Antress Modern Plugins мнения о пакете (5 онлайн)


New Member
Трудно читать тех кто не понимает...

Разница в компрессорах только в нелинейной характеристике управляющего сигнала , все остальное накручивается ручками... Если в железе эта разница была в применении ламп, транзисторов или микросхем, то здесь чисто програмное изменение. Раньше эту характеристику в плугинах даже рисовали! Говорить об эмитации или эмуляции можно только в том случае, если применен принцип нелинейной динамической конволюции, как например в приборах LIQUID MIX или SSL Duendo. Там действительно есть иммитирование звучания. В Антрессах даже и намека нет на конволюцию, неужели не слышите? Плугины хорошие, работают неплохо, но иммитируют они в большей степени внешний вид а не звук!!! Пользуйтесь на здоровье...


Well-Known Member
6 Сен 2004
Promlin, Динамическая свертка - это не единственный способ эмулировать лампу и прочее.


20 Окт 2006
А победил ли кто ихний интерфейс?А то сильно парит-начинаешь новый плаг вешать, а он без фейса:(
<div class='quotetop'>Цитата(Promlin @ Apr 17 2007, 01:55 AM) [snapback]435171[/snapback]</div>
Трудно читать тех кто не понимает...

Разница в компрессорах только в нелинейной характеристике управляющего сигнала , все остальное накручивается ручками... Если в железе эта разница была в применении ламп, транзисторов или микросхем, то здесь чисто програмное изменение. Раньше эту характеристику в плугинах даже рисовали! Говорить об эмитации или эмуляции можно только в том случае, если применен принцип нелинейной динамической конволюции, как например в приборах LIQUID MIX или SSL Duendo. Там действительно есть иммитирование звучания. В Антрессах даже и намека нет на конволюцию, неужели не слышите? Плугины хорошие, работают неплохо, но иммитируют они в большей степени внешний вид а не звук!!! Пользуйтесь на здоровье...
извини за вопрос
думал что о конволюции знаю все
использую на живом железе собственной разработки
но о нелинейной динамической конволюции впервые слышу
где о ней можно почитать??????????
желательно ссылку!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
<div class='quotetop'>Цитата</div>
где о ней можно почитать??????????
желательно ссылку!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b]
Почитать можно, по поиску, но все статьи что я встречал очень заумные -:)

Попробуй посмотреть здесь:

Если кто может добавьте ссылок...

<div class='quotetop'>Цитата</div>
Динамическая свертка - это не единственный способ эмулировать лампу и прочее.[/b]
Речь шла об эмуляции приборов целиком а не о эмуляции лампы или прочее, такие алгоритмы лампы, ленты и т.д. уже лет 10 применяют, там совсем не сложная математика.

<div class='quotetop'>Цитата</div>
может к ухо-горло-носу сходить?[/b]
Это уже дело личное! -:) Но я никого не хотел обидеть...
спасибо за ссылку
как оказалось крадут не только плагины но и идеи
почитал мануал
свиснули идею высказанную в моей незащищенной кандитатской дисертации
но называть это динамической конволюцией слишком смело
особенно умиляет ссылка на труды Волтера 1870 года
там же все в непрерывной а не дискретной форме
моделировать нелинейную систему несколькими импульсами откликаприблизительно то самое
что линейную несколькими отсчетами фазо-частотной характеристики
в моем дисере это расматривалось как тупиковый и ресурсозатратный путь
что-ж прийдется послушать - оценить напрактике
попробую сделать на этом принципе плагин фор плугго


New Member

Я находил статьи и диссертации на эту тему, но самому написать оптимальный алгоритм мне не по зубам -:) Как ни крути выходит жрущий ресурсы плугин с большой задержкой! Удачи тебе!


13 Ноя 2002
Nebula 2 free попробовал. гамно редкое. не знаю, какие супер-пупер дорогие консоли и тд оно эмулирует, но звук лучше не становиться, это факт.
<div class='quotetop'>Цитата(Promlin @ Apr 18 2007, 11:19 AM) [snapback]435985[/snapback]</div>

Я находил статьи и диссертации на эту тему, но самому написать оптимальный алгоритм мне не по зубам -:) Как ни крути выходит жрущий ресурсы плугин с большой задержкой! Удачи тебе!
если не трудно дай ссылки
а то я 8 лет этим делом на теоретическом уровне не занимался
может както изловчусь
и сделаю по другому
через кепстр (это не опечатка кепстр а не спектр)


New Member

<div class='quotetop'>Цитата</div>
если не трудно дай ссылки
а то я 8 лет этим делом на теоретическом уровне не занимался[/b]
У меня к сожалению нет ссылок, их мне выдавал поисковик, в котором я задавал ключевые слова -
"dynamic convolution".
нашел апаратную реализацию

Each of Liquid Mix’s 32 channels provides EQ and Compressor emulations selected from a huge pool of high-quality vintage and modern day classics. 20 EQs and 40 Compressors are available straight out of the box, with an expanding library online. Furthermore, a totally unique hybrid 7-band ‘super EQ’ can be built out of separate classic EQ sections in every one of the 32 channels. Each channel appears as a separate VST/AU/RTAS effect within the sequencer and will work within all major applications, including Pro Tools.

Liquid Mix uses the same patented Dynamic Convolution process as Focusrite’s Liquid Channel. Unlike standard convolution techniques, Dynamic Convolution utilizes vast processing power to sample the effect of a classic processor on a series of audio pulses, at many different gain settings and all frequencies. In Liquid Mix, all this processing is done using onboard DSP, so the processing has almost no effect on your computer’s own CPU.

• One of a kind – any Compressor and EQ in history
Every Liquid Mix channel uses dynamic convolution to provide 20 EQs and 40 compressors, with a free expanding library online.

• Onboard DSP
32 Channels of Liquid Mix Compression and 32 EQs run off Liquid Mix’s own DSP – many more than are possible with CPU alone.

• Software and Hardware control
EQ and Compression can be applied via a hands-on control surface, or within your DAW application via a simple GUI.

• Hybrid Super EQ creation
Unique 7-band super EQs can be created, constructed from separate classic EQ sections of your choosing

• Desktop Metering
Large format LED bar-graphs mean ergonomic display of levels and processor impact.

• Optional Expansion Card
An optional DSP expansion card is available to increase the maximum channel count at higher sample rates.
* IMPORTANT INFORMATION: FOCUSRITE, the FF logo, LIQUID TECHNOLOGY, LIQUID MIX CONTROL and the LIQUID MIX logo are trademarks of Focusrite Audio Engineering Ltd. DYNAMIC CONVOLUTION is a trademark of Sintefex Ltd. All other product names, trademarks, or trade names are the names of their respective owners, which are in no way associated, connected nor affiliated with Focusrite or its LIQUID MIX product and which have not endorsed Focusrite's LIQUID MIX product. These other product names, trademarks, and trade names are used solely to identify and describe the third party products the sonic behaviour of which was studied for the LIQUID MIX product, and to accurately describe the functionality of the Liquid Mix product. The Liquid Mix product is an independently engineered technology which utilises the patented process of Dynamic Convolution to actually measure examples of the sonic impact of original analogue products upon an audio stream, so as to electronically emulate the performance of the original product studied. The result of this process is subjective and may not be perceived by a user as producing the same effects as the original products studied.

меня обогнали
сделали таки на шарках
The Liquid Channel is a revolutionary professional channel strip that can emulate any classic mic-pre and compressor. Combining radical new analogue preamp technology with Dynamic Convolution™ techniques, The Liquid Channel fuses cutting-edge analogue design with lightning fast SHARC DSP. Augmented by fully digital controls and optional remote software, The Liquid Channel provides the ultimate fluid vintage collection.

Liquid technology

Rather than creating a similar sound to vintage units, as with modelling devices, The Liquid Channel samples their sonic behaviour. This is achieved through Dynamic Convolution™; the application of a unique, level-dependant set of responses to an audio signal. These measured responses, sampled at numerous levels and with every possible setting combination, are applied to the input stream on a sample-by-sample basis for accurate emulation.

Liquid preamplification

Mic-pre emulation can’t be achieved with software alone. Hardware is required in addition to account for the physical interaction with the microphone. As a result, Focusrite invested vast amounts of time and energy into designing and building the ultimate ‘liquid’ preamplifier, able to match the input impedance and signal path (transformer or electronic) of the device being emulated.

Not all vintage units are born equal

Second order harmonic distortion is a beneficial artefact of analogue circuits (especially tube and transformer-coupled designs) providing the much loved ‘warmth’. However, often two units of the same type will vary in the amount of second order distortion produced, so an additional control for modifying this vintage property is provided. This allows for precise matching of the Liquid Channel to your own beloved mic-pre.

The best of both worlds - analogue and digital

The Liquid Channel combines a highly complex, massively flexible analogue front-end with Dynamic Convolution™ processing, which utilises lightening fast SHARC chips and runs at sample rates of up to 192kHz. The front panel controls are digital, with tactile rotary encoders; all parameters can be stored in one of 99 program memories. At the press of button, you can reload all mic-pre, compressor and EQ settings for an individual session. If using The Liquid Channel in conjunction with a recording platform (e.g. Pro Tools), both the session files and The Liquid Channel’s program memory can be sent via standard data transfer methods, providing a completely mobile recording session. Perfectly emulated vintage classics with the power and ease of use of the digital domain.

Infinite expansion and remote control

The USB port on the rear panel allows remote control of The Liquid Channel, leaving the processor safely racked away. But that’s not all. The software application also serves as an archiving system for additional emulations and program memories, and permits downloads of additional classic units from So, The Liquid Channel is infinitely expandable.
* IMPORTANT INFORMATION: FOCUSRITE, the FF logo, LIQUID CHANNEL, LIQUID TECHNOLOGY, LIQUIDCONTROL, EVERYONE NEEDS LIQUID and the LIQUID CHANNEL logo are trademarks of Focusrite Audio Engineering Ltd. DYNAMIC CONVOLUTION is a trademark of Sintefex Ltd. All other product names, trademarks, or trade names are the names of their respective owners, which are in no way associated, connected nor affiliated with Focusrite or its LIQUID CHANNEL product and which have not endorsed Focusrite's LIQUID CHANNEL product. These other product names, trademarks, and trade names are used solely to identify and describe the third party products the sonic behaviour of which was studied for the LIQUID CHANNEL product, and to accurately describe the functionality of the Liquid Channel product. The Liquid Channel product is an independently engineered technology which utilises the patented process of Dynamic Convolution to actually measure examples of the sonic impact of original analogue products upon an audio stream, so as to electronically emulate the performance of the original product studied. The result of this process is subjective and may not be perceived by a user as producing the same effects as the original products studied.


New Member
31 Дек 2005
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ОН-мстит зажратым гедонизированным европейским вырожденцам-разложенцам,но-умным способом-отнимая у них хлеб насущный...


Well-Known Member
8 Май 2004
Moscow Russia
basik, кстати, не жди много от Фокусовских Ликвид. Как бы не обозвать это устройство - динамический конволюшн или еще как - результат звука довольно-таки сомнительный. Могу сказать ИМХО, что плаги Антресса НАМНОГО круче, как компрессоры, чем компрессоры с Ликвидах. Да и микс - не фонтан.


<div class='quotetop'>Цитата(djangel @ Apr 20 2007, 05:39 AM) [snapback]436808[/snapback]</div>
basik, кстати, не жди много от Фокусовских Ликвид. Как бы не обозвать это устройство - динамический конволюшн или еще как - результат звука довольно-таки сомнительный. Могу сказать ИМХО, что плаги Антресса НАМНОГО круче, как компрессоры, чем компрессоры с Ликвидах. Да и микс - не фонтан.
А по-моему, всё как обычно. В кривых руках ничего не звучит. Слышал я прекрасные миксы с ликвидом. И без него тоже.
незнаю как ликвид
а планируется микс 2
уже анонсирован
а ноги этих плагинов растут
у кого есть куледит можете поюзать
Aurora download - NEW !!!! - Aurora 3.3 released!

*** Aurora 3.3 beta1 release ***
4 plugins have been substantially modified:
- Convolv.xfm, now compiled with the new, ultra-fast intel IPP FFT libraries. The
convolution is now incredibly fast, and the "preview" button has been added for
realtime listening of the convolution effect.
- Gensweep.xfm: now the pulse on the right channel which controls the advancement
of the rotating table has been placed in the middle of the silence gap between one
sweep and the next.
- IRselect. This is a new plugin, whih substitutes the "Synchronous Average" for
measurement sets made without repetitions of the sine sweep. It does not employ anymore
the Windows clipboard, teh results are left on the currently displayed waveform.
- Kirkeby2. Now frequency-domain "smoothing" is possible prior of the inversion...
Aurora 3.3 has been verified to work perfectly under Cool Edit Pro 2.1 ...

*** Beta 8 modifications ***
Verified perfect compatibility with Windows XP and with CoolEditPro v. 2.0a

*** Beta 7 modifications ***
Three plugins neeede to be recompiled for gaining full compatibility with the
new release of CoolEdit, called Cool Edit Pro 2.0.
The three plugins are Convolve with clipboard, ConvoWarp and Deconvolve IRS/Clip
All these three plugins needed to get data from the Windows clipboard, and now CEP2
changed the format for storing 32-bits waveforms on the clipboard.
All other plugins are unaffected.

*** Alpha-stage plugins ***
The new Cross-Functions (Xfunction.xfm) module has been released. This module only
works on stereo waveforms, and it can compute the two autocorrelations, the cross
correlation, and the transfer functions H1, H2 and H3. Furthermore, the result can
be viewed as envelope through a squared Hilbert transform.
Finally, a frequency-domain following filter is optionally activated. This tracks
the peak frequency of one of the two channels, and filters only a specified bandwidth
around this frequency. This can greatly improve the S/N ratio for measurements
conducted with sine sweep as excitation signal.
The GenSweep module now can also create the time reversal of the inverse filter directly
on the right channel. This can be useful when the new Cross Functions module is employed
because this way a simple cross-correlation between the system response and the time-
reversal of the excitation signal yields the impulse response, without the known
problems associated with the H1, H2 and H3 estimators.
In this case, the normal operational way is to loopback the right output channel to the
left input channel, to drive the loudspeaker with the Left output channel, and to
connect the microphone to the right input channel.
If this cannot be done, and the right output must necessarily be looped back to the right
input, the X-functions module contains a specific "Time Reversal" flag, which restores
the correct orientation of the time axis after a cross-correlation with the channels
having been swapped.
Finally, a very-Beta (or Alpha, if You prefer) version of the forthcoming Acoustical Paramater
module has been added. It is called Acoustic_32.xfm, and it is now capable also of 1/3
octave computations. Please note that the 1/3 octave results are accurate only if the
sampling rate was 44.1 kHz (wee are working on extending this limit).
Furthermore, the module can now compute also the ANDO parameters (IACC-based) and the ISO3382
spatiality indicators (LF, LFC). The first values are meaningful only if the processed
signal was a Binaural Impulse response (BIR), measured with a dummy head. The other
spatiality parameters require instead the use of a Soundfield microphone in WY mode,
or that the left channel is driven by an omni, and the right channel by a figure-of-8.
Everything in this new module is not very stable yet, we cannot claim this module to be
in Beta stage...

*** Beta 6 modifications ***
Other improvements to the Acoustical Parameters module. Now the graphical display is
more correct, closely resembling what is done by the MLSSA software. The calculation
of energetic ratios (Clarity, Definition) was improved, taking into account the
response time of the octave-band filters, as suggested in the appendix of the
ISO3382/1997 standard. This is particularly relevant at the lower frequency bands.

*** Beta 5 modifications ***
The Generate Multiple MLS signal module was substantially improved. Now it is possible
to repeat the MLS sequence several times, wich is very useful for measurements
made with a rotating table. The sync pulse for activating the rotating board can now
be synced at the beginning or at the end of each repetition.

*** Beta 4 modifications ***
Some aesthetic improvements and bug fixes to Acoustical Parameters module.

*** Beta 3 main improvements ***
1) All the modules now respond to CoolEdit with XFMValidLibrary=1157, which enables
them to work both under CoolEditPro and CoolEdit2000. The support for Cool96 is
no more available.
2) Improved robustness of all the modules, except for Real Time Convolver, who still
crashes after too many button pressures on the module's interface.

*** Beta 2 main improvements ***
1) Now Calculate Acoustics has a beatiful graphical interface for displaying
the Impulse Response (in dB scale) superposed with the Schroeder plot. It is
possible to display how the impulse response changes when filtered in each
octave band.
2) Now also Signal and Noise level are shown. The value is expressed in terms
of SEL (Single Event Level), and thus represent the total energy of the
Impulse Response. This value corresponds with teh starting point of the
Schroeder plot. Instead, the Impulse Response plot is scaled in
"Instantaneous dB", with an RMS integration time equal to 1/500 of the
Impulse Response length
3) The new parameter Strength is computed. This requires that a reference
free-field impulse response has been previously stored as reference level.
4) The Invert Kirkeby module now also supports a simplified Cross-talk cancel
only mode, (from an original idea of Ralph Glasgal), which computes cross
talk cancelling filters without any equalization on the ipselateral paths.
5) The MLSSA tim filter now maintains 32-bits depth also during the export.

*** Aurora 3.2 BETA main improvements ***
1) All the modules now are compliant with 32-bit waveform processing, without
any intermediate reduction to 16 bits during data transfers between CoolEdit
and the plugins. This results in improved dynamic range and reduced computational
2) Some minor bugs have been corrected in many modules.
3) The new module ConvoWarp has been added, implementing WFIR processing (Warped
Finite Impulse Response filtering). Also cross-talk cancelling networks, with 4
separate filters (in the 2x2 format) are accepted.
4) The Invert Kirkeby module now accepts the computation of filters shorter than
the original impulse responses to invert. This has been done with the new Mourjopoulos
formulation of frequency-domain smoothing (AES Journal, March 2000), which indirectly
causes the computation of the inverse filters to be made with an algorithm which is
substantially different from the original Nelson-Kirkeby formulation, because now not
only the regularization parameter is variable with frequency, but also the equivalent
bandwidth of each spectral line is variable with approximate logarithmic law.

*** Setup Instructions ***

In this directory the whole set of Aurora plug-ins for CoolEdit
is stored. The plug-ins are in the ZIP files called
(Aurora 3.2 Beta2, released on 06/september/2000).
No installation procedure is required: simply copy the contents of the
ZIP file within the directory where the CoolEdit Program was installed.
If CoolEdit seems to not recognize the new modules, simply destroy
the files called XFM.DAT and FLT.DAT. At the subsequent launch, CoolEdit
will scan for new plug-ins and recreate the above two files.

Registration of Aurora plug-ins.
These plugins are not registered, You can use them only for evaluation.
If You want to register, please contact the new publisher (KAGI.COM)
who is now ready to accept on-line registration.
The unregistered plug-ins are fully functional, but they exhibit an
annoying behaviour. Randomly (with a chance of 1:4) they crash CoolEdit!
Of course, after registration this annoying behaviour disappears...

Self-Registration of Aurora 3.2 plugins
The new release of Aurora 3.2 introduces self-registration of the
plugins. If You received Your username and reg.key from Acoustec, simply
create a text file called AuroKey.txt, containing in the first line
Your username, and the reg.key in the second line. Save this file in any
directory in your PATH (i.e. C:\Windows). Then destroy the file XFM.DAT
in the CoolEdit directory, so that CoolEdit is forced to re-inizialize
the plugins at the next start. Each plugin will search for the AuroKey.txt
file, and if found will read automatically the from it.

Aurora 3.2 single-plugin self registration
If You only purchased some of the 16 plugins, You will receive a separate
TXT file for each plugin (acoustic.txt, convolv.txt, etc.). AGain, You need
to copy all these files in a directory included in Your PATH string.

Help Files
The help files and the manual included are out-of-date with the
current development of plug-ins. Together with the official release of
Aurora 3.2 (scheduled for 30th September 2000), updated help files, in English,
will be available on this site.
For the manual a couple of months more will be required...
In the meanwhile, please refer to the Aurora web pages for explanations.

Enjoy it!

Angelo Farina
он новом
Liquid Mix V2.0
Musik Messe sees the release of Liquid Mix V2.0, a new software release for Liquid Mix, Focusrite’s DSP-powered dynamic convolution mix solution, delivering 32 channels of EQ and Compression simultaneously.

The new software release will be available for free to download early in April 2007 and delivers a number of improvements over the original software. The new release makes Liquid Mix a no-brainer for producers and engineers wanting classic vintage processing, but with the flexibility of the digital world.

Liquid Mix v2.0 now features an EQ side-chain on the compressor, providing an additional one-band EQ to be fed into the side-chain of any classic compressor emulation. Combined with the existing ‘Listen’ feature, this provides the ideal solution for high quality de-essing and more creative compression.

V2.0 also ensures that the Hardware follows the Software GUI functionality in every way. V2.0 also delivers improved stability on both PC and Mac, making Liquid Mix rock-solid, even when operating with all 32 instances simultaneously.

For users struggling with buffer issues, Liquid Mix v2.0 offers variable buffer size as well as supporting large DAW buffer sizes, helping to ensure lower latency operation across all sequencers, and provide compatibility with software packages such as Wavelab, SoundForge and Audition.

These, combined with a host of other improvements, must surely guarantee Liquid Mix’s position at the top of the vintage processing emulation leader-board.

Liquid Mix v2.0 is available for Musik Messe attendees to try out for themselves - simply visit the Focusrite booth – Number A50, Hall 5.1
Focusrite Liquid Mix

Focusrite Liquid Channel

сделаны по лицензии фирмы Sintefex Audio
которая и сама делает приборы на принципе динамической конволюции


8 Bands of EQ*, Sampled Analogue and Digital Dynamics on each of channel in Surround, Stereo or Multi-channel mono. All Classic Compressors may be used with side-chain EQ, expander/gate and multichannel choice of gain linkage modes. Gain reduction link between multiple machines supports gain profile recording. Sampling of analogue signal paths. Classic Compressor and EQ library. Unique Linear Phase mode available on all sampled Classic EQ's. Sampled signal paths recreated. Stereo/multi-channel delay line up to 32 seconds per channel. 10 Stereo or Multichannel reverberation algorithms (available up to 48k). Soft Bypass with choice of delay compensation. Low Latency for Real Time applications. 32-bit floating point throughout. 24-bit AES interface. SPDIF coax and optical and ADAT light pipe 8-channel interface. 96kHz operation. 24-bit A-D and D-A conversion. (*4 bands digital EQ, 4 bands sampled analogue EQ)


Active Member
23 Дек 2006
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Дело может быть еще в QuickTime. Раньше был установлен альтернативный и некоторые плаги от разных производителей не прорисовывались. Поставил QuickTime 7 - проблемы решились. Не панацея, но можно попробовать. Еще можно повысить качество цветопередачи видеокарты с 16 до 32 бит, а иногда помогает и понижение :)


New Member
6 Авг 2003
<div class='quotetop'>Цитата</div>
Дело может быть еще в QuickTime. Раньше был установлен альтернативный и некоторые плаги от разных производителей не прорисовывались. Поставил QuickTime 7 - проблемы решились.[/b]
Вряд ли - у меня 7-ой стоит, а проблемы наблюдаются. Хотя, может кому-то и поможет...

<div class='quotetop'>Цитата</div>
Еще можно повысить качество цветопередачи видеокарты с 16 до 32 бит[/b]
А что у кого-то 16 стоит? :blink:

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