Господа, вот в мануале от мониторов (tannoy reveral, уж что есть
написано :
All Reveal monitor bass ports are located on the back panel. You should keep the back panels at least 150mm (6") away from
the nearest wall surface to avoid an overblown bass sound. If you cannot avoid being close to the wall or if you’re using a
separate subwoofer, you may want to consider plugging the port tubes on your near-fields with a closed cell foam-rubber plug,
friction fit for a full seal. Because the ports aren’t needed if the monitor speakers are being used with a high pass filter, you
won’t be losing any bass performance and you can improve the mid-bass response by plugging the ports.
Я так понял, что при близком расположении к стене, можно заткнуть фазоинвертор чем-то пенистым и резиновым, вопрос : поролон подойдёт, или тут что специальное надо ?

написано :
All Reveal monitor bass ports are located on the back panel. You should keep the back panels at least 150mm (6") away from
the nearest wall surface to avoid an overblown bass sound. If you cannot avoid being close to the wall or if you’re using a
separate subwoofer, you may want to consider plugging the port tubes on your near-fields with a closed cell foam-rubber plug,
friction fit for a full seal. Because the ports aren’t needed if the monitor speakers are being used with a high pass filter, you
won’t be losing any bass performance and you can improve the mid-bass response by plugging the ports.
Я так понял, что при близком расположении к стене, можно заткнуть фазоинвертор чем-то пенистым и резиновым, вопрос : поролон подойдёт, или тут что специальное надо ?