кстати, и на гирслатце тоже есть ревнители "красящих" преампов - которые недоумевают зачем тамошние "самоделкины" (типа Jim Williams из Audio Upgrades

) вообще пытаются добиваться "нейтральности" преампов, и улучшать фирменные аппараты путем замены операционников и конденсаторов...
вот была там дискуссия, прямо как под копирку повторяющая местную:
> So essentially what you don't understand is why Jim thinks a clean signal chain should be the first principle of studio design?
>> That's not what was being said. Why would you buy a "colored" preamp and have it modded by Jim to be "clean"?
>> I don't understand this idea of using a clean preamp at all if you want a colored sound.
>> I like the sound of colored preamps. Using anything besides what I want seems like a wasted step.
>>> With all due respect, not trying to be flip here, that is a bit passive aggressive.
>>> First off, like many on GS, you are using the term
clean and the opposite you define as
colored, as if it were an off switch or either or.
>>> Sorry, black and white are a dichotomy, objective, clean or colored in reference to sound is not either or, but subjective, our opinion, which we are all entitled to.
>>> There is no colored or clean but
no matter what the sound, if there is noise or dirt, don't want it in my signal chain.
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