у меня тоже, ничего кельтского, сплошные блюзовые ходы получаются :russian:
и тоже, на железе D A D G A D, на нейлоне обычный строй.
уже года четыре как ))
и очень мне оно нраица )
вот делюсь, что у меня в текстовом фаиле D A D G A D написано:
нетрадиционный строй гитары
Tuning Low 6 5 4 3 2 1 High
Mayfield F# A# C# F# A# F#
Collins F C F Ab C F
Half Bent F Bb Eb Ab C F
Fourths E A D G C F
Open E E B E G# B E
Open A E A E A C# E
Nashville e a d G B E
High Plain D E A d G B E
Standard E A D G B E
Lute E A D F# B E
Hendrix Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb
Drop D D A D G B E
Drop D D A D G B D
Open D D A D F# A D
D Minor D A D F A D
D Modal D A D D A D
G 6 D G D G B E
Open G D G D G B D
Richards G D G B D
G Minor D G D G Bb D
Cooder Db Ab Db F Ab Db
Kottke C# F# B E G# C#
Open C C G C G C E
C 6 C G C G A E
Kaki King C G D G A D
Leadbelly B E A D F# B
Baritone B E A D F# B
Baritone A D G C E A
Drop D Tuning - D A D G B E
Although this tuning has been around for a long time, the Seattle grunge movement in the early 1990's brought about it's popularity. Drop D tuning was used extensively by bands like Nirvana, partly because it made playing power chords with one finger possible.
DADGAD Tuning - D A D G A D
There is a whole subculture of guitarists who play exclusively in DADGAD tuning, as it lends itself well to certain types of styles (celtic music, for example). But, DADGAD has also been explored by Jimmy Page and other rock guitarists.
Open D Tuning - D A D F# A D
When the open strings are strummed in this tuning, the sound of a D major chord is produced. This has made this tuning a favorite of slide players, who can simply lay their slide straight across one fret to play chords.
Open G Tuning - D G D G B D
Keith Richards has always loved this one, and has written many classic Rolling Stones riffs in open G. Many slide players also prefer open G, which is tuned to a G major chord.
Open C Tuning - C G C G C E
Slightly more obscure, open C is tuned to a C major chord, and utilizes a very low sixth string to give the guitar a big, full sound.
Low C Tuning - C D G G A D
Another somewhat unusual tuning, low C tuning is more often used in Celtic music. You can create some very unique sounds with this one.
и напоследок :smartass:
>Еще такой вопрос вдогонку, а кто именно пользовался
>D A D G A D кроме Джими Пейджа?