ReaScript name: js_Remove all CCs, pitch, channel pressure and program change events from all tracks.lua
Version: 2.00
Author: juliansader
Website: http://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=179065
# Description
Removes all CCs, pitch, channel pressure and program change events from all takes and all tracks in project.
* v1.00 (2016-09-13)
+ Initial release
* v2.00 (2017-03-18)
+ Much faster execution, using new API in REAPER v5.30.
CC = 11
PITCH = 14
tRemove = {}
gotInputsOK = false
gotInputsOK, userInputs = reaper.GetUserInputs("Remove CCs", 4, "Remove all CCs?,Program changes?,Channel pressure?,Pitchbends?", "n,y,y,n")
if not gotInputsOK then return end
userInputs = userInputs:lower()
tRemove = nil
tRemove = {}
tRemove[CC], tRemove[PROGSEL], tRemove[CHANPRESS], tRemove[PITCH] = userInputs:match("([yn]),([yn]),([yn]),([yn])")
if not (tRemove[CC] and tRemove[PROGSEL] and tRemove[CHANPRESS] and tRemove[PITCH]) then gotInputsOK = false end
until gotInputsOK == true
for i = 11, 14 do
if tRemove[i] == "y" then tRemove[i] = true else tRemove[i] = false end
num_items = reaper.CountMediaItems(0)
for i = 0, num_items-1 do
cur_item = reaper.GetMediaItem(0, i)
if reaper.ValidatePtr2(0, cur_item, "MediaItem*") then
num_takes = reaper.CountTakes(cur_item)
for t = 0, num_takes-1 do
cur_take = reaper.GetTake(cur_item, t)
if reaper.ValidatePtr2(0, cur_take, "MediaItem_Take*") and reaper.TakeIsMIDI(cur_take) then
local tableEvents = {}
local t = 0 -- Table key
local gotAllOK, MIDIstring = reaper.MIDI_GetAllEvts(cur_take, "")
local MIDIlen = MIDIstring:len()
local stringPos = 1 -- Position inside MIDIstring while parsing
local offset, flags, msg
while stringPos < MIDIlen-12 do -- -12 to exclude final All-Notes-Off message
offset, flags, msg, stringPos = string.unpack("i4Bs4", MIDIstring, stringPos)
if msg:len() > 1 then
if tRemove[msg:byte(1)>>4] == true then
msg = ""
t = t + 1
tableEvents[t] = string.pack("i4Bs4", offset, flags, msg)
reaper.MIDI_SetAllEvts(cur_take, table.concat(tableEvents) .. MIDIstring:sub(-12))
end -- if(reaper.TakeIsMIDI(cur_take))
end -- for t = 0, num_takes-1 do
end -- if reaper.ValidatePtr2(0, curItem, "MediaItem*")
end -- for i = 0, num_items-1 do
reaper.Undo_OnStateChange("Remove all CCs from all tracks")