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The Mercedes of VCA Compressors.

Brainworx начали продавать новинку - Vertigo VSC-2:


В ноябре - скидки от 20%.
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Пощчупал сегодня Vertigo VSC-2... весьма...
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Я тут довольно основательно пощупал новый конволюционый реверб Xenium Audio XR-1: http://www.xeniumaudio.com/downloads.php .

Весьма неплохая вещь оказалась: Нулевая задержка, True stereo, классный эквалайзер, минимум ресурсов проца, короче, все соответствует . Можно взять за 74$ c сотней ихних импульсных с перспективой обновления библиотек, а можно за 12$ без оных, то есть практически даром! Мне, лично, ихние импульсы не нужны, поскольку старых запасов немеряно, но лицензионный плагин - совсем другое дело! Короче, за 12$ я теперь доволен как слон :), поскольку у других плагины похуже, и стоят не менее 50$.:i-m_so_happy:

p.s: Ну вот - я еще успел. Вышла версия 1.0.1 по цене уже 29$, и я думаю это не предел :) Но все равно - покамест оно того стоит.
Applied Acoustics Systems выпустили новый инструмент, синтезатор перкуссии Chromaphone (Win/Mac)


Chromaphone combines acoustic resonators to create drums, percussion, mallet, string, and synth-like instruments. Drum skins, bars, marimbas, plates, strings and tubes form pairs that are sparked to life by a configurable mallet and a flexible noise source. At the heart of Chromaphone lies a novel coupling technology that precisely models how vibrating objects interact and influence each other capturing key acoustic behaviours of musical instruments. This, combined with access to the resonators’ physical properties, results in a library of truly expressive instruments as well as a vast range of sonic colors.

Price: $169 до 5 декабря (потом $199)

OrchestralTools анонсировали "Symphonic Sphere"
Hey Guys,

due the last months we worked on a new orchestral library, specialized on all the playable athmospheric and flicker stuff
We recorded a huge amount of trills and trems in different styles and many other articulations. One of the major part of the Symphonic Sphere library is the TRILLS ORCHESTRATOR.

This is just a first look, hope you enjoy the video...


New Articulations Chart:


All the best,

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Реакции: Nayky
DMGAudio update time!

Plenty of fun new features, and a lot of work on stability.

Changes, EQuality v1.15->v1.16, Compassion v1.04->v1.05 and EQuick v1.00->v1.01

- Fixed textbox display, ProTools Mac RTAS.
- Fix crash when switching between DMGAudio plugins in ProTools using header menu.
- Fixed obscure potential crash bug.
- VST3 versions support presets.
- Fixed clip-light handling in ProTools.
- Fixed bug whereby host redraw would slow down when UI was open.
- Improved AudioSuite metering and processing.
- Enable Windows ProTools automation menu.
- Fixed issues relating to window resizing in ProTools.
- Added A/B Automation type preference.
- Always report zero latency when expired/hard bypassed.

- Can now right-click the A/B menu to toggle.

- Fixed bug where saving filter with 48db/oct (entered numerically) reloads as 42db/oct.
- Fixed bug whereby analyser could hide high-frequency spikes.

- Fix Spec-analyser pops.

- Clip/Limiter is now post M-S decode.
- Added Limiter pre/post parameter.
- Added Expander Threshold offset parameter.
- Fixed issue whereby Auto-release depended on manual release parameter.
|- Warning: This might change sessions where autorelease is used. If so,
|- set auto-release short time to match manual release time.
- Fixed bug whereby detectors would display incorrectly as Peak in detector graph.
- Reduced memory usage by 14MB/instance. Now 3.2MB/instance.
- Added Peak/Hold indicator for limiter gain reduction.

- Exclude filters/notches when computing maximum gain while dragging.
- Ctrl+Alt+Click to delete all selected bands.
- Fix Band Type control in VST3.
- Added mousewheel-zoom to graph.
- Speed up mousewheel adjustment of filter slopes.
- Fixed Solo in Stereo Mode menu.

Next update will hopefully include AAX Native support too.
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Реакции: Arlekin и achsan
вышел UVI Workstation 2



UVI Workstation 2 main features :

• New single mode for loading next generation of UVI sounds and instruments
• Compatible with the UVI scripted instruments
• Powerful Arpeggiator, extremely flexible and complete
• Easy to use Search Engine to find fast what you’re looking for
• Universal compatibility Mac / PC
• Operate in full 64 bits on Mac / PC
• Manage instruments and loops in the same interface
• Smart integrated browser
• Convenient mixing environment with meters, mute, solo, volume, pan ...
• Unlimited parts
• Up to 64 MIDI channels
• Disk streaming per part
• Multiple separate outputs
• MIDI learn
• Expert mode
• Cross-platform Multi’s & all host compatible
• Unlimited FX
• Complete professional effects arsenal, with easy editing (delay, reverb, phaser, chorus, EQ, filter, drive, distortion, compressor...)
• Excellent sounding convolution reverb
• Direct sync to host : tempo & transport
• State-of-the-art real-time time-stretch algorithm
• Real-time sync to the beat: loops are always in time
• Latch mode
• Sample/Slice Start for loops and phrases
• Drag & Drop MIDI & Audio
• Import REX files, Apple Loops, AIFF, WAV and more...
• Expandable with all UVI sounds and instruments
• Direct connection to the UVI.net RSS feed
Audio Damage выпустили новый multi-band distortion effect Kombinat Dva (Win/Mac VST/AU)


"From mild tone-shaping or adding a bit of grit to full-on total waveform destruction, Kombinat Dva, the long-awaited sequel to our popular Kombinat plug-in, is a complete toolbox of sonic warfare."

+ Crossover: Kombinat Dva features a DJ-style three-band isolator EQ for band-killing effects and extreme tone-carving on the front end. This leads to the three distortion engines, which can be run in crossover (multi) mode, or in series.

+ Multiple Distortion Types: Kombinat Dva adds six new algorithms to the seven in the original Kombinat, for a total of 13 paths to destruction. From subtle tube-style clipping to the bizarre distorto-delay of the Nerd Rage algorithm, Kombinat Dva can cover all the bases without unnecessary complexity.

+ Feedback: If the algorithms weren’t enough, Kombinat Dva has an internal feedback control, tied to an envelope follower. Results may vary, but are always hairy.

+ Filter: Kombinat Dva has a resonant low-pass filter on the output that self-oscillates at high Q like the original Kombinat, but also adds a second low-pass type, and a bypass.

+ One-Kontrol Kompressor: A favorite feature of the original Kombinat, the one-knob compressor, tuned for collapsing distorted signals to roadkill, remains in Kombinat Dva. Except it’s a slider now, and “one slider compressor” doesn’t sound as cool.

+ Presets: Kombinat Dva includes the 40 presets from the original, plus 40 all-new presets that take advantage of the new engines and feedback, for a total of 80 presets.

+ MIDI Learn: MIDI Learn on every control (VST only) allows you full hardware control over Kombinat Dva.
Price $49 (Upgrade $10)

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Реакции: JS-Tech и LexaLexin
UAD -64 bit

Dear UAD users –

Happy holidays.

Around this time each year, we tend to reflect on the past, and look forward to the future. 2011 has been a particularly good year for Universal Audio and the UAD platform, with the introduction of the UAD-2 Satellite and some exceptional new plug-ins. This year also marks the 10th anniversary for the UAD platform — a milestone we could not have achieved without your support.

Since we introduced the UAD DSP Accelerators in 2001, we've grown from just a few hundred users, to more than 45,000 owners worldwide. Over the past decade, we've introduced powerful new UAD hardware, as well as more than 50 new plug-ins, including groundbreaking titles with Ampex, EMT, Lexicon, Manley, Neve, SSL, Studer, and more.

Importantly, the high quality of these UAD products is directly related to your support — which literally funds the development of what we believe are the best audio processors in the world. Without this support, we would not be able to spend six months, nine months, or up to a full year developing our highly complex individual plug-in titles.

So for that, we sincerely thank you.

Looking forward, one increasingly common request is for UAD plug-ins to become fully 64-bit compliant. Rest assured, the UAD plug-in transition to 64-bit architecture will be completed in 2012.

This 64-bit compatibility will come at no cost to our users. You have chosen to support us, and we will support you as audio processing standards evolve.

Again, thank you for using UAD Powered Plug-Ins. And please know that the best is yet to come.
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Реакции: Arlekin
Вышла бета трекера Renoise 2.8 много новых полезностей и улучшений, такие как фолдер трек, новые эфекты, прочиее, а главное это перход на 64 битные системы с уже встроеным бриджом (32/64) для плагинов.

обзорное видео с поясненями на английском:

ссылка на ресурс:
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Реакции: ceejay
Steven Slate Drums 4.0

Steven Slate Drums 4.0
Holiday PreRelease
December 22nd 2012
100 Drumkits, New SSD Player, and Much More!
Steven Slate Drums 4.0 is now available as a holiday prerelease!

3 long years in the making, Steven Slate Drums 4 Platinum is the most complete and versatile drum instrument containing 100 preset drumkits including the new Deluxe Series kits, which Steven recorded with the most extreme precision and detail resulting in amazing playability. The Deluxe series kits are unprocessed, yet sound so big and rich, very little processing is required to make them sit in the mix. SSD4 has everything you could ever want in a drum instrument, starting with the new SSD Player, a new VST AU RTAS drum sampler built from the ground up by the award winning Slate Digital team.

SSD4 contains kits in every genre you can think of, such as metal, reggae, funk, vintage, 60's, 70's, 80's, rock, country, electro, dance, urban, and even jazz and brushes. You have unprocessed kit, processed kits, and kits with both! There are even kits that model famous drum sounds from artists such as Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, Metallica, Dream Theater, and more! Cymbals are all sampled from Soultone custom Turkish cymbals. Roland Vdrums, Yamaha DTX, and Pearl E Pro Live edrums are all supported. The internal groove player makes it easy to get real pro drum sounds in your mixes without ever having to hit a midi note.

If you own SSD 3.x Platinum or EX, or own a competing drum instrument (see crossgrade page for specific titles that qualify) you can get SSD4 for HALF OFF for a limited time!!
Visit our upgrade crossgrade page HERE

upgrades expire February 28th 2012, crossgrades Expire February 1st 2012
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Реакции: WAW70RMM и x.com
RealGuitar/RealStrat/RealLPC Version 3!

"..We are delighted to announce version 3 of our Real instruments packed with great new features:
Our unique Struminator technology, including Smart Strum, Smart Strings, Color Tab modes letting you create guitar accompaniment parts with unbelievable realism and expression (details and video demo will be available soon).
Custom Chords
Virtual Keyboard and Key Switch panel added to RealGuitar
A lot of smaller improvements.."

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