+ Support for media files with any number of audio channels (wav, aiff, ogg, wavpack so far)
+ Multichannel render, render stems, record output
+ Action to explode multichannel audio or MIDI into multiple single-channel items
+ Programmable joystick/game controller to MIDI input conversion (for both track MIDI and for actions/learn)
+ Track channels automatically increase to accommodate multichannel media
+ Track channels automatically increase to accommodate new sends or receives
+ MIDI editor: dragging notes respects project settings for snapping note ends, item offset
+ MIDI editor: ctrl+shift locks dragged notes in time or pitch
+ MIDI editor: cursors for dragging loop end marker, item boundaries
+ MIDI editor: fixed autoscroll when creating loop selection
+ MIDI editor: fixed marquee selection in drum mode
+ MIDI hardware in/out: possible timing improvements (more work to do)
+ Drag/drop image files into REAPER, preserve aspect ratio
+ Drawing optimizations
+ Fixed metronome count-in when not at project start
+ Mute/solo take in time selection actions: improvements
+ Tracks have folder state buttons (again)
+ Fixed multiproject performance issue
+ Actions to toggle all envelopes for selected tracks visible, or in/out of envelope lanes
+ Actions to show/hide all active envelopes
+ Menu item and action to interactively reduce number of envelope points
+ Highlight and filter envelope names in the track envelopes dialog
+ Fixed metronome count-in stutter on first downbeat
+ MIDI editor: filter displayed event types and parameters
+ WAV reading supports waveformatextensible headers
+ WAV IMA-ADPCM read/write, MSADPCM read, non-standard cADPCM (2-bit) read/write
+ MOGG import
+ Fix for VSTs that send midi out of context
+ Fixed peaks drawing accuracy in render window
+ "Preserve PDC delayed monitoring" accounts for recording latency as well as PDC (so soft synths sound the same when played live vs played back, etc)
+ Code to prevent elastique from chewing CPU on near silence
+ ReaPitch/ReaVoice: optimization to reduce processing during silence
+ ReaVerb: set all button for quickly changing all active ReaVerbs to particular fft settings
+ ReaVerb: lower CPU use, less CPU when processing silence
+ Preliminary soft-takeover mode for FX parameter learning
+ FX preset loading, VST program changes now add undo points
+ Automap 3.0 (beta) support in HUI mode