Выбор студийных мониторов: вопросы и ответы (ч.2) (15 онлайн)

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hello guys,
so i heard a pair of those in the studio. I was listening to APS Klasik and comparing them to a pair of APS Aeon as well as APS COAX + sub (it was probably 10 but I didn't have a good look under the table).
So those Klasik speakers perform really well, they have clear mids, go down really low (but the bass is not boomy, its gentle and dynamic). I had the impression that they perform better than Aeons (i didn't notice difference in the low end - thats a plus for Klasik) but I noticed quite a difference in the mid-freqs, where Klasik are much brighter/clearer than AEONS (that is another plus for Klasik). The best listening impression gave me combination of APS COAX + sub (insane mid-hi freqs and sub played the rest), but I decided to buy a pair of KLASIKs due to tight budget. I also didn't want to produce with subwoofer (although I focus on the low freqs) because it's very tempting to boost the woofer and loose control over the bass.
So basically I bought the klasiks. If you got any questions, just hit me. I can post photos when I will receive them, which will be by the end of the week (i've got custom design version and now they are under construction).
Similar but slightly smaller room (2.8 x 3.6m) with Aeons and love them. Not sure on your situation but very importantly my room is fairly well treated with Bass Traps and broadband absorbers (not foam and eggboxes) at reflection points etc. Literally more than this-or-that monitor, treatment made THE exponential difference in both the sound I record and the sound I hear on playback.

Here's some copied and snipped analysis from a friend who had Klasik and Aeon side by side (plus APC Coaxials and some ATC for grins) in a very reputable European store with a rep. FYI this friend also had OG A7....he ended up buying the Aeons

"We completely ignored the Adams and the Neumanns. He said it was not worth hooking them up compared to the ATCs and the APSs. So I spent a couple hours a/b/c ing the Coax, the Klasiks and the Aeons (with silk domes). and for ****s and giggles the 9k ATC SCM45As.

The Klasiks are identical to the Aeons in almost every way except size. Bass is a little less obvious and they don't have the SPL oomph of the Aeons. Still the Klasiks rate down to +/- 2dB at 35 Hz vs the Aeon's +/- 2dB at 30 Hz so they are very similar.

The sale rep recommended the Klasiks over the Aeons even though he owns a pair of Aeons. His reasoning is the 15 year gap in development between the two, the identical innards, and size/cost to performance.

The Klasiks have little bit more midrange clarity. I preferred their stereo image over the Aeon's, but that was more a factor of the set up than the speakers per se. I have read the Aeons are finicky with positioning, so I guess that is what I was hearing. They were a bit too close together relative to the listening position. The room itself also has some phasing issues which did not flatter the poor positioning of the Aeons.

The Aeons could well serve as midfields but the Klasiks are resolutely near fields. I did get the feeling that the Klasiks were straining a touch at higher SPLs, but the Aeons hummed along without breaking a sweat.

The Coaxials were by far the most detailed and "nice". What an incredible stereo image. The sealed box design and bass roll off at 50hz means they come across as "weak" next to the Klasiks and Aeons. They remind me a lot of the Adam A7s, but with way more depth of field and no fluffy bass around 80 - 100Hz. They are also the sexiest looking of the three APS models by far.

Serious sound. Excellent enough to add a "hmmmm these might be contenders" for sure.

The ATCs leave them all standing in the dust though. Holy Moly.


Here is the great news for you (and possibly me). The Aeons (and the Klasiks, to a lesser extent) stand their ground against the ATCs 100%. The ATCs lap the others several times and are having a beer by the time the others come in from the track, but ...

Astonishing given an almost 9:1 price ratio. and size difference.

In a couple of weeks I will loan the Klasiks and Aeons and set them up at home, and then make a final decision. I am leaning towards the Klasiks, price and size being a big factor. One of the issues with the Aeon's size is finding decent enough stands for them that don't inflate the cost madly.

You def made a great investment. Given that they are at home next to truly exceptional speakers they are a no brainer at this point."
Аеон дороже, наверное и посолиднее будут, но учитывая, что Класики близки по звуку к Аеонам, дешевле и я собираюсь использовать их дома, они меня больше заинтересовали. это лишь моя параноя)
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Реакции: The Patient Zero
@The Patient Zero, думаю в musicstore заказать, там с доставкой почти 1000 евро, дешевле пока не нашел, ну и заодно измерительный микрофон. А вы, кстати, где Аеон заказывали? У вас же Аеон?
Последнее редактирование:
@bruno_banano, да у меня AEON. Я ездил на завод изготовитель для заключения договоренности по APS и мы пришли к соглашению, теперь я могу помочь производителю с доставкой хороших мониторов в Россию. У нас нет дистрибьютера по APS и это печально, они стоят внимания.
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Реакции: Zit и bruno_banano
Аеон дороже, наверное и посолиднее будут
Класики - ближнее, Аеон - среднее поле. Со всеми вытекающими. В особенности, что Аеонам нужно подготовленное помещение. Дома вам с ними хорошо не будет.
@bruno_banano, это за один у Вас, но цена за пару 1400€ +- в Росии реальная на AEON, еще и доставка курьером, а не почтой. Если самому тащить, они же тяжелые и будет перевес (больше 31кг) и еще привышение в 1000€ лимит.
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Реакции: bruno_banano
Всем привет. Выбираю себе первые мониторы на вторичном рынке.
И остановился на двух вариантах:
1)krk rokit 8 g2 за 24 тысячи
2)беринжер траст 2031а за 20 тысяч
Сейчас у меня микролабы соло 2,доводилось сводить на ямахах hs80m и мне на контрасте с микролабами оч понравилось
Что посоветуете?
А,ну и да,музыку не пишу,основная цель сводить вокал с готовым минусом
Последнее редактирование:
Те-же a7x только с глубоким низом но с немного слабоватой нижней серединой. Отличная панорама в глубину неплохие. Есть небольшие акценты на верхушках. Сильный напористый звук. После a7x прирост в качестве 30%
@acidjazz, “еще type-05 были” это которые hedd? Как они? Успели протестировать их плагин по компенсации ачх+фчх?
Да Hedd. Отличные мониторы, верхушка приятнее чем на a7x. Удивил плотный, четкий низ до 40 точно. Любые манипуляции хорошо слышны. Для меня это один из важнейших показателей качества звука. Музыкальность и прочее ляляля мне не интересны.
[DOUBLEPOST=1508764287][/DOUBLEPOST]Впервые слышу про плагин для hedd.. Нахватает времени, по возможности изучу и проверю. Хэды еще у меня лежат
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Реакции: The Patient Zero
Усилитель от SDYpower, Уважаемый Dimonis изготавливает их. По возможности закажу anaview и hypex. Если честно, я больше ставку делаю на мониторы и на цап
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Реакции: alexpen
@acidjazz, поставьте плагин, он бесплатный, дайте отзыв пожалуйста. Очень интересно. Только если можно немного подробнее, не как с Amphion ;)
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Реакции: Kaiser Suze

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