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--------------------- ¦--- ---- ---- -------- --- -----------------------------
- ---¦ - ¦- --- ----¦- ---------- ¦---¦cpN^cRo
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- S P i R i T ------------ --- ¦-
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. P R E S E N T S - - -- ¦¦ .
: - -- :
· --¦+---T------------------- - · - ----------------------T---+¦-- ·
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
: ·L----· Cakewalk.Project5.Version.2.DVDR-SPiRiT ·L----· :
¦ ¦
¦ SUPPLIER: TEAM SPiRiT DATE: 06-10-2005 ¦
+-¬¦ ¦--+
¦ ---¬ -¦- -=- R E L E A S E i N F O R M A T I O N -=- -¦- ---¬ ¦
¦| ¦ ¦ |¦
¦: : Project5 is simply everything you need to create and perform : :¦
¦ . today's music. Straight out of the box, you get a complete . ¦
¦ set of superb quality instruments and effects; powerful ¦
¦ recording, looping, sequencing, and arranging; dynamic ¦
¦ creation tools; and the ultimate open synth host. ¦
¦ ¦
¦ Learn more about features here: ¦
http://www.cakewalk.com/Products/Project5/features.asp ¦
¦ ¦
¦ NOTE: Many Thanks to H2O for the serial. Simply elegant. ¦
¦ ¦
¦ -[
http://www.cakewalk.com/Products/Project5/default.asp ]- ¦
+-¬¦ ¦--+
¦ ---¬ -¦- -=- i N S T A L L A T I O N N O T E S -=- -¦- ---¬ ¦
¦| ¦ ¦ |¦
¦: : 1 Uncompress files with WinRar 3 or above. : :¦
¦ . 2 Burn image or mount it. . ¦
¦ 3 Run setup and use serial# CWP5200999999345303 when asked. ¦
+-¬¦ ¦--+
¦ ---¬ -¦- -=- W O R D S O F T H E W i S E -=- -¦- ---¬ ¦
¦| ¦ ¦ |¦
¦: : SPiRiT are TNC and ALFiSO <> ALFiSO and TNC. After many : :¦
¦ . years as friends we finally decided to hold up the flag . ¦
¦ together. ¦
¦ ¦
¦ SPiRiT provides these sound discs as a means for those of us ¦
¦ who can not afford to spend money on samples discs that ¦
¦ could possibly be of no use to us: This is your chance to ¦
¦ evaluate the product. ¦
¦ ¦
¦ If you find these samples useful and you use them ¦
¦ ¦
¦ The people who make these sounds would not be able to ¦
¦ continue creating them without the financial support of the ¦
¦ people who who use them! Do the right thing, honour their ¦
¦ work! ¦
¦ ¦
+-¬¦ ¦--+
¦ ---¬ -¦- -=- S P i R i T S E N D S F L O W E R S T O -=- -¦- ---¬ ¦
¦| ¦ ¦ |¦
¦: : AI - CoBaLT - DELiRiUM - EtHnO - H2O - TALiO : :¦
¦ . . ¦
¦ ¦
+-¬¦ ¦--+
¦ ---¬ -¦- -=- C O N T A C T T H E S P i R i T U A L -=- -¦- ---¬ ¦
¦| ¦ ¦ |¦
¦: : Access SPiRiT-ual healing by selecting a contact healing : :¦
¦ . appointment or absent healing request. ¦
¦ ¦
¦ ¦
+¬ -+
L+-------=[ NFO UPDATED:SEP 2004 ]=-=[ ASKEE cpN/cRo LAYOUT cz/cRo ]=-------+-