Вести с полей о муз софте (7 онлайн)

Сорян, это я слоупок по ходу
Последнее редактирование:
Arturia Acid V


Deco by Strymon (те самые которые BigSky), Tape Saturation plugin.


- Sound Design
- Tape Saturation Controls
- Doubletracker Controls
- Blend Type
- Lag Time
- Wide Stereo
- Auto-Flange
- Studio Mode
- Analog Richness

Price: 79$

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Реакции: deplexer и alexpen
Deco by Strymon (те самые которые BigSky), Tape Saturation plugin.

Посмотреть вложение 233767

- Sound Design
- Tape Saturation Controls
- Doubletracker Controls
- Blend Type
- Lag Time
- Wide Stereo
- Auto-Flange
- Studio Mode
- Analog Richness

Price: 79$

Невооруженным глазом читается работа легендарного дизайнера рипера и ссл
@electrical, По крайней мере, в отличие от первого из перечисленных, надписи чётко читаются. Хотя народ на ГС пишет о схожести дизайна с фриварными плагами конца нулевых )
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Реакции: deplexer и Zit
Transit by BABY Audio (эффект для разных FX transitions)


- The ultimate plugin for creating complex FX transitions with one knob movement – and keeping listeners engaged.
- Perfect for building excitement between song parts and adding moments of magic and flair to your productions.
- Can be controlled with a single Macro Knob or a Motion Sequencer that triggers DAW-sync'ed automations at the click of a button.
- Engage 'Sequencer Loop' mode to use Transit as an LFO tool for constant FX movements across entire tracks.
- A creative playground for both studio and live use, suitable for producers, engineers, performers and even DJs.
- Ships with 200+ high quality presets created by Andrew Huang and leading sound designers.

Price: intro 59$ (reg 99$)

Transit by BABY Audio (эффект для разных FX transitions)

Посмотреть вложение 233875

- The ultimate plugin for creating complex FX transitions with one knob movement – and keeping listeners engaged.
- Perfect for building excitement between song parts and adding moments of magic and flair to your productions.
- Can be controlled with a single Macro Knob or a Motion Sequencer that triggers DAW-sync'ed automations at the click of a button.
- Engage 'Sequencer Loop' mode to use Transit as an LFO tool for constant FX movements across entire tracks.
- A creative playground for both studio and live use, suitable for producers, engineers, performers and even DJs.
- Ships with 200+ high quality presets created by Andrew Huang and leading sound designers.

Price: intro 59$ (reg 99$)

Понять бы ещё где у него кнопка как назначить на главную крутилку миди контроллер ) стандартной функции типа midi learn не смог найти
Последнее редактирование:
Mastering The Mix FUSER
Smart Unmasking Plugin

FUSER resolves conflicting channels by assisting you in adjusting volume balance, enhancing phase optimization, and implementing intelligent mid-side sidechain ducking

Acon Digital - Remix (AI реалтайм разделение трека на стемы), теперь как отдельный плаг. До этого был в виде встроенной обработки в Acoustica редакторе.


Price: 50$, овнерам Acoustica Premium Edition 7.x должна прийти лицензия на акк бесплатно.


SoundBetter has announced the release of Butterfly Effect, an ambient reverb plugin that "creates beautiful pads from melodic instruments".

Features include:
  • Three high-quality ambient reverb engines.
  • Reverse grains.
  • Shimmer & crystals.
  • Infinite Blur & Space.
  • Unique, musical slow Blur build-up.
  • Time-synced & MIDI-controlled slow-motion sweeps.
  • Playable overtones in the key of the track.
  • Built in ducking to clear room in the mix, and time-synced external sidechain for pumping effects.
  • 8-bit distortion & saturation.
  • Tape wow, flutter & modulation.
  • Width control for expansive spaces or distant directional tails.
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Реакции: greennoise
LOVE by Dawesome\Tracktion (ambient FX plugin), похоже fx секция из Dawesome синтов (в которой ревера очень неплохие).


- Combines GRANULAR effects with a classical SHIMMER.
- CLOUDS - epic reverb.
- Delay, Filter, Chorus, Phaser.
- Ultra-fast, simple workflow.
- Smart Randomisation function.
- Any parameter can be automated in your DAW.

Price: 60$

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