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Ни чем стабильность 5-ки от 4-ки не отличается. Зачем ждать?
Те, которых в 4-ке нет - не будут.
Хм... Логично:) А есть где-нибудь сравнение функций текущих версий 4 и 5? Пачноуты конкретных версий видел.
А есть где-нибудь сравнение функций текущих версий 4 и 5?
Конечно есть:
v5.0pre35 - May 27 2015
# JSFX: fixed some applefilter72db parameter bounds [t=161194]
# Mixer: minimum size fix for background images
# Theme: flow singularity achieved

v5.0pre34 - May 25 2015
+ Media explorer: fixed issues when using pitch preservation and tempo synchronization
# Media explorer: tempo synchronization video fixes
# Theme fixes/tweaks
# Video: AVFoundation error-checking improvements

v5.0pre33 - May 22 2015
+ Media Explorer/Win: fixed various issues vs international characters in 'Windows Explorer' mode [issueid=5271][issueid=5062]
# MIDI editor: separate actions for loading note names to active channel or all channels
# Media Explorer: fixed seeking with (imported) MIDI files [p=1522111]
# Media Explorer: prevent frozen video preview through selected tracks [p=1524275]
# Theme: monitoring fx button, other stuff, mcp master layouts, hires param knobstacks

v5.0pre32 - May 15 2015
# MIDI editor: fixed right-click binding of erase notes/CC
# MIDI editor: only scan two subdirectory levels for note name lists
# MIDI editor: option to assign note names to all channels [issueid=1404]
# Media Explorer/Win XP: fixed strange image buttons
# Media Explorer: fixed seeking when browsing other folders [p=1520669]
# Theme updates: envcp, transport, bonkers
# Volume envelopes: fixed fader scaling and writing to vol and pre-fx-vol envelopes at the same time

v5.0pre31 - May 12 2015
+ Windows: fixed color picker potentially "shown" offscreen
# FX: fixed potential hang on undo [p=1520409]
# Routing window: improved dB value precision [p=1513927]

v5.0pre30 - May 10 2015
# API: CreateNewMIDIItemInProj doesn't create an undo point anymore
# API: fixed EnumProjExtState [p=1518548]
# API: fixed GetFXEnvelope [p=1517243]
# API: fixed potential EXTSTATE data loss
# API: improved GetProjectStateChangeCount (NULL parameter means current project)
# Media Explorer: added context menu item "Show in explorer/finder"
# Media Explorer: tweaks
# Project bay: fixed error messages
# Theme loading: if layouts specify image paths, fall back to parent directories (if any) for missing images
# Theme updates
# Theme: updates

v5.0pre29 - April 30 2015
+ Audio: support for up to 512 channels of input and output
+ OSX: fix for weird behavior in 10.10.3 and 32-bit
+ ReaPlugs: improved touch-automation behavior for various check/combo/edit controls
# Media Explorer: added option/action to toggle search in folder names/supported media only
# Media Explorer: added option/action to toggle search in subfolders/current folder only

v5.0pre28 - April 28 2015
# API: added PCM_Source_Destroy()
# Media Explorer/NativeBrowser: display modified dates for folders too
# Media Explorer: added browsing history buttons/actions
# Media Explorer: fixed accessibility/tabbing navigation issues
# Media Explorer: improved previous/next file navigation in the native browser
# OSX: fixed project directory cleanup treating recording files as unused
# RS5K: Update plugin graphical display when automating ADSR
# RS5K: fixed intermittent problem when automating sample start/end [p=1515118]
# Theme and layout love
# Tracks: properly construct folders when duplicating the last folder track within another folder track [issueid=5430]

v5.0pre27 - April 21 2015
# Media Explorer: fixed backspace behavior on Windows OS
# Media Explorer: improved 'go to parent folder'
# Media explorer: added action to insert selected portion of media item with loop disabled
# Plugin pin connector: removed sidechain dropdown in favor of a more complete solution which will come at a future time
# Theme updates

v5.0pre26 - April 20 2015
+ Media Explorer: added option 'Play through selected track'
+ Media Explorer: search in subfolders too
# Media Explorer: improved play cursor position for MIDI files
# Undo: added separate configuration for adding points for item/track/envpt selection

v5.0pre25 - April 20 2015
+ Preferences: turned the option 'Create undo points for item/track selection' into 'Create undo points for item/track/envelope point selection'
# AU: when loading preset state, avoid param-change notification messages [p=1510487]
# Actions: fixed MIDI shortcuts improperly triggering alt-recording actions [p=1510114]
# Automation: fixed various issues vs the option 'Allow writing automation to hidden envelopes'
# Mouse modifiers: stretch marker context supports 'No action'
# Tooltips: keep tooltips for most item/envelope editings in the track being edited

v5.0pre24 - April 12 2015
+ MIDI previews: automatically disable anticipative FX in routed-to tracks for open MIDI editors
# Tab to transient: fixed zero-crossing detection typo [p=1508055]
# Theme updates

v5.0pre23 - April 10 2015
+ Default preference change: disabled 'Allow anticipative FX processing on tracks with open MIDI editors (will increase MIDI preview latency)'
+ VST: whitelist Voxengo plug-ins to use effSetSpeakerArrangement by default
# Copy/paste: pasting tracks or importing track templates creates new item groups if necessary
# Elastique: updated to v3.0.9
# Envelope: fixed adjusted amount in tooltips
# Envelope: fixed missing guidelines when moving certain segments
# Envelopes: relative editing of non-volume envelopes, optional in preferences/envelopes
# Playback: fixed auto-stop on end of project for multiprojects
# Project tabs: fixed undo point being added for auto-close of fx chain windows
# Theme updates
# Video: fixed flipped RGB decodes of DirectShow videos

v5.0pre22 - April 2 2015
# Fixed volume envelopes sticking at 0dB
# Jump to time: better marker/region support
# ReaScript/EEL: extension APIs support optional parameters
# ReaScript/Lua: extension APIs support optional parameters
# ReaScript: extension APIs support null/nil project parameters (interpreted as 'current project')
# Video: VLC 2.2.x support
# Volume envelopes: better grid lines for fader-scaled envelopes
# Volume envelopes: fixed 24dB max setting

v5.0pre21 - March 29 2015
# Envelope actions to increase/decrease envelope points by a small amount now uses 1dB for volume envelopes
# Envelopes: dB-centric editing of volume envelopes (1dB normal, 0.1dB on fine)
# Envelopes: moving points/segments shows relative adjustment tooltip
# Faders: allow +0dB as a maximum fader limit
# Media item properties: fixed undocked window position restoring
# Project Bay: improved JSFX title vs filename support
# ReaControlMIDI: UI fixes/optimizations
# ReaControlMIDI: fixed pitch automation
# Transport: doubleclicking time display opens jump-to-time window
# Volume envelopes: added +12dB, +24dB as options for envelope max display
# r5 theme support: fixed grid-through-inline-midi-editor for v5 themes [p=1502257]

v5.0pre20 - March 21 2015
+ Project bay: new tab FX parameter envelopes, modulation, and MIDI learn
# API: export TimeMap_GetMetronomePattern
# Envelopes: add undo point when changing volume envelope scale
# Envelopes: fader-scaled volume envelopes snap to +0dB rather than an arbitrary point in the middle
# Envelopes: fader-scaling fix for take envelope toggling [p=1470951]
# Envelopes: fixed fader-scaling/amplitude-scaling conversions when copying items and their associated volume envelopes
# Envelopes: fixed fader-scaling/amplitude-scaling conversions when copying points to/from envelopes
# ReaScript/Lua: better handle extension API errors (e.g. nil parameters) [p=1499037]
# ReaScript/Lua: fixed reaper.atexit() not being called in certain instances
# Transport: fixed potential display corruption on win32 and when docked above ruler
# VCA combining: fixed output on fader-scaled envelopes

v5.0pre19b - March 17 2015
# VST3: fixed osx UI support

v5.0pre19 - March 17 2015
# MIDI: fixed rendering/etc to midi items
# VCA: Actions to apply VCAs respect envelope point curves
# VST3: fixed support for UIs that notify frame size changes
# VST3: improved config chunk support (fixes Arturia plug-ins among others)

v5.0pre18b - March 16 2015
# Envelopes: apply VCA actions respect selection, oops
# FX: reset PDC when offlining FX
# ReaInsert: more sync fixes/improvements especially when muting/bypassing

v5.0pre18 - March 15 2015
# Actions: fixed switch toolbar actions [t=157294]
# Envelopes: apply VCA actions
# MIDI editor: mouse modifier to stretch notes behaves like a normal note edge edit when note is not selected
# ReaInsert: allow negative delay offsets when using automatic device latency
# ReaInsert: fixed more potential sync issues
# ReaInsert: more accurate pinging (zero crossing check, use of DC offset filter, noise threshold
# ReaScript: prompt to launch or terminate deferred instances, with option "Remember my answer for this script"
# Tempo map: fixed changing tempo map point between square and linear transition, using context menu
# Theming: added envcp_knob_small/large images

v5.0pre17 - March 12 2015
+ AU: fixed informing plugins of project repeat state
+ MIDI editor: added mouse modifiers to edit note edges ignoring selection
+ MIDI editor: changed default note edge mouse modifiers to match default media item edge modifiers
+ ReaInsert: improved behavior when using PDC, looping, etc
# API: added GetTrackStateChunk()/SetTrackStateChunk(), Item, Envelope versions, deprecated GetSetTrackState()/GetSetTrackState2() etc
# Actions window: show Scripts and Custom actions separately
# Docking/Windows OS: fixed MIDI editor and Media Explorer not obeying to MIDI/OSC bindings when docked [p=1494274]
# MIDI editor: ctrl+alt+click now by default selects note and all later notes
# OSC/Action binding: improved controller value accuracy
# WALTER: added division and subtraction support (/ and -)

v5.0pre16 - March 9 2015
# AU: fixed automation
# Automation: fixed inserting envelope point when take playrate has been edited
# MIDI editor: display half note triplet grid properly
# Mixer: properly scale/clip background when minimum size is used
# Mouse modifiers: added modifer to adjust item contents and right edge
# ReaScript: do not prompt to launch a new deferred instance, terminate the script instead
# Send automation: fixed recording automation when send envelope is set to fader scaling
# Time map: when using project time timebase, always use beats timebase for normal midi items
# VST: fixed renaming plugins (broken in 948f3383c)
# WALTER: added trackcolor_valid, trackcolor_r/g/b values for use

v5.0pre15 - February 26 2015
# Actions: Take/item propagate actions for all tracks
# Propagate actions: prevent showing lots of take FX UI

v5.0pre14b - February 23 2015
# API: GetProjExtState() api fixes for EEL/Lua (default to 4mb buffer)
# API: GetSetObjectState() better handles take envelopes
# Automation: fixed sample accurate VST/JS automation with non-1.0 project playrate
# Automation: fixed sample accurate automation with PDC
# ReaScript: clear extension config state when creating a new project
# Theme: fixes

v5.0pre14 - February 22 2015
+ Actions: added propagate take and propagate item actions
+ MIDI SPP: fixed SPP sending with project measure offsets at t=0, send SPP when stopped/seeking to t=0
+ MIDI SPP: improved position rounding
+ OSX: CoreAudio latency detection improvements
+ Tab to transient: improved behavior with multichannel media
+ Zero crossing navigation: improved behavior with multichannel media
# OSC: fixed incorrect FX parameter notifications
# Theme: fancy theme updates
# VST: fixed audioMasterAutomate(-1) not notifying undo system

v5.0pre13 - February 15 2015
+ Language packs: packs can specify scale for dialog windows using 5CA1E00000000000=xsc ysc
# API: replaced GetVolumeEnvelopeScaling with a more generic GetEnvelopeScalingMode
# ColorTheme Tweaker: updating blend modes clears item prerender cache [p=1474182]
# Mixer: fixed issues with incorrect display of extended mixer FX-add menu [p=1479533]
# Replaced DEF_SLIDER2VAL/DEF_VAL2SLIDER with ScaleFromEnvelopeMode/ScaleToEnvelopeMode
# Take colors: fixed colors for multiple takes in lanes with v5 theme [p=1476282]
# Take envelopes: set new envelopes to current FX parameter value

v5.0pre12 - February 9 2015
+ Localization: all codecs (wav, video, mp3, etc) dialog boxes and related strings can be translated
+ Localization: new template LangPack
+ Metronome: improved count-in behavior/quality
+ Prefs: fixed track icon alignment setting [p=1473659]
+ WAV reading: support ambisonic WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE files
# API: GetSetObjectState2 supports take FX envelopes
# API: added CountTakeEnvelopes and GetTakeEnvelope
# FX browser: fixed video processor appearing in all folders
# Fixed various localtime() related crashes
# MIDI editor: preserve triplet/dotted/swing type when changing grid division via action [t=136307]
# ReaScript: support scripts with non-ASCII filenames
# Stretch markers: auto-add markers at item edges when modifying due to timemap
# Volume envelopes: fixed fader restoring when hiding fader-range volume envelopes [p=1470845]

v5.0pre11 - February 3 2015
+ Stretch Markers: improved behavior when changing tempo map/moving items across tempo maps
+ Take FX: duplicating FX copies channel counts
+ Take envelopes: when stretch markers are used, transform via tempo map
# Automation: do not clear latches when starting playback
# Automation: fixed FX automation writing when starting playback in write mode [p=1471672]
# JSFX: desc: line tweaks, many fx get secondary desc lines which include longer descriptions
# JSFX: updated default FX library, win32 installers allow not installing effects/data
# Take envelopes: fixed envelopes being both applied and copied when rendering items as new take

v5.0pre10 - January 31 2015
+ JSFX: fixed potential crash from gfx_circle() with bad parameters [p=1467110]
+ ReaScript: toggle state support (script toolbar buttons can have on/off states)
# API: added GetToggleCommandStateEx()
# Automation: "render items as new take" copies take FX and envelopes
# Automation: option to add envelope points following writes when stopped
# Envelopes: fixed copying fader-scaled volume envelope points
# FX add: more configurable left pane, improved recall of view
# JSFX: better shortened names
# Plugin routing: don't show sidechain dropdown for input, take fx
# ReaScript: renamed get_context() to get_action_context()
# Take envelopes: fixed default display-envelopes button
# Take envelopes: fixed envelopes sometimes not being drawn
# Takes: reordered buttons
# Video processors: fixed loading of parameter values from presets
# Video: fixed take fx automation timing

v5.0pre9 - January 28 2015
+ FX Browser: smart folders (filter-folders)
+ FX browser: options to view JSFX by description and/or filename
+ MIDI learn: fixed action binding corner-case in relatve modes 2 and 3
+ Ripple editing: fixed moving items with other locked items at same position [issueid=5490]
+ Ripple editing: removing time in one-track and all-track mode better respects QN preferences for markers, items, and envelopes
# Automation: automatically create per-take envelopes when tweaking FX parameters in envelope write mode, if preference enabled
# Automation: button to open per-take envelope dialog
# Automation: support for copying per-take envelopes from one take to another by dragging the envelope button
# Automation: take envelopes obey preference to only draw overlapping above a certain height
# Fixed "modify MIDI CC/mousewheel" actions
# VST: fixed some plugins refusing to accept the user setting an .RPL preset
# Video: allow automation on take FX processors
# Video: param button for accessing parameters
# Video: processors support user presets

v5.0pre8 - January 23 2015
+ API: added GetToggleCommandState3 since ReaScripts can't use GetToggleCommandState2
+ API: added RefreshToolbar2
+ API: added SetToggleCommandState to change ReaScript states
+ Automation: increased automation recording speed by 3x
+ Automation: support for recording automation in background projects
+ Automation: take FX automation recording support
+ Config export: include media explorer databases
+ ReaScript: EEL and Lua scripts can query various information (incl. MIDI/OSC input values) via get_context()
+ ReaScript: toggle state support (e.g. script toolbar buttons can have on/off states)
# API: removed the brand new RefreshToolbars (not ReaScript-friendly)
# Media item properties: fixed start offset adjustment when using take playrates
# Ripple edit: ripple-all mode no longer modifies time map
# Time Map: better bpm-changing behavior when shift-moving time signature markers
# Time Map: fixed auto-set of allow-partial flag during certain region reorders [p=1462556 part 2]
# VST3: fixed automation/undo for some plugins
# Video: changed default decoder priority to favor VLC, ignore more quicktime types for directshow
# Video: fixed RGB output on WINE

v5.0pre7 - January 18 2015
+ ReaScript: in addition to Python, EEL and Lua scripts support functions exported by extension plugins
# FX: improved undo behavior
# Item editing: trim behind mode better handles exactly-overlapping items
# Time Map: fixed incorrect start offsets generated when reordering regions
# VST3: fixed Duende crash
# VST3: fixed plugins closing on undo
# Video: AVFoundation video encoder fixes/optimizations for YV12 mode
# Video: improved YV12 odd-edge quality of gfx_fillrect()
# Video: improved resize logic to avoid subsampling artifacts

v5.0pre6b - January 16 2015
# ReaScript: fixed Python function wrappers (reaper_python.py)
+ Time Map: improved time signature behavior when moving/copying regions
# Theme updates, WT is smug

v5.0pre6 - January 16 2015
+ API: added GetVolumeEnvelopeScaling
+ API: added RefreshToolbars
+ ReaScript/EEL: support functions exported by plugin extensions
+ Time Map: improved behavior when adding/changing time signature marker numerator and/or denominator
+ Time Map: improved behavior when inserting/removing time in project (fixed auto-create of new time signature markers)
# MIDI editor: option to hide project markers, regions, tempo/time signature markers
# MIDI export: fixed encoding of linear tempo changes
# MIDI: mid file writing fixed when ticks per QN is configured higher than 64k
# Notation: removing notation editor for now. It will be back later.
# ReaScript/Python: fixed API functions dealing with HWND
# VST3: scan subdirectories of preset path for .vstpreset

v5.0pre5c - January 11 2015
# VCA: master mute envelopes apply to slave tracks
# VCA: pan/width support (uses slave track's pan law/pan mode. Dual pan not supported for VCA, and deprecated classic balance is not fully supported)

v5.0pre5b - January 10 2015
# VCA: changed VCA implementation, separate VCA master/slave flags, VCA pre-FX slave grouping flag. breaks pre5 VCA in projects completely

v5.0pre5 - January 10 2015
+ API: added GetFXEnvelope()
+ Track grouping: VCA slave track group setting
# API: added DelteEnvelopePointRange
# API: added GetOS()
# Fixed setting of non-timesignature tempo markers
# MIDI editor: note-off velocities can be edited in a separate lane
# MIDI editor: show tempo/time signature markers in the ruler
# MIDI: stop hanging notes when muting MIDI media items during playback
# Notation editor: context menu to change clefs
# Notation editor: fixed bad font sizing on OSX
# Notation editor: improved ties, erasing notes, undo
# Notation editor: preview notes while editing via the project virtual keyboard
# Routing: creating or changing a sidechain send does not send MIDI
# VST3: various fixes relating to preset changes

v5.0pre4 - January 8 2015
+ API: added CountEnvelopePoints, GetEnvelopePoint, GetEnvelopePointByTime, SetEnvelopePoint, InsertEnvelopePoint, Envelope_SortPoints, Envelope_Evaluate
+ API: added FindTempoTimeSigMarker, EditTempoTimeSigMarker, DeleteTempoTimeSigMarker
+ API: added SetMediaItemTake_Source
+ FX: added sidechain dropdown in pin connector window
+ FX: enable parameter learn menu for rec-input, monitoring, and per-take FX
+ Item fades: fixed potential for invalid output in certain but rare fades
+ MIDI editor: project tempo markers can be viewed and edited in a special lane
+ MIDI: note-off velocity support
+ Media Explorer: fixed MIDI/OSC action binding
+ Notation editor. Early days, feedback welcome!
+ Render queue: fixed invalid render directories/filenames in certain instances [issueid=5459]
# FX: refresh track controls when editing FX parameters
# ReaScript: fixed docked IDE keyboard support on win32
# VST3: show parameter context menu when right-clicking on parameter knob, if plugin supports it
# Video: updated builtin ffmpeg version to include mov container, QTRLE support, ffmpeg 1.2.11
# Volume envelopes: changed project save/load format for fader-scaled envelopes, for compatibility when running older versions of REAPER (note: projects previously saved with fader-scaled envelopes will not load correctly)
# Volume envelopes: fixed manual edit of envelope point value

v5.0pre3 - January 4 2015
+ EEL/Lua editor: don't block input from international keyboards
+ JSFX: change font size in editor via Ctrl+Mousewheel (also works in ReaScript IDE)
+ JSFX: fixed last touched parameter when skipping sliders [t=152326]
+ JSFX: support for naming sliderXY variables via @sliderx:varname=defval<... syntax
+ OGG Vorbis: support chained files with heterogeneous channel count
+ Ruler: absolute frames time display mode
+ Time Map: better behavior when changing time signatures
+ Undo: fixed FX envelope edition undo which was also changing lane height
+ VST: fixed incorrect latency reporting when changing pin connections
# API: added GetMediaSourceLength()
# API: fixed GetLastTouchedFX()
# Actions: fixed 'Adjust last touched FX parameter (MIDI/OSC only)'
# JSFX/ReaScript: fixed partial editor redraws
# Lua: fixed gfx.getimgdim()
# Prefs: fixed setting of no track grouping indicator [t=140835]
# Theme: WIP updates
# Undo: FX envelope undo internal improvements
# VST3: .vstpreset import/export support
# VST3: .vstpreset loading support
# VST3: improved state save/restore
# Video: added deinterlace preset, gfx_img_getptr to detect frame changes
# Video: changed default for new projects to video-on-lowered-numbered-tracks priority
# Video: fixed YV12 output on OSX for odd image widths
# Video: fixed video processor window opening before video window on win32
# Video: named FX parameter support in processors

v5.0pre2 - December 24 2014
# FX: fixed "last touched parameter" actions responding to FX GUI edits
# API: added Main_SaveProject, fixed MIDI_InsertNote, improved Get/SetProjExtState
# Envelopes: fixed volume envelope fader feedback in fader-scaled mode
# JS: added volume_pan_sample_accurate_auto (example of how to use sample-accurate automation in JSFX)
# JSFX: fixed automation issues [p=1446341]
# Theme tweak window: fixed brokenness
# VST3: automatically scan VST3 path for existing users, once only
# VST3: don't display categories in FX browser if the user has no VST3s installed
# VST3: ever-expanding plugin compatibility
# Volume envelopes: fixed multichannel flat segment support [p=1446227]

v5.0pre1 - December 21 2014
+ API: added Get/SetProjExtState, so reascripts and extensions can save data with the project
+ API: improved MIDI support
+ Action list: merged columns 'Cmd Id' and 'Custom ID'
+ Appearance: added theme tweak window (and removed outdated preferences pane)
+ Appearance: improved theme color tinting support (requires 'version 5' in rtconfig)
+ Appearance: themes can override tint/peaks preferences (such prefs will be disabled in the preferences if so) via rtconfig 'tcptint' and 'peaksedges')
+ Automation: internal changes and performance improvements to FX parameter automation
+ Automation: more consistent behavior when changing FX preset
+ Automation: new volume envelope type that mimics track fader scaling
+ Automation: warn user when changing volume envelope type, because linear envelope transitions will generate different audio depending on the scaling
+ Buffering: updated default worker thread scheduling logic
+ Default preference change: enable 'ignore mouse wheel on all faders'
+ Default preference change: enable 'inform plug-ins of offline rendering state'
+ Do not automatically enable MIDI vol/pan faders when creating MIDI-only sends/receives [t=94841]
+ FX: support for parameters with inverted ranges
+ JS: sample-accurate automation support (individual FX can see the queue of scheduled automation changes while processing an audio buffer block)
+ JSFX: added support for slider minimums being greater than maximums
+ JSFX: editor improvements (scrollbars, multiple editing panes, etc)
+ Metronome: beat patterns can be configured by the user
+ Metronome: new beat patterns can be specified whenever the time signature changes
+ More toolbars
+ OGG Vobis: support chained files with heterogeneous channel count
+ Opus support (http://www.opus-codec.org)
+ Parameter modulation: user-adjustable LFO phase
+ Project tabs: fixed hide/restore of input FX windows on tab switch
+ ReaScript: graphics/UI API (gfx*) extended, added support for Lua
+ ReaScript: integrated Lua 5.3 scripting support
+ ReaScript: new IDE supports syntax highlighting, multiple editing panes, watch lists, structure matching, and more
+ ReaScript: support for running scripts within an integrated development environment (IDE)
+ Ruler/Grid: improved display for frame grid and HH:MM:SS:FF
+ Screensets: better project tab support for FX
+ Screensets: fixed screenset issues with input FX and hardware FX
+ Theming: scrollbar_2 and scrollbar_3 images can override scrollbar images for arrange and MIDI editor respectively
+ VST3: added VST3 support
+ Video: allow user configurable video decoder priorities with per-extension controls
+ Video: configurable video output display latency
+ Video: dockable video window
+ Video: per-source option to not decode audio for video files
+ Video: pooled audio decoders, reducing RAM use for heavily edited videos
+ Video: project framerate is used instead of media framerate to determine display timing
+ Video: projects can now specify preferred video width/height/colorspace, resizing options
+ Video: realtime programmable (EEL) effect processors insertable as track and item FX, items
+ Video: support for AVFoundation video encoding/decoding on OSX 10.7+
# Fixed toolbar docker sometimes opened with wrong tabs/toolbars
Кстати в продолжение вопроса: отличаются некоторые функции в версиях, допустим. В четверке например vca нет. Тогда есть вероятность, что проекты не будут читаться в 4-ке? Или откроются, просто не будет работать связь в этих треках? При сохранении тогда и открытии снова в 5-ке будет vca работать?
Ребят, помогите сново, не пойму, то ли я что нажал не то где то (вроде ничего такого не делал), то ли новая фича в пятом, или баг возможно. Короче перестали сгруппированные итемы резаться/тянуться/как либо еще редактироваться вместе.
Кстати в продолжение вопроса: отличаются некоторые функции в версиях, допустим. В четверке например vca нет. Тогда есть вероятность, что проекты не будут читаться в 4-ке? Или откроются, просто не будет работать связь в этих треках? При сохранении тогда и открытии снова в 5-ке будет vca работать?
Проверьте - чего ж проще.

PS: Если откроете в 4-ке проект, в котором были задействованы новые функции 5-ки, он вам напишет что-то такое -

Если всё-таки откроете - всё работать будет, кроме эксклюзивных функций 5-ки.
Ну и если пересохраните в 4-ке - в 5-ке эти функции уже работать не будут.
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Реакции: fruitcore
А подскажите по покупке,если я файлом лицензии активирую пре-релиз всё пройдёт нормально?
Хочу добавить свой кастом-экшн на Mouse Modifiers/Arrange view/right drag... Но!!!
Вкладки action list... там нет?!?!?!
Как быть?
Заметил, эта опция в некоторых Context есть, а некоторых нет.
А не подскажите есть ли возможность настройки вертикального зумирования при помощи тачпада MacBook Pro?
я имел в виду "жестовое" зуммирование: то бишь два пальца по горизонтали (горизонтальное зуммирование), по вертикали-вертикальное / без использования cmd (как в logic x)?
v5.0pre36 - June 2 2015
+ EDL: support for VIDEO media type in Vegas EDL TXT
# Theme updates
# Theme: fixed win32 loading of certain images (session red/blue subtheme fix)
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Реакции: tosh
Раньше поиск в семплах за секунду выдавал нужный запрос, а теперь сканирует несколько минут, проверяет сабфолдеры. Как-нибудь можно вернуть старый, быстрый поиск?
Paste FX-Chain to selected item, slot n некорректно работает. На некоторых айтемах работает, а на некоторых НЕТ.
Это баг или что? Снял мультик.
Past FX-Chain.gif
Ребят, помогите сново, не пойму, то ли я что нажал не то где то (вроде ничего такого не делал), то ли новая фича в пятом, или баг возможно. Короче перестали сгруппированные итемы резаться/тянуться/как либо еще редактироваться вместе.

Необходимо активировать Item edit grouping. можно сделать с тулбара, который идёт по умолчанию или нажать (если не меняли эту комбинацию под свои нужды) Alt+Shift+G


  • item01.png
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Раньше поиск в семплах за секунду выдавал нужный запрос, а теперь сканирует несколько минут, проверяет сабфолдеры. Как-нибудь можно вернуть старый, быстрый поиск?
ну если в корне папки с семплами искать, то да, пока прошарит все. А если в папке определенной библы, например, то вполне шустро.
А ещё следующая бета sws на подходе с несколькими импортированными функциями winapi. Про мышь тоже упоминалось (в потенциале - drag для всего), посмотрим что там Breeder намутил))
Объясните, пожалуйста. У меня одного вместо картинок надписи на кнопках тулбаров? Для каждой кнопки нужно отдельно картинку назначать, или есть готовые установки?


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v5.0rc2 - June 19 2015
+ Project Bay: fixed replace FX in project [issueid=5324]
+ Project Bay: fixed source/item/fx deletion and undo issues [issueid=5315]
# Mixer: only center list elements if centered text would fit
# Project Bay: fixed VST2.4/VST3 confusions [p=1534995]
# Project Bay: use user-created FX instance names in project bay
# Splash: better formatting of long messages
# Theme walter/color tweaks/fixes
# VST: fixed label of fx inserted via vst folders context menu [p=1535692]
Народ,подскажите. Волновая форма на дорожке видна только при увеличении масштаба трека. При уменьшении не видно. В Media explorer то же не видно волны. Как исправить?
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.

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