Апдейты/апгрейды софта (1 онлайн

Вроде небыло, U-He MFM2 v2.5 вышел в начале сентября, уже доступен для скачивания на оф сайте.


Official changelog (инфа взята с форума kvr):

* CLAP support (new plugin format)
* Native support for Apple Silicon chips (M1)
* macOS Monterey compatibility
* Fresh new GUI
* New input section with gain, filter and transient balance
* New Granular effect
* New Diffusor effect
* New output clipper
* Improved filters
* Added meters for delay lines
* Improved GUI performance
* Support for Oddsound MTS-ESP
* Improved handling of junction links on Windows
* Preferences and MIDI learn section added
* Revamped factory preset library
* Improved VST3 support
* Improved preset browser
* Improved soundset installation
* Support for copy & paste in preset browser
* UTF8 support for user names
* Various Mac and Windows installer improvements
* System info displayed in GUI (revision, OS, plugin format)
* Ctrl A/B replaces fixed Breath and Expression modulation
* Added "set as default" option to Ctrl A/B section

Bug Fixes:

* Fixed a crash when loading script presets (e.g. Randomizer)
* Fixed a crash in Bandlab Cakewalk when reloading a project using VST3
* Preventing audio clicks when switching presets
* Modulating soft clip and decimate effects was not working
* Unused options in Linux preset browser now greyed out
* Various framework fixes and improvements

Known Issues:

* Context menus need plugin focus to work (Apple issue)

Регулярная цена после апдейта увеличилась с 79 евров до 99.
Для купивших ранее - апдейт бесплатный.

Последнее редактирование:
Eventide Physion Mk II, апгрейд странноватого плагина-разделителя.

Что нового:
- New Polyphonic pitch shifting algorithm based on Eventide's new SIFT technology.
- New Reverse Delays with gating, ping-pong, and crystals modes.
- New Side Chain input for dynamics processors.
- New State-of-the-art Filters, taken directly from SplitEQ.
- New Resizable GUI with scrolling waveform display and easy-to-use layout – no menu diving required.

Интро 99$ (reg 179$), для юзеров лицензии Anthology XII апгрейд бесплатный.
(The original version of Physion is now discontinued. Any customers who are Anthology XII users will automatically be able to download Physion Mk II for free).

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Реакции: Yare и vip76
Devious Machines готовят к выходу Infiltrator 2 (мультиефикс)

Из интересного заявленого например гранулярный таймстретч, 14 разных спектральных еффектов, вокодер. Но как оно будет на деле, пока неизвестно. Но судя по качеству программинга их остальных плугинов, должно быть круто.

Полный список изменений:
- Improved modulation: Each individual effect has a second, assignable envelope which can modulate any of its parameters.
- Expanded Filters: Adding to the existing filter-family collection, meet the new Dual filter (combined lowpass and highpass filter for vowel-like noises), Formant filter (fuller-sounding mode on the vocal formant filter) and Notch filter.
- Vastly expanded preset library: Now catalogued and categorised to ensure maximum productivity.
- Vocoder Effect.
- Enhanced Reverb: The stunning Void allows massive, lush reverb tails. Reflect simulates early reflections and diffuse echoes.
- New Degrade distortion model.
- Time manipulation suite: Meet Stretch the granular timestretch; Varispeed – ideal for tape stops and vinyl scratch effects; drop your beats to half time with Slow; Reverse – your audio, but backwards at the touch of a button.
- Spectral Effects: 14 fresh effects which transform your audio in the frequency domain using FFT
- Optimised dynamics: Compressor effects in Infiltrator’s Master section are now available as a module alongside a new audio gate module.
- MIDI CC output: Infiltrator’s envelopes may now be used to control external devices.
- Latency compensation: More options for smoother preset changes.

Ещё апгрейд будет бесплатный для юзеров v1, что уж совсем необычно.
Точная дата релиза пока неизвестна.

Вышел, цена интро 74.99 GBP (reg 99.99 GBP).
Также возможна небольшая лоялити доп скидка если куплен другой их плугин.

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Реакции: owntrix и Greev
Celemony Melodyne v5.3

What news:
New features and improvements:

- Surround: In both ARA and Transfer modes, Melodyne can now also be used for the editing of tracks in the standard surround formats.
- ARA in Pro Tools: Melodyne 5.3 comes with all the technical prerequisites for ARA integration into Pro Tools from Version 2022.9 upwards and thus makes a significantly improved workflow in Pro Tools possible.
- Preferences: When Melodyne is employed for the first time as a plug-in, it loads the set of keyboard shortcuts corresponding to the DAW you are using.

Bug fixes:

- Recording: In the stand-alone implementation of Melodyne, you can now also use a recording device with a mono input (e.g. a MacBook microphone).
- ARA in Cubase: When moving an ARA event to a track that is not selected, the selection in Melodyne is now retained.
- Pro Tools: The position of the playback cursor in Melodyne is now correctly updated even when playback is stopped.
- AAX in Pro Tools: When bouncing/committing, Melodyne now correctly evaluates the offline setting.
- The Correct Pitch macro: When the macro was applied to a very large number of notes simultaneously, Melodyne would sometimes freeze. This no longer happens.
- Preferences: Previously, in ARA mode, the keyboard shortcut for "Playback Selection" was erroneously listed under "Others" instead of under "Transport Bar". This has been fixed.
- The Note Inspector: The input field for Sibilant Balance now reliably accepts input even when multiple tracks are being edited simultaneously.
- ARA in Cakewalk by Bandlab: Under certain circumstances, Melodyne would crash when loading a session. This has been fixed.
- Ableton Live: The cause of random crashes when Melodyne was running in Live 11.1.1 under macOS Monterey on a Mac with an M1 chip has been detected and eliminated.
- Note editing: The "Restore Original" commands in the Edit menu now behave more consistently in the stand-alone implementation, in the Transfer plug-in and under ARA.
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Реакции: Arlekin
Audiority GrainSpace v2.4 крупная обнова

- NEW: Updated Framework
- NEW: Grain Pitch Quantizer
- NEW: Modulation destinations for Chord Resonator and Reverb sections
- NEW: Alternate Stretch mode
- NEW: Input / Output / Mix controls
- NEW: CLAP plugin format (beta)
- NEW: Non-destructive Monophonic Modulations (CLAP only)
- NEW: Persistent GUI settings (via Settings option)
- NEW: Parameter value shown on display when mouse is over a knob
- NEW: Drag and Drop license file on registration window
- NEW: Vector toolbar
- NEW: Corner Resizer (bottom right corner of the UI)
- NEW: More presets
- FIX: Improved Licenser and Online Activation
- FIX: Improved Licenser error messages
- FIX: GUI not showing correct preset name when opened the first time
- FIX: Improved button automations
- FIX: Tail not flushed on transport restart
- FIX: Reduced glitching when using Stretch, Pitch and Position
- FIX: Grain Position not working as expected
- FIX: Improved parameters smoothing
- FIX: Infinite feedback when Grain Feedback is set to a high value
- FIX: Buttons and menus not triggering preset changed
- CHANGE: Improved error messages
- CHANGE: Grain Buffer size increased to 10 seconds
- BREAKING CHANGE: Improved licenser requires a new activation

И промо до 10 oct, 29 eur (reg 45 eur)


PSP Echo v1.5

- VST3 format for macOS and Windows.
- New AAX engine for macOS and Windows.
- Apple Silicon native support.
- The brand new Preset System - added sorting presets by categories; added Undo/Redo functionality; improved A/B functionality; improved save/load preset experience.
- Tons of of new presets and new tempo synchronized presets designed by top sound engineers from around the world.
- New graphic engine with zooming and high resolution graphics.
- Side chain input for ducker controlling.
- Dropdown menu for directly settings value of music notes (including dotted and triplets).
- Swap delay channels settings button.
- Dry enable button (as global parameter for all presets).
- Wet enable button.
- Improved compatibility with the latest systems and latest version versions of popular DAWs.


Ещё Audioease Speakerphone слегка обновился (последняя обнова под Win была в 2018)

Most important reason to update:
In earlier versions sometimes Speakerphone would not load the Room or Microphone or Cover IRs and this resulted in a plug-in that was not passing any audio.
Delay compensation issues have also been addressed.

Speakerphone 2.2.2 update for Windows release notes:
- Blanc screen in mic/cover/room solved
- no more logging in audio thread
- VST & AAX latency reporting corrected
- VST & AAX plug-ins are 64 bits only (version 2.1.6 is the last Speakerphone 2 in 32 bits).
- VST: Nuendo & Cubase: IR automatisation fixed
- VST: crash when inserted in multichannel channel is solved
- Pro Toos: fixed crashes on HDX hardware
Вроде небыло, McDSP обновили всю линейку до v7 (April 2022). Но апгрейд платный, 29$ за плугин (с v5 до v7 - 49$) (бесплатно только для All Access Subscribers).

Our v7 release brings tons of new and exciting features to our entire line of software products, along with high-definition user interfaces. For over two decades our award-winning double precision, zero latency algorithms have stood out from the crowd, and v7 continues this legacy, in addition to two activations per license. All McDSP v7 plug-ins are also optimized for Apple silicon and the latest Intel processors.

Детальной инфы ненашёл, но кое где есть и новые фичи: The FutzBox v7 adds several new updates including new distortion controls like Chop, Wobble and a whole new Tuned Intensity mode.

Cableguys выпустили ShaperBox 3

Главные обновы помоему новый модуль LiquidShaper (flanger/phaser) и расширенный аудио триггеринг, остальное по мелочи (easier waveform editing, external sidechain view, enhanced browser).

Регулярная цена неясна, текущая 89$ это вроде бы с интро скидкой. Апгрейд с фул v2 - 29$.

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Реакции: AL3X
Izotope прислали уведомление про снятие с продажи продуктов: Iris 2, BreakTweaker, Trash 2.
Но у кого было куплено соот-но - активация\скачивание всё как обычно (но из раздела legacy).

Тоже насчёт линейки Exponential Audio продуктов - discontinued для R2, R4, R2 Surround, PhoenixVerb, PhoenixVerb Surround, NIMBUS, and Excalibur.
Оставлены только Stratus и Symphony (которые имеют совместимость с пресетами вышеупомянутых EA плагов, кроме Excalibur, доп инфа тут https://support.izotope.com/hc/en-us/articles/7334865287709), и сделали апдейт только к ним двум "a new UI as well as native M1 support".

Why are you discontinuing these products?
iZotope is continually developing new products, services, and solutions to enable and innovate on journeys in audio production. We occasionally need to retire older products in order to focus our resources and development efforts on building new, innovative products and features.
Последнее редактирование:
GForce выпустили Oddity3

Key Features:
- Analog modelling of a bonafide classic.
- [New] Powerful Preset Browser.
- [New] Over 2000 presets including 250+ new presets.
- [New] Distortion & Matrix Reverb effects, with updated Delay.
- [New] Vintage knob for authentic analog imperfections.
- [New] Four programmable Macros for easy manipulation of sounds.
- [New] Programmable Aftertouch and expanded Velocity controls for extra playability.
- [New] Fully-scalable UI with three authentic skins.
- Monophonic, Monophonic Legato, Duophonic and Polyphonic modes.
- 4023 (12dB), 4035 (24dB) and 4075 (24dB) lowpass filter types from all three original models, plus highpass filter.
- Two syncable Oscillators plus tunable Sub Oscillator.
- Vast modulation options via X-Modifiers.
- Authentic Ring Modulator.
- Pan spread for wide stereo sounds.

Price: intro $64.99 (reg $129.99) до конца ноября. Апгрейд вроде пишут около половины интро цены.

Последнее редактирование:
Antares Auto-Tune Pro X (a major update to the flagship vocal tuning software. Auto-Tune Pro has been replaced).



Key Features:
- Redesigned Graph Mode: A simplified note-object view and streamlined user interface make Graph Mode even easier to use.
- Apple Silicon Native: Built to run natively on the newest Apple hardware for increased speed and plug-in efficiency.
- Artists Presets and Presets Manager: An exclusive collection of artist presets and a new Presets Manager to fast-track creativity.
- Multi-View: Quickly switch between separate Auto-Tune tracks in a single window to edit multiple vocals, faster.

Price: Помимо подписки доступна perpetual license: $459 (includes one free year of Auto-Tune Unlimited) ; $175 for upgrade from v9.

*Both Auto-Tune Pro X owners and Auto-Tune Unlimited subscribers will be first in line to get the free forthcoming update with ARA2 support for select DAWs.

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Реакции: Val68 и Alex_HS
Voxengo TEOTE 1.12

This update includes the following changes:

* Implemented "Portable Setups" support (portable settings and authorization storage), read more in the Primary User Guide.
* Fixed an issue with popup-menus not functioning in Logic Pro on Apple M1 native.
* Made a small speed-up of GUI loading and drawing.
* Fixed an issue with the "Alt" key not working on the "OLE Roll-off" slider.
* Added the "Spectrum, meter border" palette modifier. Updated palettes.
* Made minor visual adjustments.

To download this update, or change the notification settings, please visit the Voxengo web page at https://www.voxengo.com/cp/updates/
PNEUMA by Ronan Fed
Version 1.3.1 (2022-11-16)
- Added Filter 2.
- Changed LFO and Mod Env destination list order.
- Fixed Mod Matrix parameters.
Modartt выпустили Pianoteq v8, + добавили новую физ модель Classical Guitar (платный аддон)

Весь список изменений (8.0.0 2022/11/16) :
- New instrument model: the Classical Guitar.
- All contemporary acoustic pianos, the Vintage Reeds electric piano and the Concert Harp have been revoiced.
- Interface with updated graphics.
- New 'Note Effects' panel, with Tremolo and Vibrato.
- The LV2 / VST3 / AudioUnit plugins can receive an optional audio input, which is used to excite the string resonances (STD/PRO versions).
- Added a loop button for the MIDI sequences (standalone), and also ability to select a part of a MIDI file.
- New option for using stereo effects when the selected instrument output is mono.
- New midimappings option for using one MIDI channel per guitar string or harpsichord keyboard.
- New 'stretch points' note-edit panel (PRO version).
- Improved presets menu, with favorites.
- Bypass switch when right-clicking on the output-level bar.
- And many bug fixes..
- (2022/11/17) Fixed Digital Performer compatibility.
- (2022/11/17) Fixed a few crashes.

Апгрейд (в отличии от прошлой версии) платный, $29

+ Сейчас у Modartt скидка -25% на pianoteq и апгрейды. (до 28 ноября)

ГЗ Послушать примеры гитары можно ещё тут https://www.modartt.com/guitar
Последнее редактирование:
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Реакции: Andruha
Rob Papen обновил Explorer бандл до v8 : синт BLUE-III и RevSane (reverb fx, похожее уже было (DelSane) но это другое)).



Price: 25% off, Blue3 111$ (reg 149), upgrade from 2 = 36$ ; RevSane 36$ (reg 49) ; Explorer v8 bundle 374$ (reg 499).

* In early 2023 this bundle will be expanded with B.I.T. 2.0

Подробности: https://www.robpapen.com/Latest-news/explorer-8-blue-iii-and-revsane.html

parawave-audio.com обновили RAPID Synthesizer

  • VST3 Support.
  • Preset Browser: Right arrow key loads the currently selected preset.
  • Routing: Insert/Remove Routing Entries.
  • OpenGL Capability Test, to get information about the used graphics driver, in case of problems with GPU Renderer mode.
  • Removed framerate options. This is now adaptive.
  • Lastly saved or loaded preset locations are now memorized seperately.
  • Moved the macro +Route drag icon to the right of the knob to avoid overlap.
  • Changed preset information and MIDI import dialogs to internally managed dialogs.
  • Preset browser information is only shown when hovering over entries and holding ctrl or command key.
  • Tooltips setting was not saved.
  • Presets with # character in their name couldn't be marked as favorite.
  • Reduced OpenGL surface slowdown in DAWs that couldn't handle multiple open accelerated UI instances at the same time.
  • Improved Glitch time jump declick.
  • Adjusted sample accuracy of Glitch sequences for high PPQ values.
  • Improved smoothing for Multiband Saturator gain modulatiom.
  • Routing selection behavior on load, resize and reopen.
  • Don't grab keyboard focus on layer button label click.
  • Various DAW compatibility additions.
  • Dynamic colour tint for editor windows and source browser theme.
  • HDR bloom effect added. Normal and Fancy mode.
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Реакции: Acerbic и Verda Lumo
Любимый редактор для MacOS Twisted Wave обновился до версии 28.0. Ура, наконец прикрутили поддержку VST3! (а то я AU и VST при наличии VST3 вообще не устанавливаю на комп). :Dle12:
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Реакции: Sergio_P78
последнее время открывая этот топик, теплится надежда увидеть апгрейд Zebra 3 ))
@crowd91, я перегорел если честно когда 2-ой зеброй пользовался, у Урса крутые синты - но десятилетиями обещать релиз 3-ки надоело если честно
Мне кажется сейчас не то время чтобы годами пилить синт, рынок перенасыщен софтом и нужно быстрее в него вливаться.

Хотя я уверен более терпеливые и дождутся когда нибудь ( к старости):D 3-ку

Сейчас просматривают