Оркестровые библиотеки VSL (Vienna Symphonic Library) (1 онлайн

Проявив неосторожность и попробовав на вкус перкуссию из Epic Orchestra, в находящейся сейчас в разработке композиции, усладился настолько, что приобрёл стандартный пакет SYNCHRON PERCUSSION BUNDLE. Взял не глядя full HARP (имеется уже ото многих представителей, не знаю что за пристрастие у меня к нему).
И в связи с утратой доверия к самому себе, был приобретён SSD 8 Тб (помимо трудящихся уже 3-х самсунговских 2 Тб M.2)
Viena (с некоторыми оговорками) - вещистая вещь!
Ох, пропадаю :)

В очередной раз выражаю благодарность Святославу (@slasta) за оказанную помощь!
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Реакции: dr-music и slasta
либо задача была всё в один корпус кпихнуть любой ценой?
В общем и целом да.
на мой взгляд дороговато за 550мб/сек
Честно говоря мне не принципиально. Усмотрю недостатки, рассмотрю другие варианты.
VSL сегодня дали отмашку на старт чёрной пятницы до 30 числа сего месяца. Кое-что прикупил.
Благодарю Святослава (@slasta) за помощь и рекомендую обращаться к этому человеку; сколько уже обращался - всё гладко проходит!
В свою очередь тоже хочу поблагодарить/порекомендовать Святослава (@slasta), удалось доплатить кучку долларов в BestService, чтобы добавить к имеющимся уже у них венским ваучерам и купить библу. Спасибо!
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Реакции: slasta
а в чем проблема завести в почта банке карту union pay и спокойно расплачиваться на том же bestservice я так давно уже делаю))
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Реакции: zanoga
Два уточнения по использованию ваучеров VSL (это когда покупаешь три ваучера номиналом 50, 100 или 500 долларов/евро, а получаешь четыре, и потом тратишь). Одно плохое, другое хорошее.

1) Нельзя купить продукт, к примеру, за 145 евро, потратив три ваучера по 50, а остальное «оставить на чай». Компьютер им не позволяет.
2) Можно на ваучеры купить два и более продуктов VSL и попросить зарегистрировать покупки на разные аккаунты. По нынешним временам такая покупка вскладчину может быть удобна хотя бы тем, что меньше денег придётся переводить, доплачивая через посредников.

Оба пункта касаются сайта bestservice.com, где для россиян ваучеры традиционно были на пару децибел дешевле.

P.S. Из-за пункта 1 у меня, кажется, образовался лишний ваучер на 50 евро. Если кому надо, то — в личку.
Последнее редактирование:
В кои-то веки VSL приоткрывает свои планы, что будет на следующий год. А будет ещё один том Duality Strings — Virtuoso (рикошет, салтандо, глиссандо и тому подобный стафф). Будет новый рояль (небольшой Фазиоли в малом зале). Перкуссия расширится на всякие редкие и фольклорные инструменты. Синхрон дерево дописали, доделывают.

Слушал в пол уха, подробности тут:

And may we also need some  adaptions for the Synchron Player?
I don't know...
We'll have to experiment?
Then we won't see a release this year definitely.
Is this our first conversation for a video Martin? Face to face, I can't remember anymore so long ago
I guess so, maybe 20 or 23 years ago maybe...
But it's definitely a first that we want to  talk about things that we're currently developing
and products, and what you have in  mind, what you're working on
what the team is working on. So this is definitely a first.
Yeah, I was always a little afraid to do this because you never know if a product is ready in a certain time frame
or are there problems which lead to the decision to drop  a product development completely and therefore 
when a product is done we announce it. This was our mantra the past years and now, yeah, we like to 
change this a little bit, right?
Yeah... I mean we talked a lot about improving things, what we can do to help our users better
and to help them  better create music and also
we often hear from users that they want to plan ahead and want to know what's coming, and so
Yeah, as part of the new year we thought let's talk about this!
Every year I think we have less work to do than the past years
and when I prepare the plan for  the actual year I'm always baffled now 
how much we have to do now and this was very transparent  now preparing now for this interview or 
this conversation. And yeah, I think we should start  with things which are pretty close for a release 
I think this makes sense. It's just one thing or  maybe two, all the others we really don't know now 
when we are ready for it to release it, yeah
And I guess we also should mention that the order of the products that we're talking about is no indication about
when they are going to be released, in which order.
I need a little freedom for developing things. Especially when software development is involved
then you never know now when you are really done.
First things first... Yeah, the expansions of our  woodwinds, articulation-wise. It's not that big 
surprise because we have released already for the  Synchron Smart Orchestra some stuff
for the woodwinds, the named lyrical legato which  is simply a legato where no crossfades between 
intervals and sustain notes are mapped, they're  all performed by the players. Of course this is
very exhausting and very demanding and needs a  lot of time because you have to play really long 
notes for each interval which are loopable and,  yeah, therefore three woodwinds are prepared 
for this and further we also took the chance  the new developed fast legato technology we 
realized for the Duality Strings is also done for  these woodwinds, so there will be a lyrical legato patch
and a new fast legato patch. I don't know  exactly the naming of the patch in the 
preset, maybe you have...
Yeah, it's virtuosic legato
That's a good name! Yeah, and this will come for 
for flute, oboe and the clarinet and maybe  it's the time to mention that our oboe in the
in the woodwinds package - Synchron Woodwinds - the second oboe is initially the first oboe. It was just a labeling 
error and we decided not to correct it after  the release because we just realized it after 
the release that we mixed it up, to keep the presets of our users intact.
Nobody should be surprised that the oboe 2 has now the  lyrical legato and the virtuosic legato. 
But flute 1 and the clarinet 1... Yeah, they are, they are correct.
Okay, great, what else?
This is not coming that soon but hopefully also this  year, other woodwinds of course 
with this new technology. We already have recorded  this stuff for the alto flute, for the English horn,
for the bass clarinet and for the bassoon.
More free expansions for Synchron Woodwinds?
I thought it would be cool to keep it free. The first three definitely, the other ones it's the decision of 
the marketing. But I'm the good guy. If you want  to ask for money then you are the bad guy.
I think we keep it for free now the updates.
I think it would be great, yeah
The next project I know there will be users who will say "not again"... Yeah, it's a new piano - I'm sorry... and
there's a little background story because Mick Baumeister a good friend of Paul Kopf had to move to Asia I think and 
could not take his pianos to Asia and asked for  a good place to store them. Normal storage 
places are not very good for instruments because  of temperatures and - humidity - humidity yeah 
and unfortunately I was informed just a few  few weeks after we have ordered our own Fazioli,
the 308, and it's like, okay, yeah, but we will take it  anyway, even if I know that maybe this piano will 
go back in a few years. And so we put it in our  storage and our piano guys told me that it's 
really a wonderful sounding piano and therefore I  thought okay, it's not that big like the 308 
it's a 212 Fazioli model and I thought it might  be a perfect piano for our Stage B for a dry 
recording, and therefore we decided, okay, we do now  the second Fazioli in the Stage B.
I think that's a great match for the large Fazioli, recorded  on Stage A here, just a few meters here behind me,
and here in this room where we're sitting, Stage B, for the little smaller Fazioli, so it's...   
I know that a lot of people want a more intimate  sound for a piano and not have everything in that 
large beautifully sounding room but sometimes it's just too much.
On the other side the 308 in this room would be a little bit overwhelming I think. So it was the right order.
It's perfect! What's interesting for people who don't know Mick  Baumeister, maybe he's also known for...
He's the creator or co-creator of the Hornberg breath  controller, so he's quite an interesting person 
and great musician and great guy yeah... Okay so, what else is cooking?
Yeah, one thing I had hoped that I had not to do is new solo strings but I of course read all the forums 
or a lot of postings there and regularly I hear there the demand, we want all the 
solo strings recorded at the Synchron Stage and  yeah, and so we decided last year that 
we start this project. We took the challenge  and did two instruments side by side, a violin 
and a violoncello. Yeah and I'm afraid because  I know solo strings are very very difficult 
to do, there are high demands from the  user side, how they should sound and therefore 
it's of course a lot of work and you have to  sample them completely different compared to 
string sections. A solo instrument needs  completely different mapping and technology behind 
it to sound right, and that it's usable. So I did also some research how we should 
sample it that we get really good solo  string instruments with more reverb. 
It's easier to do it of course with dry recording but  we already have dry recorded solo strings now.
And yeah, so this is a a running project. It's not completely recorded at the moment and
of course we will need several months to edit all  this stuff. What we did care about is the 
miking, we did a lot of close and mid  miking so that users have a lot of options and 
choices of the final sound of the instrument.  I think the most important thing, especially 
when you do solo instruments, that you have  an artist in the stage who really likes to be 
sampled. It sounds a little absurd maybe  but if you love this kind of challenge 
then of course you get brilliant results and  therefore it was good to know that we have two 
musicians who really like to do it.
Another big project is moving the VI Series instruments to the new...
well it's not so new anymore, but to the newer Synchron Player.
So what can we expect here from VI Series instruments that are going to be ported over to the Synchron Player?
The biggest missing part are of course the brass  instruments and we are definitely working on 
the conversion to the Synchron Player. Especially  the "timbre adjust" feature we have developed for 
the Synchron Brass also works of course perfectly  for the Silent Stage recorded brass which will 
give them more flexibility and more realistic  approach when you program brass phrases
And, yeah, it's a funny thing because we started  with brass instruments more than 20 years ago.
It's a different thing if you just use them  for music programming or you go inside the 
original mapping and look at it what you have  done 20 years ago. So it's a journey into 
the past a little bit and you get very close  to the material and, yeah, it was good to see 
and to hear that the quality especially from the  musicians was such on a high level, even in 
the beginning of our sampling business. So it's also a lot of work of course but it's 
also a very nice experience to hear them  again in this detailed analysis you have 
to do when you convert the material.
So you're really going back to the original recordings and not just take the material that's in the VI Series player.
No, every patch has to be approved and some things have  to be changed for Synchron Player and of course
after 20 years there are small things I had to  change a little bit so that the instrument 
sounds even better. So we don't change the overall  sound of the instruments. It's just that the legato 
is smother, that the dynamic range is working better  between different articulations, all this stuff.
You have to adjust a little bit so that the  instruments get simply more playable out of the box.
We've had great success with Duality  Strings in the last months and of course we have 
three volumes out now so people are asking, what's coming next?
Yeah, I'm very happy that the Duality concept works that well. In my opinion it's the best approach we ever developed
for strings sampling and of course I want  to go ahead and beyond the possibilities 
we did reach with these products. And  the really nice thing is now we have done all the 
basic stuff, I would say, which everybody expects  when you release a string library. So now we have 
the chance to get into more, yeah, new territory at least for us. What I can tell at the moment 
about the upcoming new volume for the  Duality Strings is that we already have recorded it,
editing is starting now and the working  title of the product will be Virtuoso
Duality Virtuoso Strings or Duality Strings Virtuoso - it's up to you, the order of the words. And yeah, and of course the 
the label is not just a label, it's  the program of the library. So we did really 
virtuosic stuff with all the sections and  it was also something which the musicians 
really love to do. It now it was of course more difficult than basic samples. 
So they could show what they are able to do on the instruments.
I really will enjoy to present the first mapped stuff hopefully not so far in the future.
Do you have any hints what's in there, what kind of virtuosic phrases or...
I don't want to describe the details but there are some labels which are known
like ricochet, saltando, arpeggios, effect glissandos and this kind of stuff.
And for all the people who say, okay,  I don't want to buy another volume I have also 
good news. What we did in these recording sessions  are also some patches to expand the volume 1 
the Regular Duality Strings volume with new additional recordings which will be
free or not, you decide - hopefully... hopefully - they will be free!
I think this will be released parallel with the Virtuoso volume.
Awesome! Okay, so, yeah, that's Duality Strings. And....
now to something completely different. I heard something about world percussion...
Everybody was so happy about the percussion at Synchron Stage. A lot of feedback from users said that the
stage is really sounding perfectly for percussion  instruments. This was of course one reason to 
go ahead with new percussion stuff and the other  one is because of our recordings here 
with clients which love to record with  with our in-house percussion. They always had 
some demands on more exotic percussion stuff.  For any drums and effect percussion from 
all over the world which was not part of the percussion we had in-house. I didn't want to 
rent just the instruments for the recording so  every time we needed a special instrument we 
decided to buy it. So over the past years we  collected a lot of new percussion instruments and 
this was the second reason. Yeah, percussion  sounds cool at Synchron Stage and we have a lot 
of new instruments, so yeah, we said okay, we do  another percussion volume, the World Percussion.
And what's also important is of course that you  have performers who are familiar playing these 
instruments. And, yeah, we of course researched  and hired musicians for the client recordings 
where we use these drums so we did know we have  really good percussion players who can deliver.
And what was also important for me is that I said  I don't want to make a loop library because 
they are so fast overused when you have a  couple of loops there and everybody is using them
but of course these instruments have very  distinct grooves and sounds and I tried to 
make a a concept where we can deliver this  without recording loops. So we... in the first 
step we invited the musicians to perform here in  this room, typical phrases on the instruments.
We recorded them, we also took videos, how they play, to see what we hear, also where do 
they work on the instruments with which hand  positions and so on, so this was the basis 
for the concept what we will record. And what  I said to the percussion team, to Andi Olszewski, 
what I would like to see is that we have  then all the needed single samples which 
can be then reprogrammed and should be as close  as possible to the originally played phrases and 
loops the musicians did. So what's also planned  is that we deliver these samples with these 
MIDI loops and this is then, I think, the  perfect starting point for everybody. That you 
can alter these loops not only speed-wise  but also if you want to leave out a note or 
add something which is not there, it's very  easy to adapt it and to get a perfect fit to 
the score you are working on.
That sounds great!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts and to be so open about
what you're working on and what our team is working on.
I think it's great for a lot of users who want to  plan ahead and just to know what's in the pipeline 
and what's... what they can expect. Not exactly in  a given time frame, but in principle. So...
Thank you so much, I guess I'm looking forward to our  next conversation in a few months.
In a few months? Oh my God...
Or maybe next year.
I really hope we can deliver everything we have talked about in an adequate time frame and, yeah, let's see.
And we hope for the best! Yeah.
Okay, thank you!
Всем привет! Друзья, помогите пжл: Synchron Player перестал видеть библиотеки ((
У VSL скидка на любые струнные. Но я сейчас тут не ради рекламы промо-акции, а чтобы сохранить на долгую память таблицу со сравнением всех струнных библиотек. Ну, вдруг картинку уберут, когда промо закончится.

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Реакции: zanoga и V_ad_im
@dr-music, Вы не могли бы посоветовать минимальный набор библиотек для комфортной работы (где в основном доминируют скрипки)?Т.е. что бы вы сами наверняка купили, если бы не было ничего. Или какие библы чаще всего используете?
@PsevdoNimB, вот честно, я наихудший советчик из всех возможных. Я почти не пользуюсь библиотеками, по старинке работаю в партитуре. Для меня не радость, а досада быть исполнителем собственных партитур, и ни одна библиотека меня не радует. Делаю только демки для продюсеров/режиссёров (и тут почти без разницы, какая библа), но тоже редко.
Чисто прагматически, и если с нуля, то смотрел бы на Duality String Standard (все выпуски), если бюджет и мощность компьютера позволяли бы. В надежде, что там самый полный из возможных набор штрихов. Но опять же, не меня Вам бы слушать...
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Реакции: V_ad_im и PsevdoNimB
Серия четвёртая: Duality Strings Virtuoso (225/335 евро на старте, 295/445 полная цена).
Runs, arpeggios, glissandos, rises & falls, martelé, ricochet, saltando — всё это хорошо, но за ограничения сэмплерной технологии вээсэльцы не вышли и чуда в очередной раз не произошло: большая часть материала построена на лупах/ликах и на их стретчинге. Что означает, что далеко не любую фразу (вот очень и очень не любую) можно сыграть. Название «Virtuoso FX» было бы более честным.
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Реакции: V_ad_im
Best Service — всё. В смысле, цены на венские продукты отныне и навсегда у них точно такие же, как у самих VSL, лазейка подсэкономить закрыта.
  • Sad
Реакции: V_ad_im
ну, не знаю... сейчас смотрю на сайте VSL цену на Blüthner 1895, показывает в US-$ - 210,13 за стандартную версию. Best Service показывает цену 185,00 $ за то же самое.
цену на Blüthner 1895
В евро и там, и там 195/345. А в долларах будет добавлен налог (VAT), если платёж поступит именно в долларах. Выбрать цену в долларах и оплатить с евровой карточки — не, не сработает.

А вот цитата (с форума vi-control) из переписки с БестСервисом одного из покупателей:
I emailed them to check whether it might be a website glitch and they said "Yes, you are right, the additional VSL discount was canceled, we have the same prices now like VSL on their website, sorry, it’s no failure on our website."
А в долларах будет добавлен налог (VAT), если платёж поступит именно в долларах.
неа, не добавили VAT (платёж с долларах с вирт карты Pyypl). Покупал сейчас Duality Strings Colors - на сайте VSL стоят 145 евро, на бестсервисе обошлись в 152 доллара (ну и за вычетом накопившихся с прошлых покупок "бесткоинов" получилось 141.08 $)
неа, не добавили VAT.
А ты с какой виртуальной страны покупал? Может, они Казахстану (условному) и не знают, какой VAT влепить. Не Евросоюз, не Штаты — ловите сами VAT со своих граждан-покупателей.
Но это так, гипотеза.
А ты с какой виртуальной страны покупал?
Если я правильно понимаю, их вирт. карта VISA привязана к ОАЕ - видать на эмираты VAT не распространяется. (кстати, за 7 тысяч руб они сейчас продают в Москве пластиковые карты VISA (ОАЕ); Ну и плюс на бестсервисе я продолжаю числиться как из России - помню я давно с ними переписывался на тему "алё, друзья, нафига вы мне VAT влепили, если я из России, у нас такого нет" - и они перестали его добавлять
Ну и плюс на бестсервисе я продолжаю числиться как из России
Я у них тоже русским в профиле числюсь, но мой платёж был из Нидерландов, так они со мной как с ганзейцем и беседовали (а я не возражал). Т.е. им пофиг, что там в профиле, важно, откуда денюжка идёт. Откуда покупались ваучеры, они точно видят.
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