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112 dB обновили EQ и Preamp http://112db.com/
Finally: Redline EQ & Redline Preamp are 64-bit! And we celebrate with a 50% discount on both plugins until 14th January.
- new GUI(s), dedicated GUIs for each easy mode too
- new metering, much more detailed and accurate
- new dual mono switch for the easy modes
- Mac RTAS is now officially supported
- less CPU consumption
- removed DC offset from saturation
- overall better handling of extreme settings
- with no oversampling selected DC8C is zero latency now
+ Add: New Menu function "Reset MIDI Learn Table"
- Fixed: Issue with MIDI controllers
- Fixed: improve plugin stability
- Fixed: Increased the maximum number of instances for 32 bit
- Fixed: Issue with Program Change
Новая версия DC8C - 2.2, довольно много изменений.
В частности, заработала крутилка "PROG DEP" для атаки, оверсемплинг не меняет теперь времени атаки/релиза, изменился маршрут цепи фидбек-компрессии.
Т.е. при загружке старых проектов может вылезти небольшая разница, если используются изменённые функции.
-FIX: overs in LIMITER mode under some circumstances
-CHANGE: feedback signal is grabbed before the output control now: so increasing output gain doesn't lead to more gain reduction, when feedback is used for the detector (FB-MIX > 0 and EASY modes)
-CHANGE: updated feedback path to avoid "clickiness" at very short attack times and and heavy gain reduction
-CHANGE: when using the mix control the dry mix signal is the unprocessed signal without input and output gain and without saturation
-CHANGE: negative release PROG DEP is now possible in SMASH mode too making release times down to 2ms possible on extreme settings and high GR
-FIX/CHANGE: attack PROG DEP is working as expected now, it's been completely rewritten and detached from the release PROG DEP. So it's easier to use both attack and release PROG DEP at the same time.
-CHANGE: internal timings of oversampled and non-oversampled operation are aligned now
Audio Damage recently updated all formats of Discord3 to v1.1.2, Replicant to v1.6.3 and Dubstation to v1.5.3. The OS X version of Eos has also been updated (to v1.1.2).
Новая версия DC8C - 2.2, довольно много изменений.
В частности, заработала крутилка "PROG DEP" для атаки, оверсемплинг не меняет теперь времени атаки/релиза, изменился маршрут цепи фидбек-компрессии.
Т.е. при загружке старых проектов может вылезти небольшая разница, если используются изменённые функции.
-FIX: overs in LIMITER mode under some circumstances
-CHANGE: feedback signal is grabbed before the output control now: so increasing output gain doesn't lead to more gain reduction, when feedback is used for the detector (FB-MIX > 0 and EASY modes)
-CHANGE: updated feedback path to avoid "clickiness" at very short attack times and and heavy gain reduction
-CHANGE: when using the mix control the dry mix signal is the unprocessed signal without input and output gain and without saturation
-CHANGE: negative release PROG DEP is now possible in SMASH mode too making release times down to 2ms possible on extreme settings and high GR
-FIX/CHANGE: attack PROG DEP is working as expected now, it's been completely rewritten and detached from the release PROG DEP. So it's easier to use both attack and release PROG DEP at the same time.
-CHANGE: internal timings of oversampled and non-oversampled operation are aligned now
У меня при переключении режима в feedback переставал работать внешний сайдчейн. А ещё, хотелось бы отметить, что компрессор становится реально всё круче и круче. Теперь кроме прозрачного и незаметного характера, можно накрутить довольно чёткий и пробивной звук, без артефактов на транзиентах.
discoDSP продолжает осовременивать свой семплер HighLife (R1.3) (Win/Mac/Linux)
Напомню что недавно он снова стал платным ($69), в тоже время начав более улучшаться.
What's new:
- New LowPass, HighPass, BandPass and BandReject Zero Delay Feedback filters.
- Edit > Wave Editor <-> cursors on wave selection borders.
- Edit > Wave Editor Mouse wheel zoom based on mouse cursor position, Shift+Mouse wheel for quick zoom.
- Edit > Wave Editor Zoom in/out based on active selection.
- Drag and drop support (any supported wave sample/compatible programs if empty) Shift+Drop bypass sample replacement dialog.
- Options > Global Parameter Edit (On/Off) or using Shift+Ctrl/Cmd. ADSR led will be on when enabled.
- Options > Morph Edit (On/Off).
- Edit > Properties < > File arrows browse sample folder on Edit > Sample Properties.
- Zone > Duplicate Zone, Delete All Zones functions
- Fixed memory leak
- Fixed occasional license errors when using Spaces and Play in same project
- Optimized Spaces RAM usage
- Option to switch reverb into single-threaded mode (fixes pre-delay bug)
- Better performance on Windows
- Less CPU spiking for multiple Spaces instances
Toneboosters Version 3.0.4 – Mar 23, 2014
All plugins
Fixed an issue that could Reaper to crash when switching plugin order in track FX
Fixed erroneous mapping of dry/wet control; updating this may change the amount of reverb in your current projects!
Improved smoothness of output when changing pre delay, room size and room shape parameters
Now available as v3 plugin
Fixed issue in Logic Pro sometimes resulting in automatic switch to mono mode
Resolved an issue that could result in inresponsiveness of the GUI level detector for very short attack times
Resolved an issue of the spectrum analyzer sometimes being switched off when host is (auto) saving
Xilslab Xils3 обновился (v3.2), для существуйщих пользователей апдейт бесплатный.
Несколько обновлённый фейс:
Что нового:
- Name changed to XILS 3.2 : Your existing projects remain unchanged. ( XILS 3 v2.0 will appear as a new synth in your host, and previous version will still show as a distinct unit )
- Core Audio Engine : Waveshaper for the sine wave (наконец то), New versions of the zero-delay behaviour 24 & 18 dB analog filters (with realistic and ultra precise modeled internal non linearities), New Phaser effect, Polyphonic Ring Modulator, enhanced Velocity/ VCA engine, additional custom modulation sources and targets added. Additonal modulations in the seqencer and keyboard matrixes added ( Gate )
- New GUI & User Interface : Zoom on all the matrixes, continuous modulation amount is now possible inside the Pin Matrix (advanced swiveling Pins), improved ergonomics and workflow, Polyphonic sequencer workflow vastly improved, GUI totally revamped.
- Presets :150 new presets, improved factory bank (retagged, Adapted, for Vector synthesis and real time controls response, reorganized) ( Total is now nearly 400 presets )
- Compatibility : installs in a new independent folder, preserving presets characteristics when importing them from version 1.5.4 and previous )
Также обьявлены скидки до 30 апреля:
- You can save 54€ ($75) and get the XILS 3.2 for only 120€ ($165) , including XILISTICS add-on soundset (for a total of nearly 550 presets)
- XILS 3 LE owners : A special upgrade price is available in your account (check "Your coupon codes"). You can get the XILS 3.2 for only €99 ($136) instead of 119€ (you save 20€ -$2
Sonic Charge Synplant обновился до v1.2, теперь и 64бит, больше изменений нет, но пишут что хотя звучание пока идентично предыдущей версии но был обновлён код, взятый от готовящейся к выходу второй версии синпланта. (что это будет такое пока неизвестно)
После долгого затишья обновились плагины Melda Production до следующей версии.
Обещано много чего, самое интересное для пользователей AU - наконец-то, должна нормально компенсироваться задержка при оверсемплинге и в линейно-фазовом режиме:
- optimized global loading time
- optimized preset loading time
- minimized audio dropouts during preset loading and bypass processing
- event-driven acquision and release of resources: better multithreading behaviour
- fixed stereo switch and splith switch bug