Гы, написал ему письмо и тут же пришёл ответ
>Dear Paul! Excellent new library! The whole world has watched and listened to your new Dimension Strings, and the whole world already want to buy it!

>NEED MORE Audio-Demos!!!
>for example:
>a) Fast and energetic - a'la "Hungarian Dances" by J.Brahms
>b) Full (forte and max vibrato) legato melody - a'la "Melody" by A.Rubinstein
>c) Test of speed "legato-detache" - a'la "Le quattro stagioni" A.Vivaldi
>(enough make only violins parts from this works, else can be perform on the piano

>after which the whole world be happy give all their money to buy your library!

>With respect to you! Serg.
Hello Serg,
Thanks for your mail!
Making music takes a little time ;-)
695 Euros for 1.000.000 samples is a bargain, but of course you can wait a bit. There will be more demos!
Best regards,
Paul Steinbauer
Он говорит 700 евро за миллион сэмплов это не дорого короче. :biggrin: Ну наверно следует с ним согласиться.