А что за форумы? Я почитываю sequencer.de... там страймон как ценили, так и ценят. Bigsky безальтернативен, если Bigsky ищешь )
тут почитайте, что пишут люди
и тут на reverb.com не стоит только обращать на тех людей, которые в технике не разбираются и ставят за это плохой отзыв, мол не понял как алгоритмы работают.
Некоторые отзывы разных людей. Если поискать таких полно.... Стримон одна коробка 500 евро, за ревер или делей, а тут 2 эффекта за 399 евро.
Hands down the best Reverb/Delay on the market right now. Not to mention how small the footprint is. This was my Strymon killer through and through.
I’m a reverb junky. Meris Mercury 7, Strymon BigSky, BlueSky, Flint, Ventris...had them all and loved each one (kept the Flint because the 80s reverb is so unique) they are all the highest quality reverbs. Specular Tempus, in my opinion, outclasses them all in the ambient music, space rock, post-rock department, which is what I’m interested in. Does it do subtle reverb? Yes, and really well too, but that’s not why you buy this unit. You buy this for the unparalleled, wide & spacious stereo reverb landscapes. Up until this point the Mercury 7 “Cathedra” algorithm was my go-to favorite reverb but the “Spatium” & “Antishimmer” algorithms on this GFI unit just sound bigger and more expansive but still lets the guitar dynamics through in a perfect way. These sounds are just otherworldly! As if this wasn’t enough you have a ton of Delay options that also sound fantastic. Swell reverbs, modulation, tape & analog delay algorithms...it’s the crown jewel on my board. It’s actually unbelievable that it’s the price it is for what you get. Software is super easy to use, and the layout and controls on the unit itself are very easy to work with...and trust me, I’m an idiot with kind of stuff normally. In fact, this is the only pedal on my board with a menu screen. I wish somebody told me about this sooner, this thing is way too underrated
Sold my BigSky to buy the Tempus and I am in love with this thing. Amazing reverbs and delays, such great ambient tones. All of the algorithms are stellar, you’d have a tough time finding a bad sound from this thing! 110% recommend!
I've had the Strymon Blue Sky and Big Sky as well as an H9 (and many others). All of them are really good units. I still have and love my Source Audio Nemesis and Ventris. The Specular Tempas is at least on par sound wise with the Source Audio units and a step above the others. What I love about the Specular Tempas is that it does some things the other units simply don't do, and it does them straight out of the box. The Source Audio units are fantastic, but you do have to dial them in to get them to sound really transparent. The Specular Tempus is already dialed in. It doesn't sound like an effect so much as it just sounds massive and natural. Tweaking really does require the app (which is fine) to be easy, but in return for that it is extremely compact. For now the Specular Tempus is my main fx unit for keyboards and I don't see anything knocking it off of that perch anytime soon. Might have to grab a second for my guitar board as well
Я просто подсказал... но я не настаиваю на другом мнении. Я свой выбор как уже сказал сделал, после переслушки не только Strymon и прочих педалей, которые одна коробка от GFI оставила далеко в тени. Еще учитываем один важный факт... в своё время все понабрали Strymon.... сейчас перепрыгнули все на GFI и хотят свои Стримоны продать. Кто будет писать теперь, что Стримон "стёмный очень после ГФИ!" никто! Ибо пару таких комментариев и они свои же Стримоны будут няньчить до конца жизни, иными словами даже продать за разумную цену не смогут. В магазине где я был, Стримоны стояли одинокие (они уже давненько на рынке это понятно), зато полка с GFI была как мухами облеплена людьми и все именно GFI ( 85% всех кого я видел у педалей) Specular Tempus хотели купить. Может не аргумент, но мне понравилась она именно своим звучанием, а не комментарии по ней и прочее.