Апдейты/апгрейды софта (1 онлайн

29 Янв 2006
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Обсуждение обновлений В ЭТОМ ТОПИКЕ - ЗАПРЕЩЕНО!

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Ну понеслась =)
Brainworx обновили свои плагины :

bx_XL 1.1.1
bx_shredspread 1.0.4
bx_boom! 1.2.1
bx_digital V2 2.1.3
bx_control V2 2.0.2
bx_dynEQ 1.2.1

Changes: unknown

P.S legacy V1 версии похоже не обновляли , фришные bx_solo и bx_cleansweep V2 не мониторю , сорри =)
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Реакции: Александр Жога
Arturia обновили Minimoog V до v2.0.2 (только Mac) и ARP2600 V до 2.0.2 (Mac/Win)

Изменения в ARP2600 V :

GUI sluggishness fix.
Analog Laboratory compatibility.
Fix for issue arising with multiple Arp2600V2 instances in Cubase.
DMG Audio обновили свой эквалайзер EQuality до версии 1.10

Изменения :

Efficiency improvements
Fix loading issue with Logic9
Fix bug whereby wrong UI mode was loaded
Change grouping colours
Increase visibility of 0dB on meters
Fix RTAS automation and enable shortcuts
Graph grid brightness preference
Ctrl/Apple+Shift-click on frequency textboxes to show note values
Pagetable enhancements for C24 / ProControl
Fix Digital+ / Mid modes for RTAS
Support for PT9 latency compensation
Fix redraw issue on some macs
Support for Digi ICON/D-Control control surfaces
Fix AU Validation
Improve RTAS UI handling
Improve display of textboxes for RTAS/Mac
Fix AudioSuite handling
Fix processing of long offline blocks
Fix special peaks bug
Fix 64bit UI handling
Fix RTAS samplerate issue
Sliders have textboxes for display/entry
VST2.4 mono version, for convenience
Fix range=0 bug
Double-click sliders/knobs to reset to default.
Button added to Setup to save state as default.
Mousewheel adjusts Q for all bands
Autolisten uses q=12 pref.
Alt-dblclick on the graph resets a band to default.
Alt-drag Range/Shift will not change value without affecting bands.
Bootsy обновил

BootEQ mkII 2.1.1 beta
Density mkII 2.0.3 beta
FerricTDS 1.5.1 beta
NastyDLA 1.0.1 beta
NastyVCS 1.0.1 beta


Some public beta bug fix releases are currently available for:
BootEQ mkII 2.1.1 beta
Density mkII 2.0.3 beta
FerricTDS 1.5.1 beta
NastyDLA 1.0.1 beta
NastyVCS 1.0.1 beta

This are Win32 releases only (SSE2 or higher) and are bug fix releases which addresses the following issues:
Fix: crashing and hanging when opening multiple instances of the same plugin in Cubase and some other hosts
Fix: problem with plugin GUI not initializing correctly in Samplitude and some other hosts

The NastyDLA 1.0.1 beta also fixes the “chorus issue”:
Fix: clearly audible lofi artifacts in the chorus section (crackle or noise) in some setups
KORG обновили свои виртуальные синтезаторы : MS-20 до версии v1.2.5 (только Mac) и M1 до версии v1.6.4 (PC и Mac) .

Изменения :

MS-20 - The patch cables might not be shown or the MS-20 might crash when launching the software. This has been fixed.

M1 - The system exclusive data of the original M1 combinations which selected programs from optional sound cards could not be imported. This has been fixed.

Note: When importing the data, programs from user card 1 or 2 are selected in combinations. Please reselect the programs from the optional sound cards that you would like to assign after importing the data.

Апдейты доступны для зарегистрированных пользователей на офф-сайте http://www.korguser.net/
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Реакции: Saw
они бывает опаздывают на неделю а то и больше.

Uebershall'ы проапдэйтили свой Elastik 2


- Choice of the algorithm
When it comes to pitch shifting and time stretching each audio material wants to be treated differently, whether the focus lays on transients or on your CPU usage. That is why we implented three different algorithms that allow you to choose between the following:

Gets the best result out of the material.

Walks the path between a good result and a CPU friendly solution.

Lays the focus on peaks and is therefore great for percussive material.


The bugfixes take care about three minor problems.

- AU validation crashes in Logic.
If you are using Mac OS 10.4 and you could not validate Elastik 2 with version 2.0.3 please download this bugfix.

- No RTAS plugin in Pro Tools 7
Elastik version 2.0.3. could not be found in PT7.
This is fixed with the new update.

- Soundbanks could not be loaded
In case your username included special items (for example umlauts like ?, ? or ?), you were not able to load a soundbank into Elastik.
This problem has been fixed with version 2.0.4.
KONTAKT 4.2 update

Для официальных пользователей Native Instruments.

Dear KONTAKT user,

We're pleased to announce that the KONTAKT 4.2 update is now available for free download. The update contains several new features, workflow improvements, and fixes.

You can download the update using the NI Service Center or the
Online Update Manager...

We strongly recommend downloading and installing this update to ensure the best possible user experience and reliability.

Here's a run-down of the main new and improved features:

* Even faster loading and saving, thanks to a new binary file format
* A new zero-latency convolution engine, with optimized performance for low-latency settings
* Revised master output section with presets - for saving complex routing setups - and advanced macro functions
* Improved file import for most standard workstation formats
* You can now enter numerical values for parameters directly
* On Mac OS X®, 64 bit support for VST® plug-ins and REX file import
Последнее редактирование:
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Реакции: apunctum
Tone2 Gladiator 2 VSTi update to v2.3

New features:
64 bit version of VST plugin for PC.
Standalone version for PC.
SSE2 support.
Scroll-bars in standalone version for lower resolution displays.
Gladiator now ships with 1135 sounds (30 new ones have been added).
Progression and Workstation soundsets now have their own patch browser category.

Improved compatibility for Windows 7 and Vista Systems.
Improved sound quality: Better psychoacoustic processing and cleaner sound.
Smart installer automatically fixes possible Win7 compatibility VST folder problems.
Slightly improved usability and workflow.
Slightly lower CPU.
Important pop-ups are always displayed on top.
More precise fine tuning of knobs with shift+left Mouse Button.

Changes and fixes:
Editor is large by default.
Workstation & Progression banks can now be installed by placing their GLB file in the plugin folder.
Minor GUI and audio fixes.
Workarounds for some known host bugs.
Fixed a bug in 'sin spirit mode'.
Native Instruments выложили апдейты Guitar Rig и Massive.
Писем с предупреждением не было (мне, во всяком случае, ничего не пришло).
венцы обновились!

Vienna Ensemble PRO

• Fixed bug causing MIDI activity focus to behave erratic
• Fixed bug causing certain Dimension Brass patches to make audio engine go silent
• Fixed some keypresses (on your computer keyboard) not being recognized properly in
Server Interface plug-in
• OS X: Improved loading speed
• OS X: Fixed file association issues
• OS X VST: Added server interface plug-in Cocoa interface for VST 64-bit
• OS X AU: Allow loading of projects with VI Pro instantiated as AU

Vienna Suite

• Added display of last loaded preset in tooltip while hovering preset bar
Fixed bug that could cause a crash or blank GUI in a host with high memory load
• OS X VST: Added Cocoa gui for 64-bit VST
• OS X AU: Fixed a small memory leak when saving from AU
• OS X AU: Fixed Cocoa AU views not accepting Ctrl-click as right mouse button
• OS X AU: Fixed Cocoa AU views being resized in Reaper, causing mouse input issues
• OS X AU: Fixed Cocoa AU views not properly being freed when invisible
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Реакции: CakeWorker
Спектроанализатор Voxengo SPAN обновился до версии 2.3

List of changes in version 2.3:

- Right/left signal power difference readout added.
- "Filled Spectrum" spectrum display mode switch added.
- Level meter's "density mode" improved.
- Control surface crosshair option added (can be switched off in the global options).

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Реакции: apunctum
EZPlayer Pro v1.1.0 New>This update contains numerous important fixes introduced in the previous version, as well as undesirable behaviors found in previous versions and is recommended for all users. It is also mandatory for 64-bit Mac support. Users whose workstation predates Mac OS 10.5 however are advised to remain (or reinstall) version 1.0.6, the last version tested fully on Mac OS 10.4/Tiger.

Version 1.1.0 includes the following bug fixes and improvements:

New in version 1.1.0

- kit pieces options for the latest EZX-s and SDX-s
- New e-drum wrappers (Roland and Yamaha), to allow 'offline' conversions

Fixed in version 1.1.0

- starting or stopping host playback when a track was set to follow host start/stop could lead to a crash in some circumstances
- clicking in the timeline on a track playing set to loop another portion of the track could lead to a crash
- controlling track velocity with MIDI when the EZplayer window was not open caused a crash
- closing the EZplayer window did not cancel the MIDI Learn in progress, if any, causing incoming MIDI to cause a crash
- clips recorded but containing no MIDI events no longer remain on the track after after the recording has been stopped, and are rightly disposed of
- if no track are playing, and none are synced to the host time line, the Browser will now reset its position and start playing immediately
- the playhead of a track following host position and host start/stop should now return to its original position when stopped after having been started by the host, assuming Auto Rewind is on
- Browser playback using the original tempo of the groove should no loner stutter when looping and the host tempo was different than the internal tempo of the MIDI file
- the syncing to host bar position should work more reliably in hosts providing problematic transport information
- syncing is done 'silently' i.e not playing from where the time line is. This is required for the single shot plays from the Browser
- Fixed an issue when playing an EZplayer track and then trying to sync the Browser to the host time line
- notes on tracks should no longer be skipped if the MIDI events have a position "in between buffers", if the host made a small gap there and the track was set to follow host position
- when a track was set to follow host playback position and the host jumped from the end of a loop to the beginning, EZplayer would occasionally miss notes on the track
- when playing an EZplayer track that wasn't set to follow host position and then starting the host transport, the position on the track would sometimes jump to wrong position
- some additional sync problems when jumping forward on the host time line have been resolved
- a 'all notes off' call is now enforced when playback is stopped
- a 'all notes off' call is now enforced when an Arranger track gets muted
- a 'all notes off' call is now enforced when the playback position is changed by a click elsewhere in the time line
- a 'all notes off' call is now enforced when a clip currently playing is deleted from a track
- a 'all notes off' call is now enforced when a different groove or clip is selected
- a 'all notes off' call is now enforced when a groove or clip is transposed
- while Browsing grooves, with playback ongoing, clicking on a corrupt MIDI file will now stop the playback to make obvious that the file encountered in invalid (the current groove would keep playing before the update)
- the Browser's Follow Tracks option should now work correctly when changing the current/active track in the Arranger
- kit pieces dragged on Arranger tracks are now recalled properly from projects saved with this version (1.0.7 issue)
- when recalling a project, the chosen MIDI channel for a track would be one less than it was when saving
- the 'Thru' option for MIDI output channel in the Browser should now work as intended
- copying track settings did not copy the MIDI out channel value correctly
- dragging a transposed kit piece multiple times from the Browser should no longer result in an incremental transposition for every drag and drop
- snap to grid now snaps to the nearest division in either directions (instead of to the closest preceding prior to update)
- the velocity and transpose up/down buttons sometimes did not work when clicked quickly
- the velocity and transpose up/down buttons now increase rate of change when pressed down for a certain time
- accidentally creating a loop on a track when clicking in the time line should now be less likely
- the velocity of clips on the Arranger tracks was not saved properly
- dragging kit pieces from the Browser to a track then back to a user folder in the Browser saved the original groove instead of only the kit pieces
- dragging kit pieces to a track with 'Merge Kit Pieces' on and saving saved the full groove as opposed to the kit piece info only
- selecting a kit piece then closing and reopening the plug-in window, last dragging the groove from the player display area to a track copied the full loop instead of just the kit pieces selection
- the "Drag & Drop MIDI" display did not show the selected groove name after re-opening the plug-in, if it was not also selected in the Browser
- dragging from the Browser playback display area when a different folder was selected in the Browser made "Find in Browser" for the resulting clip not work correctly
- right-clicking a mount point not previously selected did not bring up the edit dialog, requiring a 2-step process
- selecting a kit piece and then a different branch in the Browser without selecting a new groove could cause the tempo factors to not work as intended when subsequently dragging to a track
- when dragging a clip from one track to another, the outline would sometimes be drawn beyond existing clips on the track
- when dragging within the Arranger, the view automatically scrolled when the mouse was moved near the edge even if the drag was not in the direction that the view scrolled
- when moving an accent, the view scrolled when the mouse was moved near the edge even if the clip that contained the accent was already fully visible
- when dragging a clip to or within a track, the outline was drawn even if the mouse had been moved outside the track
- when the horizontal scroll size was calculated on opening the plug-in window, only clips on the last track ending past the 14th bar were considered, so that clips on previous tracks further to the right were not possible to scroll to
- in insert mode, the scroll width was not increased if a clip was pushed out to the far right of the track
- the savefile tempo setting should no be recalled correctly, even when sync is off
- the tracks velocity knobs is no longer reset to 0 (graphically) when the plug-inwindow is opened
- the global play button is now correctly turned off when recording is stopped and no track playing
- clips selected with the Command key (Mac) / Ctrl key (PC) held down but releasing the key before dragging copied them instead of moving them as expected
- moving a clip in the Arranger should no longer deselect it as a result
- adding a layer to a track now shows the layers if they were hidden
- clicking a clip already selected on a track had for result that its transpose and velocity values were no longer displayed
- clicking on a track did not deselect the active clips on other tracks
- selecting an accent did not graphically deselect the active clips
- the mouse pointer kept showing a 'Delete' symbol when the mouse was moved away from a clip with the Delete tool selected
- "Follow Host Position" did not get checked in the tracks menu unless "Follow Host Start/Stop" was also checked, even though the two functions can be used independently
- MIDI headers with a ".head" suffix in the file system are no longer displayed
- the time line and signature should display the correct info when the window is (re)opened instead of the default 4/4 signature
- the time division should no longer look incorrect with certain time signatures
- undoing whilst layers were hidden could cause graphic artefacts on screen
- in the "Set Path to Created MIDI" dialog, the browse button should no longer be graphically cut off when clicked
- the file selector dialogs on Mac is no longer missing the 'New Folder' button
- displaying the dialog about missing MIDI files should appear when recalling project from hosts where it previously failed silently to load all clips
- in the tracks menu, "Split by Playhead" has been changed to "Split at Playhead", as per manual
- the MIDI Output, Sync At and Layer Handling submenus should no longer have the first entry checked when the plug-in window is (re)opened in the 64-bit Mac version
- the contextual menus positions should no longer be displaced in the 64-bit Mac version
- the user preference in respect to tootips should now be respected, even after re-opening the plug-in window
Celemony выпустил сервис-апдейт 1.2.1 ко всей линейке Мелодина


A service update to Version 1.2.1 of Melodyne editor, assistant and essential is available to you now. We recommend the update to all users. You can load it using the "Check for Updates" function, which you will find on the Settings tab of Melodyne's Preferences property sheet.

Version 1.2.1 fixes various bugs and contains a number of minor improvements that increase the stability and reliability of the software. The areas affected include multiple Undos, the editing of blobs, the handling of variable tempo in the DAW, and integration into the Pro Tools and Nuendo environments.
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Реакции: CakeWorker
Voxengo обновили GlissEQ до версии 3.4.1

* An "infinitely expanding window" issue which happened at 80% UI size was fixed.
* Fast clicking of the mouse backward and forward buttons now works correctly.

* A wrong level meter visual look on Mac OS X fixed.
* Fixed a chaotic movement of the 2nd band when a new band is added.
* Secondary spectrum import/export added.
* Window resizing implemented.
* Static spectrums display and disk saving implemented.
* Plug-in's popup-windows now recover last position after reopening.
* Mouse backward and forward buttons can be used for filter type and parameter value selection.
A.O.M Invisible Limiter обновился до версии 1.3 и стал платным. Цена, впрочем, достаточно смешная.
  • Transparent brickwall limiting
  • Separate processing of stereo channels
  • Automatic control of attack and release time with look-ahead
  • MS Processing mode (new in 1.3.0)
  • Adjustable Compression Curve (new in 1.3.0)
  • Oversampling (new in 1.3.0)
  • Reduced Plug-in latency (improved in 1.3.0)
  • Output level indicator (new in 1.3.0)
  • Bypass (new in 1.3.0)
  • Post-limiting gain (new in 1.3.0)
  • Supports from 44.1kHz to 192kHz sample rate
  • Supports up to 64bit floating-point I/O
  • 64bit floating-point internal resolution
  • Latency Compensation (If DAW supports)
  • Compatible 32-bit VST interface on 32/64-bit Windows

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