrolling
# Stretch markers: fixed no-preserve-pitch mode, other fixes
# Stretch markers: better transitioning between markers
# Stretch markers: fixed timestretch bugs added in non-stretch-markered items
+ Soundtouch: better output quality near beginning of streams
# Stretch markers: only show numerical values for active take
# Stretch markers: configurable fade time
# Stretch markers: per-take option for tonal optimized mode
# Stretch markers: improved tonal mode correlation
# Stretch markers: made save-as with trim work properly
# Stretch markers: action for toggling tonal-optimized mode
# Elastique: upgraded to latest IPP on win32/win64, hopefully fixing a few systems issues
+ ReaSurround: fixes when using more than 32 channels
+ OSX: fixed memory leak in CoreText drawing introduced in 4.32
+ Windows: topmost button tweaks to better work with embedded bridged plug-ins
+ VST: improved bridging behavior with embedded windows
+ Tab transient: threshold is checked post-take/item gain
+ MIDI recording: overdub/replace time selection autopunch behaves normally when no time selection
+ MIDI recording: fixed overdub/replace extra noteons
# Elastique: mutex protect create/destroy (test for 2 users)
+ API: added PCM_Source_GetSectionInfo
+ ReaSamplomatic5000: improved import media item from arrange to work better with section items
+ Metronome: preserve pitch when using project playrate
+ Metronome: better overlapped sound when using a mix of click sounds and samples
+ MIDI recording: improved overdub/replace recording with looped items
Как всегда - омуеть!)))