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v5.02 – September 22 2015
+ Actions: make solo and mute actions obey grouping
+ API: add EnumerateFiles and EnumerateSubdirectories [t=165856]
+ API: add GetProjectTimeOffset, GetMediaSourceParent, IsProjectDirty
+ API: add OpenColorThemeFile, GetLastColorThemeFile, OpenMediaExplorer
+ API: enable MIDI_SetEvt for channel messages [t=166494]
+ API: enable GetSetMediaTrackInfo and related function support for P_MCP_LAYOUT and P_TCP_LAYOUT (get/set track layout names)
+ Audio Units: improve handling of plug-ins with variable channel counts
+ Control surfaces: make mute and solo obey grouping
+ Control surfaces: add MCU surface option to ignore global surface offset
+ Envelopes: add action to manually edit envelope point at cursor
+ FX: optimize/harden parameter automation notification code
+ HMSF: correctly handle negative HMSF project offsets when parsing HMSF strings
+ Items: fix weird volume knob appearance on very small media items
+ JSFX IDE: detect/prompt to reload JSFX that have been modified externally
+ JSFX IDE: use Ctrl+R for open import lines, fix tab insertion
+ JSFX IDE: update selection/cursor when indenting block text
+ Lua: support popen on OSX [t=166043]
+ MIDI: detect and convert legacy Latin-1 encoded text events on export
+ MIDI: export text events using UTF-8, Latin-1, or ASCII
+ MIDI: fix Latin-1 string filtering bugs with UTF-8 codepoints U+100-U+7FF
+ MIDI: convert Latin-1 text events to UTF-8 on .mid file import [t=166423]
+ MIDI: fix truncated events in list view editor when source MIDI extends beyond enclosing media item bounds
+ Preferences: fix option ‘Show splash screen on startup’ being ignored in certain instances
+ Project settings: rename “use cursor” to “set 0:00 to cursor”, make behavior closer to that of REAPER 4.x
+ ReaComp: support manually editing envelope points with proper formatting [p=1570607]
+ ReaScript: fix Latin-1 vs UTF-8 character set issues in console
+ ReaScript: use Ctrl+R in IDE for open EEL import lines
+ ReaScript: fix tab insertion for EEL editor
+ ReaScript: detect/prompt from IDE to reload scripts that have been modified externally
+ ReaScript: update selection/cursor when indenting block text in IDE
+ ReaScript: allow editing scripts with external editors
+ ReaScript: encode HTML entities when generating ReaScript documentation
+ ReaScript: sanity check Undo_BeginBlock/Undo_EndBlock and PreventUIRefresh
+ Selection: fix marquee item/envelope point selection not obeying some locking options
+ Selection: fix actions to select all tracks/envelope points not obeying some locking options [p=1538248]
+ SoundTouch: update to 1.9.0, allow stretch rates up to 1000x, up to 64 channels
+ Time display: fix measures/beats time display when in preroll before time 0.0
+ Track manager: improve selection state tracking when reordering tracks
+ Track manager: fix auto-scroll when adding tracks on Windows [p=1533564]
+ Track manager: fix scroll issues with reordered columns on OSX [p=1564036]
+ Track manager: prevent flashing selection state when reordering tracks
+ Track manager: support sorting by custom track color
+ VCA: fix reset of master envelope when applying single-point volume envelopes to slaves
+ VLC: fix native decoding to RGB/YUY2
+ VoiceOver: always allow VoiceOver fader/knob changes even with new 5.0 default ignore-mousewheel setting
+ VST: improve keyboard support
+ VST: send VST2 note-off velocities
+ VST: convert MIDI channel pressure messages to VST3 aftertouch
+ VST: fix numpad keyboard issues for certain Windows VST3 [t=165729]
+ VST: REAPER Extension API made available to VST3 plug-ins
+ VST: support VST3 plugins that implicitly detect sidechains [p=1572212]
+ Windows: support more UTF-8 characters in various combo/edit boxes