+ Focus arrange on mouse release (so global shortkeys passed there)
+ Context: show selected tracks count
+ Context: force undo entry on change properties
+ Context: MIDI event. Get info about selected events in currently opened MIDI Editor.
+ Tags/Item/buttons/#srcreverse
+ Tags/Item/buttons/#srclen.
+ Tags/Item #endedge. Get/set position of item refering to its end.
+ Tags/MIDI Editor: #position. Perform a PPQ<>ProjectTime convertion as absolute time of note.
+ Tags/MIDI Editor: #notevel. MIDI code based on juliansader MIDI scripts (see ReaTeam repo).
+ Tags/MIDI Editor: #CCval. Currently 7-bit only. MIDI code based on juliansader MIDI scripts (see ReaTeam repo).
+ Tags/MIDI Editor: #notepitch. MIDI code based on juliansader MIDI scripts (see ReaTeam repo).
+ Tags/Persist/#clock shows play/edit cursor positions
+ Tags/Persist: #bpm shows/edit tempo and time signature for project (or tempo marker falling at edit cursor if any)
+ Tags/Track: #delay. get/set value in seconds for 'JS: time adjustment'
+ Tags/Track: #chsendmixer. Shows all send faders if sends existed for the first selected track. Ctrl+drag move on any slider acts as a VCA.
+ Tags/Track: #chrecvmixer.Shows all receive faders if receives existed for the first selected track. Ctrl+drag move on any slider acts as a VCA.
+ Options/Use additional context conditions. Force track context on track change even if item/point is selected.
+ Options/MIDI pitch formatting modes
+ Options/Override time formatting mode
+ MouseModifiers: allow to use only X axis when draggin value by mouse
+ MouseModifiers for rightclick and doubleclick
+ MouseModifiers: Tags/Persist/#grid rightclick, doubleclick and left drag/click
+ MouseModifiers Item/#pos,#len,#vol: cltr+drag set positions to first item position
+ MouseModifiers Envelope/#val: cltr+drag set values to first point value
+ Add action to dock GUI (workaround for OSX users)
+ Add action to refresh GUI
# Tags/Track/#vol: edit full string on doubleclick
# Tags/Track/#pan: allow to input [-100...100] values
# Tags/Item/#pan: allow to input [-100...100] values
# Tags/Item/#vol,#transpose: edit full string on doubleclick
# Tags/Item/#len: preserve MIDI items loop source state after MIDI_SetItemExtents()
# Tags/Item/#len: preserve MIDI items start offset after MIDI_SetItemExtents()
# Tags/Envelope/#pos: fix error on drag
# Tags/Persist/#bpm: fix error on timesig change when set new marker
# Tags/Persist/#transport: fix ctrl+left click run record
# Tags/Persist/#lasttouchfx: ignore time adjustment
# Reduce mouse resolution for position and float types
# Config: refresh widgets on refresh GUI (ex. after manual widgets ini edit)
# GUI: proper background for #clock, #transport, #grid and menu
# GUI: render secondary buffer for persist modules. This is a workaround for ReaScript GUI size limitation.
# GUI: show menu entries state checks
# fix Empty Item menu
# fix lost buttons when edit tags from menu
# fix collect only first selected envelope points data
# improved FX name reducer in case of JSFX names with slash
# scroll on item takes works in both directions
# db values: use Justin`s WDL/db2val.h reference