TContinental, Вы задали интересный вопрос. Я сказал "Уровень" потому, что в мануале это называется именно "Gain". Вот цитата:
"Automatically match effective gain
When the "Automatically match effective gain" feature is engaged, Ozone determines how much gain is being added by all of the active Ozone modules and then automatically adds this amount of gain when Ozone is put into bypass mode.
Note: This may not work if you use the host application to bypass Ozone. If the host application reports that it is bypassed, it will work and we will automatically depress the Bypass button in Ozone accordingly. If the host does not report that it is bypassed, Ozone doesn't know and therefor cannot apply the "gain when bypassed".
Alexander Yakuba, в основном озоном. Не всем в нем доволен, но использую из-за невероятной гибкости и универсальности. Иногда еще пользуюсь Inspector XL, но окошко анализатора там крохотное, да и вообще мне он не нравится.
"Automatically match effective gain
When the "Automatically match effective gain" feature is engaged, Ozone determines how much gain is being added by all of the active Ozone modules and then automatically adds this amount of gain when Ozone is put into bypass mode.
Note: This may not work if you use the host application to bypass Ozone. If the host application reports that it is bypassed, it will work and we will automatically depress the Bypass button in Ozone accordingly. If the host does not report that it is bypassed, Ozone doesn't know and therefor cannot apply the "gain when bypassed".
Alexander Yakuba, в основном озоном. Не всем в нем доволен, но использую из-за невероятной гибкости и универсальности. Иногда еще пользуюсь Inspector XL, но окошко анализатора там крохотное, да и вообще мне он не нравится.