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Карта VISA. Не просрочена. Ещё год.


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Aberrant DSP Digitalis v1.1

New Features
- Added saving of custom PaintBox patterns
- JPG and PNG Images can now be imported as PaintBox patterns
- Longer rhythms of 8 bars, 4 bars, and 2 bars added to the Tempo
Synced PaintBox Rate control
- Zero-latency operation now possible if the Data window is completely
bypassed (via the little button in the top left of the window)

Bug Fixes
- Fixed UI desynchronization in certain DAWs including Ableton and Bitwig
- Fixed latency compensation issues when plugin is bypassed in certain DAWs
- Fixed issues with some controls not updating visually when automated
- Fixed issue in macOS installers that prevented users from saving presets

Liquidsonics Reverberate v3.3.0 - в импульсник тоже добавили дуцкер.

Version 3.3.0 (18 July 2022)

- Ducker effect added to Reverb 1, Reverb 2 and Master effect chains
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Реакции: Andernik
Goodhertz v3.7.5 Update (для всех плагов)

A major update from v3.6 including full Apple M1/M2 support, enhanced graphics, higher precision controls in several plugins, and many other improvements & bugfixes. On M1, expect to see 30-40% better performance compared to Rosetta 2!

v3.7.x Release Notes:
New Additions:
- Added native Apple silicon support (M1/M2)!
- Added higher precision controls for some mix/amount parameters in Tone Control, Trem Control, Wow Control, CanOpener, & Midside
- Added a level indicator to Vulf Compressor’s Digital Ref Level

- Improved overall animation performance
- Improved plugin load/open times
- Improved the right-click context menus and added a DSP usage meter
- Improved graphical performance, text rendering, and anti-aliasing
- Improved language support for preset names & notes
- Improved support for EUCON control surfaces
- Improved Dark Mode support for Windows 10+

- Fixed a bug in Logic Pro on M1 where meters could disappear when reopening the UI
- Fixed an issue with level indicators not displaying negative gain values in Tone Control
- Fixed an issue with the “Enable Metering” user preference where metering did not fully turn off when unchecked
- Fixed an issue with font display on older Mac operating systems
Fuse Audio Labs have released a free maintenance update including GUI improvements, bugfixes and feature additions.

Changes and feature additions in v2.3:
  • GUI improvements.
  • Add grouping feature to various plugins.
  • Add mix lock feature to VREV-666.
  • Fix offline automation issues.
  • Fix automation issues in AU in native M1 mode.
  • Fix HighDPI scaling issues on Windows.
  • Fix tail gating issues in Bucket-500.
Вышел Plugindoctor v2
Теперь он доступен как и плагин
Plugindoctor v2 is a free update for all owners of a v1 license!

HoRNet VU Meter MK4 4.2.2 update

we have just updated VU Meter MK4, our digital VU meter with automatic gain staging, to version 4.2.1
This update fixes some issues:

  • Fixed custom group names not being saved correctly in some DAWS with VST3 and AU
  • Fixed crash with Digital Performer
  • Fixed edit boxes not updating after manual editing in windows with Studio One

The update is free for current owners of the plugin and can be downloaded from the user area on http://www.hornetplugins.com.
Так получается вст плагин доктора не работает в реальном времени? Удобнее конечно зразу в дав просматривать плагины, но как-то так себе обновление, не?
Devious Machines готовят к выходу Infiltrator 2 (мультиефикс)

Из интересного заявленого например гранулярный таймстретч, 14 разных спектральных еффектов, вокодер. Но как оно будет на деле, пока неизвестно. Но судя по качеству программинга их остальных плугинов, должно быть круто.

Полный список изменений:
- Improved modulation: Each individual effect has a second, assignable envelope which can modulate any of its parameters.
- Expanded Filters: Adding to the existing filter-family collection, meet the new Dual filter (combined lowpass and highpass filter for vowel-like noises), Formant filter (fuller-sounding mode on the vocal formant filter) and Notch filter.
- Vastly expanded preset library: Now catalogued and categorised to ensure maximum productivity.
- Vocoder Effect.
- Enhanced Reverb: The stunning Void allows massive, lush reverb tails. Reflect simulates early reflections and diffuse echoes.
- New Degrade distortion model.
- Time manipulation suite: Meet Stretch the granular timestretch; Varispeed – ideal for tape stops and vinyl scratch effects; drop your beats to half time with Slow; Reverse – your audio, but backwards at the touch of a button.
- Spectral Effects: 14 fresh effects which transform your audio in the frequency domain using FFT
- Optimised dynamics: Compressor effects in Infiltrator’s Master section are now available as a module alongside a new audio gate module.
- MIDI CC output: Infiltrator’s envelopes may now be used to control external devices.
- Latency compensation: More options for smoother preset changes.

Ещё апгрейд будет бесплатный для юзеров v1, что уж совсем необычно.
Точная дата релиза пока неизвестна.

Audiodamage Quanta 2

Из нового не особо густо:
- New User Interface
- Additional VA Oscillator
- Root Note Detection And Assignment
- Grain Pitch Quantization
- Effects (chorus, stereo dual delay, and reverb)
- New Modulation Features

Судя по комментам на квр цена за апгрейд не очень адекватная ($60-70)
Regular 129$ (Получается на их распродаже в -40% можно будет купить его почти по цене апгрейда).


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Реакции: Andernik и Eq Tunkul
Компания Baby Audio выпустила IHNY2 (I Heart New York 2), названный в честь нью-йоркской техники параллельной компрессии, при которой сильно сжатый сигнал смешивается с сухим сигналом для придания ему дополнительной силы.
IHNY2 оснащен пэдом X/Y для создания степени сжатия и смешивания по вкусу. По сути, это макрос, управляющий рядом параметров под капотом. Но если вы хотите подстроиться, есть также панель Tweak Panel. Интро цена: 69$.

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Реакции: MigeliusHH и crowd91
Nembrini Audio нехило так обновили свой LoFi Vintage Clipper (изначально сделанный по мотивам протулзового LoFi) до версии 2. Для обладателей первой версии (которую раздавали бесплатно на старте) апдейт бесплатен. Потестил навскидку - впечатлился.


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