Апдейты/апгрейды софта (1 онлайн

AccSone проапгрейдили свой небезызвестный CrusherX granular synthesizer (Win\Mac) и вроде бы (судя по ченж листу) наконец реализована общая автоматизация.


crusherX-Studio! 4.20:
- Add wave buffer loading and saving (wav and aif file support).
- Add over 140 meaningful named and preassigned plugin parameters.
- Add sound windowing on start/stop vapor buffer trigger to prevent spikes.
- Add Cloud 3D window to view the grains in a sizable separated window.
- Add new GUI theme.
- Add wave buffer visualization in cloud 3D view (z-axis).
- Add grain length visualization in cloud 3D view.
- Add Windows 8 support.
- GUI Cleanup, increase font size.
- Replace ? help signs by clickable panel headlines.
- Change direction of grain window scan from backward to forward (in case of using a file as a grain window it will now "windowed" in the right direction).
- Increase controller assignment performance.
- Remove crash on extreme big vapor buffer sizes.
- Remove fast button press bug.

crusherX-Live! 6.10 :
- Add wave buffer loading and saving (wav and aif file support).
- Add sound windowing on start/stop vapor buffer trigger to prevent spikes.
- Add new GUI theme.
- Add fader wheels on mixer faders.
- Add global MIDI Mode.
- Add wave buffer visualization in cloud 3D view (z-axis).
- Add grain length visualization in cloud 3D view.
- Add volume control in IO-peak and File-peak window.
- Add Windows 8 support.
- GUI Cleanup, increase font size.
- Replace ? help signs by clickable panel headlines.
- Move Oscillograph input in front of volume out fader (so that the volume faders do not scale the visible waveform).
- Change direction of grain window scan from backward to forward (in case of using a file as a grain window it will now "windowed" in the right direction).
- Increase controller assignment performance.
- Remove crash on extreme big vapor buffer sizes.
- Remove fast button press bug.
- Remove crash during fast record off/on switching.
- Remove newbiew mode.
- Remove VST bridge functionality (replaced by crusherX-Studio!).
- Remove GUI scale and background picture functionality (no - longer necessary due to GUI cleanup).

Price: €79 (за каждый из вариантов)

Подробности: http://www.accsone.com/
MeldaProduction - обновление до 7.06:

Added a new GUI mode based on buttons, which saves space and is especially designed for those with small resolution displays.

Oscillator step sequencer now support multiple step shapes.

Added 1/3 oct and 1 oct mode to all analyzers.

Improved modulator pitch detector accuracy and response.

Added linear harmonics mode to all parametric (dynamic) equalizers.

Added envelope curvatures: saw, triangles and sines.

MWaveshaper & MMultiBandWaveShaper: Added asymmetric shaping, which can generate even harmonics. Added DC blocker and default mode is now linear.

Modulator values can now be automated.

MAutoPitch, MTuner: Improved pitch detection algorithm.

Improved switching between editor modes.

Added input level peak meters to multiband plugins.

Oscillator harmonics graphs' units now follow number of harmonics.

Added "Invert" feature to all parametric equalizers.

Plugins now provide only those channel modes, which make sense for them.

Fix: MMultiBandDelay could increase amount of required memory under certain circumstances.

Fix: It was possible to crash the plugins by creating a cycle using multiparameters.

Fix: Modulator sync didn't update when automated/modulated.

Fix: MRhythmizer didn't store filter range correctly.

Fix: Modulators did crash in envelope mode when side-chain had been enabled.

Fix: Installer on Windows didn't move shared IRs into the new location.

Fix: Analyzers didn't store "Enable when hidden" mode.

Fix: MMultiAnalyzer named all presets "0".

Fix: VST3 MIDI controllers could respond incorrectly when used before a high latency plugin in Cubase.

Fix: The plugins could crash in Wavelab 6.

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Реакции: Empiric
AccSone проапгрейдили свой небезызвестный CrusherX granular synthesizer (Win\Mac) и вроде бы (судя по ченж листу) наконец реализована общая автоматизация.
Блин, это я спутал сей плаг с vsti ZynAddSubFX от paulnasca, просто фейсы похожие (вот там то автоматизацию очень хотелось бы), а это покрутил, эффект какойто унылый.
(Это я к чему, так что не радуйтесь этой новости больше))))
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Реакции: Novation
До конца года Sonar выкатит версию X2a.

Official Windows 8 support as well as Touch support for Intel-Inspired Ultrabooks and other touch-enabled devices
Over 50 UI enhancements and improvements
Accessibility support
Enhanced Play List experience
Enhancements and fixes
We give all Philta owners a little late xmas present and added some really cool things in this update :)

Version: 1.2.0 - changes:

- better CPU performance!
- GUI Code reworked. Higher FPS rates are now possible. Looks much more smoother now
- fixed: un-bypassing the plugin did create a "click" sound on some circumstances
- the editor does not steal the keycommands from host.
- fixed a bug in the ratereducer/bitcrusher
- improved sync of the lfos. Now they are all 100% in time and dont lose sync any more
- rework of the RingMod/FM LP-Link mechanism for better adjustability. We dropped the on/off button. Now its automatically off, when the amount is set to 0%
- Added Syspage Option: "Filter Inertia" for the 48/96 Slopes to allow faster movements. This allows the filter to close/open nearly instantly (attention "clicks/pops" may occur on very big movements)
- Added new feature FreqMod (FM)
- Added Square LFO shape (which is pretty neat)
- Added 43 new factory presets which use all new features created by Manuel Schleis. This makes a total of 132 factory presets!
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Реакции: lotas
We give all Philta owners a little late xmas present and added some really cool things in this update :)

Version: 1.2.0 - changes:

- better CPU performance!
- GUI Code reworked. Higher FPS rates are now possible. Looks much more smoother now
- fixed: un-bypassing the plugin did create a "click" sound on some circumstances
- the editor does not steal the keycommands from host.
- fixed a bug in the ratereducer/bitcrusher
- improved sync of the lfos. Now they are all 100% in time and dont lose sync any more
- rework of the RingMod/FM LP-Link mechanism for better adjustability. We dropped the on/off button. Now its automatically off, when the amount is set to 0%
- Added Syspage Option: "Filter Inertia" for the 48/96 Slopes to allow faster movements. This allows the filter to close/open nearly instantly (attention "clicks/pops" may occur on very big movements)
- Added new feature FreqMod (FM)
- Added Square LFO shape (which is pretty neat)
- Added 43 new factory presets which use all new features created by Manuel Schleis. This makes a total of 132 factory presets!

поправлю уже 1.2.1.
Version: 1.2.1 - changes:
- fixed a problem where automation was not possible in ableton live

DiscoDSP has released Discovery Pro 6 (хотя по сути просто обновили до R6)

What's new:
- New Nord Lead 2 modeled filters using Zero Delay Feedback technology.
- Data folder now placed at Documents > discoDSP > Discovery Pro 6.
- EDIT > Reset > Bank / Program / Layer will get values from Documents > discoDSP > Discovery Pro 6 > Presets > Default.fxp file.
- EDIT > Paste > Layer to > All / A / B / C / D / A+B / C+D.
- EDIT > Switch > PadSynth Eco Mode. Re-synthesizes a single octave instead.
- EDIT > Key Split. Play Layers A/B from C0 to B3 and C/D from C4 to B9.
- Revised and tweaked 45 banks also updated to ZDF filters.
- Revised manual.
- Bug fixes.

*Discovery Pro 5 customers can update to Win+Mac for 19.99 EUR

Voxengo Span обновился до версии 2.5

List of changes in version 2.5:

Crash issue reported in Apple Logic Pro fixed.
If secondary spectrum is active, the delta between primary and secondary spectrums at cursor position is now displayed.
A crash related to UI resizing function fixed.

Steinberg наконец-то выпустила обновленный софт для CMC. Главное нововведение - поддержка Cubase 7.:clap:

Steinberg today released a new update for the CMC controller series.

The latest version of "Tools for CMC" provides full compatibility with Cubase 7 on Mac and PC systems.

Please view the release notes on the download page for more information.
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Реакции: Alex Astero
LASS 2!!!!!
LA Scoring Strings 2.0 (LASS) brings you a whole new set of tools and sonic profiles providing a new level of expressiveness, realism, real-time playability and program-ability to sampled strings.

Aside from our new Stage & Color feature (providing an easy way for you to have LASS sound like famous orchestral recordings and film scores), LASS 2 has over 60 new patches ranging from Aleatoric (string effects) to NV-Vib (non vibrato to vibrato) to Real Legato Tremolo and Trill patches.
Below is a partial list of some of LASS 2.0’s new features (you can also read about LASS’s new A.R.C. (Audiobro Remote Control).

подробней здесь: http://audiobro.com/lass-2-0/
(с добрым утром :bye: (прим. модер.))
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Реакции: Elle и Vosk
подробней здесь: http://audiobro.com/lass-2-0/
(с добрым утром :bye: (прим. модер.))

Спал, но вдруг внутренний голос сказал: "Проверь LASS!" Пришлось вставать, а так неохота было... А утро действительно добрым оказалось, так что спасибо:yahoo:
подробней здесь: http://audiobro.com/lass-2-0/
(с добрым утром :bye: (прим. модер.))

Спал, но вдруг внутренний голос сказал: "Проверь LASS!" Пришлось вставать, а так неохота было... А утро действительно добрым оказалось, так что спасибо:yahoo:

А вы ничего не путаете? Именно 2.0?
Нет, не путаю! Версия = LASS 2.0.1

Тогда подскажите как купить!)) Ну помогите мне уже кто-нибудь :)
Имею все продукты Audiobro, обновление для меня стоит 0.01 usd, а зарубежного счета paypal нет, платеж от меня не проходит.
Платеж у них только через PayPal! Значит надо завести счет через Pay Pal - это же не трудно!

Боюсь вы не поняли. Платеж не проходит именно с paypal, и эта тема поднималась не раз, что из России деньги по paypal не принимают audiobro.

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