Апдейты/апгрейды софта

Мы обновили плагины A.O.M. до версии 1.17.2.

* Enhancement
* [AAX-Native] UI scaling feature is now enabled on Pro Tools.
* Improvements
* [Windows] Speed up installation.
* [Cyclic Panner, Invisible Limiter G2, Invisible Limiter G3, Stereo Imager D, Tau Compressor Plus, Triple Fader, tranQuilizr, Wave Shredder] Prevent potential delay of meter/graph display on some exotic hosts.
* [Stereo Imager D] Suppress meaningless error log under more than 800kHz (unsupported) sampling rate.
* [All Plugins] Reduce wait time during host quit.
* Bug Fixes
* [Invisible Limiter G3] Soft Limiter section extremely sporadically stops working -- Fixed.
* [Invisible Limiter, Invisible Limiter G3, Kujaku, DeSibilizer, Track Symbiosis, Nu Compressor] On some hosts, which suspend its audio engine during playback stop, plugins could output tail of previously processed signals -- Fixed.
* [Invisible Limiter G2] Plugin do not memorize user's latest selection of Easy/Advanced Mode settings. -- Fixed.
* [DeSibilizer, Track Symbiosis] Plugins potentially freeze on GUI operation under almost 100% CPU load. There is no reproduction report in the real world. -- Fixed.
* Changes
* [Triple Fader] Limit gain change rate between +/- 0.1dB per sample.
Хорошие новости: недавно выпущенное обновление macOS 14.4.1 Sonoma от Apple восстанавливает совместимость с плагинами Audio Units, защищенными PACE / iLok, на всех компьютерах Apple Silicon Mac.

Обновление Sonoma 14.4.1 теперь доступно в настройках системы macOS. Дополнительные сведения см. в следующем объявлении о поддержке:
Информация о совместимости с macOS 14.4 Sonoma.

С уважением, команда поддержки клиентов UA.
Наконец с софтом подружили

Change log for 2.5.82 (Released on April 9th, 2024)
All plug-ins:

• New and improved About window.
• Fixed an issue where default preset recall was broken for factory presets where the original metadata had been changed.
• Fixed an issue where the MIDI CC menu had an unintended text alignment until the mouse was over the text.
• Fixed a memory leak when a plug-in window was closed with the Input and Output panels open.
Amp Room
• Fixed a rare issue that could cause Fix Doubler to fail to load when used in old Amp Room projects in an ABCD state other than the current one.
• Now loadable in the Console 1 Shape sections (in addition to Drive and Preamp).
Console 1 Core Mixing Suite:
• Added two new preamps, Vintage and Modern, to the Preamp section.
Console 1 System:
• Added support for third-party plug-ins. Currently supported third-party plug-ins: Which third-party plug-ins can I control with Console 1?
• Fixed an issue that would cause sections that failed to load (e.g. when missing a license) to be lost if a project was re-saved during the failed state.
• Fixed an issue where the Filters to compressor setting was not retained properly when saving a project.
• Fixed an issue where some sections got the wrong color and logo in the Console 1 plug-in UI.
• Fixed an issue where plug-ins loaded in the Shape section sometimes showed max gain reduction if they contained no GR meter.
• Fixed an issue that caused the channel strip logo to be reset when recalling a project.
• Fixed an issue that could cause an incompatibility warning for SSL SL 4000 E-Series when loading a saved project after uninstalling Core Mixing Suite.
• Fixed a severe issue causing some Modular modules to save their parameter values with a CV offset. Unfortunately, the projects saved with the bug (Modular versions 2.5.79-81) will be wrong even with the fix. Projects saved with the update will be correct. Affected modules are:
- British Class A
- Fix Doubler
- Fix Flanger
- Fix Phaser
- Model 82 FX
- Monoment Bass
- Parallels
- Saturation Knob
- Spring Reverb
- Statement Lead
- TSAR-1
- Tape Echoes
- Tube Delay
- Tube-Tech Blue Tone
- Wasted Space
- Widener
VCA Compressor:
• Fixed scaling of the right output meter.
Weiss EQ MP and Weiss EQ1
• Fixed an issue causing the frequency Hz labels to be missing in Weiss EQ MP and Weiss EQ1.
Как бы давно есть
Красивое.. Цену конечно же смотреть я не буду.


Чёрт возьми, похоже это единственный контроллер у которого фейдеры размечены до +12 дб, прямо как в кубейсе! Хорошая попытка, товарищи англичане.. Суканах
Последнее редактирование:
Красивое.. Цену конечно же смотреть я не буду.

Посмотреть вложение 245566

Чёрт возьми, похоже это единственный контроллер у которого фейдеры размечены до +12 дб, прямо как в кубейсе! Хорошая попытка, товарищи англичане.. Суканах
В кубейсе прямо как в Pro Tools)
Пока нет. Сторонние плагины, не свои! Типа Waves CLA MixHub, или Brainworx SSl 9000. Скоро должно появиться.
Уже ,говорю же, около 2-х месяцев кручю Микс Хаб ,Планин Альянс и не Только)


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    Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 22.37.39.png
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    Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 22.37.54.png
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Реакции: SoNick и drumwizard
Soldano SLO-100 X

The original American high-gain tone got even better.
Soldano SLO-100 X

In the annals of guitar amplification, few names command the reverence and awe bestowed upon the Soldano SLO-100.

The unique circuitry that Mike Soldano pioneered didn't just make the SLO-100 iconic; it is responsible for the American high-gain sound as prevalent in modern music today as it was almost four decades ago.

Now, in 2024, we’re pleased to announce we have updated this titan of tone with our most advanced plugin technology.

We proudly present to you, the Soldano SLO-100 X.

Existing Soldano SLO-100 customers get a FREE update via neuraldsp.com/downloads
Try it now
The big changes in the
Soldano SLO-100 X
New Global Features
New Global Features

We’ve added our Transpose, Doubler, and Live Tuner to give you everything you need for killer recording sessions.

Every great player needs one. We built one into the standalone app to make effective practice easier than ever.
Room Mics

Get the perfect ambiance with our proprietary room mics section.
New Features
Low and High Pass Filters

It’s now simpler than ever to clean up and shape your guitar tone with our updated EQ module.
Additional Artist Presets

We added a bunch of awesome new presets from some of our favorite artists.
Updated UI

We’ve redesigned the interface to be cleaner and more intuitive to use – so you can focus on dialing it in.
Try it now

Если коротко,то у кого есть Slo100 то версию Х получает бесплатно,она встаёт вторым девайсом и как плагин и как настольный варик.
Metric Halo MH Production Bundle обновился до v4.

Differences between v3 and v4
MH Production Bundle v4 features

New Plug-ins included in the bundle
  • MH SuperGate - A new, flexible state-space based Signal Gate that finally actually does what a gate was always supposed to do.
  • MH Sonic EQ - 6-band fully parametric Equalizer, where every band in the EQ supports 2nd to 8th order filters, using the low-noise 64-bit state-space EQ structure. This implementation is based on the original SonicEQ developed by Dr. Andy Moorer for the Sonic Solutions mastering DAW, and then ported and enhanced for the Mobile I/O DSP by Dr. B.J. Buchalter.
New Functions for Pro Tools:
  • Adds support for EQ and Dynamics graphs in Pro Tools
  • Enables EQ and Dynamics pages in Avid Control/EuCon when running in Pro Tools
Updates to Character:
  • Provides a new UI for MH Character
  • Provides additional oversampling options for MH Character
Common changes for all plug-ins:
  • Adds VST3 versions for all plugins on both macOS and Windows
  • VST3 Apple Silicon Native support for Steinberg products (Cubase, Nuendo, etc).
  • VST3 Native Sidechain Support for our plugins that provide Sidechain input.
  • Undo/Redo
  • A/B snapshots and snapshot blend
  • Software update tracking
  • More flexible resizability
  • Common controls in the header bar (Help, Resize, Pane Disclosure)
  • All plugins support AU, AAX, VST2 and VST3 on macOS.
  • All plugins support AAX, VST2, and VST3 on Windows.
  • Improved Preset Management
  • Plug-in Settings copy/paste between instances
  • Plug-in details pane (accessed by the MH Logo) that shows:
    • About box
    • Links to documentation, tech support and frequently asked questions
    • Software update information and release notes
    • Current release notes
    • Plug-in Preferences
  • Significantly reduced size download for the installers on macOS
  • Adds a user configurable themes for most plugins
  • Adds user selectable knob styles for many plugins
  • Adds user preference for band colors
  • Adds user preference UI colors
  • Adds user preference for showing/hiding knob rings
  • Refines layout and visuals of the UIs
До 31 мая можно проапдейтиться за $99, дальше - $199.
Стоимость новой покупки сейчас 400 баксов вместо 700. Авторизация - айлок, 2 лицензии, доступна регистрация на компе (без ЮСБ ключа).
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Реакции: aps
Soldano SLO-100 X
Если коротко,то у кого есть Slo100 то версию Х получает бесплатно,она встаёт вторым девайсом и как плагин и как настольный варик.
По факту там уже несколько версий x вышло-Plini, Gojira, Nameless . В старых плагах добавили новые фишки и педальки (особенно заметно на Безымянном).
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Реакции: darthmortius
Главное, чтобы старые версии не прикрыли, Плини Х сильно отличается именно по звуку)
Главное, чтобы старые версии не прикрыли, Плини Х сильно отличается именно по звуку)
Отличаются по громкости (версии x чутка тише-но вроде он пресеты сам в плюс подгоняет старые). В плини фузз появился и хорус кстати.
Отличаются по громкости (версии x чутка тише-но вроде он пресеты сам в плюс подгоняет старые). В плини фузз появился и хорус кстати.
Там, по-моему, есть разница по входу, в новой версии заметно чище звук, плюс ещё в третьем усилке может быть некоторая разница, но детально я ещё не сравнивал)
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Реакции: Max Kon
Kazrog обновили свои продукты:

Reason Studios анонсировали Reason 13:
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Реакции: Greev
По факту там уже несколько версий x вышло

основной прикол с этой литерой X, что эти версии плагинов будут работать нативно внутри их процессора квад кортекс (не могу дождаться, как обладатель)
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Реакции: Muzart
@Max Kon, педали, даблер — это всё, очевидно, пустяки, по сравнению с тем, сколько кода пришлось перелопатить для совместимости. История на несколько лет затянулась
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Реакции: Muzart и Max Kon
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Реакции: Wham_48
Тогда уж текстом

The World’s Most Analog DAW, Now Available for Windows
LUNA is the only recording software with classic analog studio sounds built in, so you can get mixes that sound like the records you love faster, and with less hassle.

Today, we’re pleased to announce that LUNA will now support Windows through an open beta.

If you’ve been waiting for this day, or know a Windows‑based musician looking for recording software — help us spread the word and continue to make LUNA available to creators everywhere.
*Please see the LUNA Windows FAQ
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Реакции: Arlekin

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