Обновления Reaper

v3.41pre10 - April 14 2010
v3.41pre10 - April 14 2010
+ MIDI editor: fixed CPU hang on some builds when scrolling to C-1
+ Presets: now stored in appdata/presets by default (old preset- filenames still work in their existing paths)
+ VST: do not unload plug-ins from RAM, unless new option for old behavior is set
+ (remove this comment) Deleting item fadein/fadeout/crossfade works on all selected items
+ (remove this comment) Drawing improvements when in trim-behind edit mode
+ (remove this comment) Control+drag copy of time selection of items always uses default item fade length
+ (remove this comment) Video-FFmpeg: fixed crash when playing silent videos in Media Explorer
+ (remove this comment) Video-FFmpeg: program file plugins folder will now also be scanned for FFmpeg DLLs

v3.41pre9 - April 13 2010
+ Cursors: item fadein/fadeout cursor is easier to see, new xfade_move cursor for crossfade shift+drag
+ Media item fades: shift+right click a crossfade to change the fade shape of both sides at once
+ OSX: themed cursor support, cleanups to cursors to match Windows
+ OSX: mouse modifiers now update cursors in display
+ OSX: 64-bit VST UI support
+ OSX: safer closing of VST configurations when unloading (force autorelease)
+ OSX: Fixed AU cocoa views for some plug-ins
+ OSX: avoid trying to use PPC bridging if rosetta is not installed
+ Peaks: better logic for building when using multiple projects and recording
+ Windows: file reading: if a file cannot be read because it is being written, try to open anyway
+ (remove this comment) Trim behind items: deleting crossfades splits both items in the center of the fade
+ (remove this comment) Trim behind items: shift+control reverses auto-crossfade setting when editing one half of a crossfade
+ (remove this comment) Trim behind items: overrides auto-crossfade when pasting items
+ (remove this comment) Trim behind items: fixed OSX redraw when pasting items
+ (remove this comment) Auto-crossfade: updated toolbar button
+ (remove this comment) Enable/disable default item fades: checkbox in prefs/project/defaults (also actions for it)

v3.41pre8 - April 11 2010
+ Action: enable/disable default media item fadein/fadeout
+ Media item fades: alt+click deletes fadein/fadeout
+ Media item fades: shift+drag moves entire crossfade region regardless of whether autocrossfades are enabled
+ Recording: project secondary path, can set per track option to use secondary path
+ ReaControlMIDI: added UTF8 support for UI
+ REX: faster peaks display
+ REX: can now change tempo in all-slices mode via source properties
+ (remove this comment) UTF8 support for theme/etc autoinstall
+ (remove this comment) Trim behind items: autoxfade overrides trim-behind for most edits, but trim-behind still works for insert/paste/etc
+ (remove this comment) Trim behind items: with autoxfade enabled, moving items completely over other items still does trim-behind
+ (remove this comment) Video-ffmpeg: fixed video decoding colorspaces on some formats (like mjpeg)
+ (remove this comment) Video-ffmpeg: added video and audio stream information in source properties dialog
+ (remove this comment) Video-ffmpeg: fixed opening files with filenames containing international characters
Финал v3.45
+ Action: added show REAPER resource path in explorer/finder (in options menu)
+ Action: reset all MIDI devices (brings OSX missing MIDI devices back to life)
+ Action: remove fadein/fadeout for selected items
+ Action: enable/disable default media item fadein/fadeout
+ Action: snap selected media items to nearest snap point left/right/either
+ Action: move selected envelope points left/right a little bit or by grid, up/down a little bit
+ Actions: support for (Windows) logo key / (OSX) control key for shortcuts
+ Actions: creating chromatic MIDI from selected items now respects tempo changes
+ Actions: item nudging (up/down/left/right) actions now affect envelope points if an envelope is focused
+ Actions: Update main window immediately following actions when non-lazy updates enabled
+ API: Added track FX window showing/hiding APIs
+ Cursors: item fadein/fadeout cursor is easier to see, new xfade_move cursor for crossfade shift+drag
+ Dual trim: editing a shared edge between selected items also edits other selected item pairs
+ Envelopes: do not change envelope point selection when opening context menu
+ Envelopes: do not focus envelopes on many operations (such as moving env pts from track to track)
+ Envelopes: fixed envelope state changing on y-move of media items
+ Envelopes: fix for hard-to-edit envelope point when snapping to many small media items on the track
+ Envelopes: user option to double-click to add points to take envelopes
+ Envelopes: avoid creating duplicate envelope points when moving items
+ Free item positioning mode: preserve auto-crossfades when automatically repositioning items
+ Free item positioning mode: preserve existing item arrangement when recording new items
+ FX: last touched parameter is updated only on mouse move, not controller move
+ Help menu: pdf/chm files can now be read from REAPER appdata Docs/ folder (or exe path on Windows)
+ Item and waveform drawing: draw items more consistently opaque when their audio masks other items
+ JS: fixed time_adjustment flipping stereo channels
+ JS: removed configuration for JS path -- always uses common (installed) resource path
+ Media explorer: fixed end of loop glitch on preview of certain items
+ Media explorer: smoother preview looping when starting preview on the bar
+ Media item fades: alt+click deletes fadein/fadeout
+ Media item fades: shift+drag moves entire crossfade region regardless of auto-crossfade setting
+ Media item fades: shift+right click a crossfade to change the fade shape of both sides at once
+ MIDI editor: reduce flicker when marquee selecting in piano roll
+ MIDI editor: reduce flicker when changing selection in event list
+ MIDI editor: fixed CPU hang on some builds when scrolling to C-1
+ MIDI editor: mousewheel/relative controller actions to adjust selected event times or values
+ MIDI editor: shift+mousewheel (reassignable) adjusts selected event values (piano roll or event list)
+ MIDI editor: shift+horizontal mousewheel (magic mouse) (reassignable) adjusts selected event times
+ MIDI editor: update CC lane usage indicator immediately when adding or deleting in CC lane
+ OGG/Vorbis: updated to libogg-1.2.0, libvorbis-1.3.1
+ OSX: support for passing all keyboard input to plug-in, for Carbon-based plug-ins
+ OSX: removed excess processing on startup when switching between architectures (intel/ppc/64)
+ OSX: fixed themed play cursor drawing bugs
+ OSX: themed cursor support, cleanups to cursors to match Windows
+ OSX: changing modifier keys without moving the mouse updates cursor immediately
+ OSX: 64-bit VST UI support
+ OSX: safer closing of VST configurations when unloading (force autorelease)
+ OSX: fixed AU cocoa views for some plug-ins
+ OSX: avoid trying to use PPC bridging if rosetta is not installed
+ OSX: fixed underscore entry in JS editor
+ OSX: fixed ReaMote bridge support
+ OSX: screensets save/restore the docker height
+ Peaks: show preview peaks on items currently being recorded and inserted in project/other projects
+ Peaks: better logic for building when using multiple projects and recording
+ Presets: now stored in appdata/presets by default (old preset- filenames still work in their existing paths)
+ Recording: project secondary path, can set per track option to use secondary path
+ ReaControlMIDI: added UTF8 support for UI
+ ReaScript: fixed Python support on OSX (broken in 3.4)
+ Resampling: internal cleanups, freeing of unused memory when changing modes
+ REX: faster peaks display
+ REX: can now change tempo in all-slices mode via source properties
+ SoundTouch: fixed processing of single sample blocks (fixes media explorer loop glitch when tempo matching)
+ Splash: better behavior when relaunching while splash is still open
+ Splash: show splash screen in taskbar when launching
+ Themes: zipped theme image support, ReaperThemeZip support (for combination of theme + images)
+ Themes: default themes are now included in the new format for faster installs/USB copies/first runs
+ Trim behind items: option to always trim behind active items when editing (prevent overlaps)
+ Trim behind items: option to always trim behind new items when recording (prevent splitting/takes)
+ Trim behind items: options can be changed via Options menu or actions (can be placed on toolbar)
+ Trim behind items: editing option applies when pasting, importing, drag/dropping media
+ Video: improved stopped behavior, scrub behavior
+ Video: native FFmpeg support if installed
+ VST: do not unload plug-in code from RAM, unless new option for old behavior is set
+ VST: fix for broken plug-ins that send NULL VstEvents
+ Windows: faster display updating on some actions
+ Windows: installer installs start menu/desktop icons to all users rather than current user
+ Windows: installer file type registrations separate for x64 and x86
+ Windows: user-editable content (themes, JS, etc) are now installed to userprofile directory automatically
+ Windows: file reading: if a file cannot be read because it is being written, try to open anyway
Последнее редактирование:
Changes: Prefect from now on

◦Resampling: fixed a bug added in 3.45
◦Fixed a bug in peak-cache reference counting in certain instances when recording
◦3.45 updates follow:
•Trim behind items:
◦option to always trim behind active items when editing (prevent overlaps)
◦option to always trim behind new items when recording (prevent splitting/takes)
◦options can be changed via Options menu or actions (can be placed on toolbar)
◦editing option applies when pasting, importing, drag/dropping media
◦support for passing all keyboard input to plug-in, for Carbon-based plug-ins
◦removed excess processing on startup when switching between architectures (intel/ppc/64)
◦fixed themed play cursor drawing bugs
◦themed cursor support, cleanups to cursors to match Windows
◦changing modifier keys without moving the mouse updates cursor immediately
◦64-bit VST UI support
◦safer closing of VST configurations when unloading (force autorelease)
◦fixed AU cocoa views for some plug-ins
◦avoid trying to use PPC bridging if rosetta is not installed
◦fixed underscore entry in JS editor
◦fixed ReaMote bridge support
◦screensets save/restore the docker height
•Added actions:
◦added show REAPER resource path in explorer/finder (in options menu)
◦reset all MIDI devices (brings OSX missing MIDI devices back to life)
◦remove fadein/fadeout for selected items
◦enable/disable default media item fadein/fadeout
◦snap selected media items to nearest snap point left/right/either
◦move selected envelope points left/right a little bit or by grid, up/down a little bit
◦do not change envelope point selection when opening context menu
◦do not focus envelopes on many operations (such as moving env pts from track to track)
◦fixed envelope state changing on y-move of media items
◦fix for hard-to-edit envelope point when snapping to many small media items on the track
◦user option to double-click to add points to take envelopes
◦avoid creating duplicate envelope points when moving items
•MIDI editor:
◦reduce flicker when marquee selecting in piano roll
◦reduce flicker when changing selection in event list
◦fixed CPU hang on some builds when scrolling to C-1
◦mousewheel/relative controller actions to adjust selected event times or values
◦shift+mousewheel (reassignable) adjusts selected event values (piano roll or event list)
◦shift+horizontal mousewheel (magic mouse) (reassignable) adjusts selected event times
◦update CC lane usage indicator immediately when adding or deleting in CC lane
◦better Windows 7/Vista UAC support for user customizable content (JS, ColorThemes, etc)
◦faster display updating on some actions
◦installer installs start menu/desktop icons to all users rather than current user
◦installer file type registrations separate for x64 and x86
◦user-editable content (themes, JS, etc) are now installed to user profile directory automatically
◦file reading: if a file cannot be read because it is being written, try to open anyway
◦support for (Windows) logo key / (OSX) control key for shortcuts
◦creating chromatic MIDI from selected items now respects tempo changes
◦item nudging (up/down/left/right) actions now affect envelope points if an envelope is focused
◦Update main window immediately following actions when non-lazy updates enabled
•Free item positioning mode:
◦preserve auto-crossfades when automatically repositioning items
◦preserve existing item arrangement when recording new items
◦fixed time_adjustment flipping stereo channels
◦removed configuration for JS path -- always uses common (installed) resource path
•Media explorer:
◦fixed end of loop glitch on preview of certain items
◦smoother preview looping when starting preview on the bar
•Media item fades:
◦alt+click deletes fadein/fadeout
◦shift+drag moves entire crossfade region regardless of auto-crossfade setting
◦shift+right click a crossfade to change the fade shape of both sides at once
◦show preview peaks on items currently being recorded and inserted in project/other projects
◦better logic for building when using multiple projects and recording
◦faster peaks display
◦can now change tempo in all-slices mode via source properties
◦better behavior when relaunching while splash is still open
◦show splash screen in taskbar when launching
◦zipped theme image support, ReaperThemeZip support (for combination of theme + images)
◦default themes are now included in the new format for faster installs/USB copies/first runs
◦improved stopped behavior, scrub behavior
◦native FFmpeg support if installed
◦do not unload plug-in code from RAM, unless new option for old behavior is set
◦fix for broken plug-ins that send NULL VstEvents
•API: Added track FX window showing/hiding APIs
•Cursors: item fadein/fadeout cursor is easier to see, new xfade_move cursor for crossfade shift+drag
•Dual trim: editing a shared edge between selected items also edits other selected item pairs
•FX: last touched parameter is updated only on mouse move, not controller move
•Help menu: pdf/chm files can now be read from REAPER appdata Docs/ folder (or exe path on Windows)
•Item and waveform drawing: draw items more consistently opaque when their audio masks other items
•OGG/Vorbis: updated to libogg-1.2.0, libvorbis-1.3.1
•Presets: now stored in appdata/presets by default (old preset- filenames still work in their existing paths)
•ReaControlMIDI: added UTF8 support for UI
•ReaScript: fixed Python support on OSX (broken in 3.4)
•Recording: project secondary path, can set per track option to use secondary path
•Resampling: internal cleanups, freeing of unused memory when changing modes
•SoundTouch: fixed processing of single sample blocks (fixes media explorer loop glitch when tempo matching)
v 3.52pre1
+ Added Quick Start Guide (PDF), accessible via Help/Documentation menu
+ Action: render all queued renders
+ Create measure from time selection: better behavior with existing tempo markers
+ Dynamic split: use preferences/editing behavior/tab-to-transient sensitivity, for consistency
+ Media explorer: context menu to insert item at time selection, stretched to fit
+ Media explorer: added support for folder shortcuts (Windows)
+ MIDI items: handle multiple takes properly when resizing unlooped MIDI items
+ MIDI editor: more precise note/grid drawing when in "source beats" view mode
+ Missing file searching: support for reaper-media-searchpaths.txt with SEARCH lines to specify additional paths
+ Mixer: can now hide the master track from the mixer
+ Optimizations: significant improvement in CPU use when moving track faders, zooming, writing envelopes
+ REX: option to chop all slice tails will remove tails rather than muting them on playback
+ Snap to grid: avoid certain types of rounding error
+ Tempo markers: do not insert a new marker on top of an existing one
+ Video: LCF support (LICE Capture Format, more on this soon)
+ Video-FFmpeg: added MJPEG and DV video codecs to AVI export format
+ Video-FFmpeg: added 16/24/32bps audio PCM modes to AVI/MOV/MKV export formats
+ Video-FFmpeg: renderer codec list will now only list available codecs from the installed FFmpeg librairies
+ Video-FFmpeg: bundled basic LGPL/free FFmpeg for better basic playback support (Windows only for now)
+ VST: option to disable saving VST bank is now per-VST rather than global (right-click in FX browser)
+ x64: fixed video on systems without correct vc2005 runtimes installed
v3.52pre2 - May 10 2010 - v3.52pre5 - May 13 2010

v3.52pre5 - May 13 2010
+ Media Explorer: leave peaks preview active until Media Explorer is closed
+ Media Explorer: restart tempo-matched preview playback if project tempo changes
+ Media Explorer: peaks preview can be dragged into project to insert media
+ Media Explorer: mousewheel adjusts peaks gain (vertical zoom)
+ Missing file searching: logic for how to pick missing file, whether to autoclose and search other missing files
+ Regions: support copying regions immediately to the left of the original
+ REX: draw peaks properly in all-slices mode when there is silence between slices
+ (remove this comment) Media Explorer: handle half/double tempo matching properly with MIDI, acidized wav, rex

v3.52pre4 - May 12 2010
+ Drag and drop: possible fixes for various crashes
+ (remove this comment) Missing file searching: scan for newest modified file, allow early-out if user chooses "use newest found"
+ Video-FFmpeg: added support for large filesizes
+ Video-FFmpeg: added unicode support for file renders
+ Video-FFmpeg: fixed seeking hang bug on some files
+ Windows: File resolving: full paths now autoscan all fixed/removable disks for matching path
+ (remove this comment) fixed bug with altmeterpos themes

v3.52pre3 - May 11 2010
+ (remove this comment) Drag and drop: possible fix for various crashes
+ Envelopes: when adding volume/pan envelopes, added point goes at start of project (consistent with other envelopes)
+ Media explorer: option to preview/insert media tempo matched 1x, 1/2x, 2x
+ Media explorer: peaks preview remains active for a few seconds after stop
+ Media explorer: pause button
+ Recording: can now set tracks to record simultaneously to primary path and invisibly/backup to secondary path
+ (remove this comment) cleaned up a bunch of 3 year old track panel resize code
+ (remove this comment) fixed track icons
+ (remove this comment) Video-FFmpeg: fixed crash when importing certain DV AVI files using built-in FFmpeg library

v3.52pre2 - May 10 2010
+ Action: move items to time selection, stretched and looped to fit
+ Action: manually resetting MIDI devices action improved
+ Media explorer: context menu to insert item at time selection, stretched and looped to fit
+ Media explorer: media can be previewed/inserted at project tempo if it is suitable length in beats/bars
+ OSX: fixed potential crash when dragging media from Finder after closing REAPER's Media Explorer
+ Pitch shift: set default mode to elastique 2.1 Pro for new users
+ Pitch shift: note, existing users can change default mode via File/Project Settings, save as default
+ REX: all slice items can now set tail mode in source properties
+ Time selection: set edit/play cursor when time selection changes via alt+marquee (if user wants)
+ Tooltips: more descriptive tooltips on track labels, number, sends, FX
+ Track panels: better FX parameter positioning when meter disabled
+ OSX: fixed some issues relating to objc class names
+ (remove this comment) Video-FFmpeg: re-enabled XVid video format in render dialog
+ (remove this comment) Video-FFmpeg: renamed audio PCM formats
+ (remove this comment) Video-FFmpeg: better search paths (OSX: UserPlugins/ffmpeg.dylib, system libavcodec*, then dist, Windows appdir/avcodec-52, then dist)
v3.53pre2 - May 25 2010

+ Envelope panels: now respect global UI scaling preference
+ Media explorer: action to show source properties for current media preview (right-click preview display)
+ Media explorer: unload preview media if user preference to offline media when switching away
+ MIDI file writing: new option for writing text events as UTF-8 (prefs/media/MIDI)
+ MIDI file writing: more compatible ASCII conversion for some UTF characters
+ Time selection: preferences to clear time selection and/or loop points by clicking empty areas
+ Tempo: tap tempo creates only one undo point
+ Transport: optionally show time signature
+ Transport: mousewheel over edit fields adjusts play rate, tempo, selection start/end/length
+ Transport: theme images for BPM tap-tempo button (transport_bpm, transport_bpm_bg)
+ Transport: theme images for status box (transport_status, transport_status_err)
+ Transport: theme images for playspeed and selection edit fields (transport_group_bg, transport_edit_bg)
+ Transport: improved auto-positioning/sizing
+ Trim behind items: support toggling on/off within custom actions
+ Video: added "Video window follows video item edge resizing" setting in Prefs>Media>Video
+ Video-ffmpeg: improved video frame display when seeking during playback
+ Video-ffmpeg: added YV12 and YUY2 colorspace decoding support (makes video decoding faster)
+ Actions: adjust all tempo markers +/- 1, 0.1, 0.01 BPM
+ Relative snap: fixed occasional reset of item snap offset
+ Transport: BPM field shows play position BPM when not in edit/tap mode
+ Winamp vis plug-in support: added default option to disable WA plug-ins completely
+ Winamp vis plug-in support: bugs fixed
+ (remove this comment) better single line centered transport positioning
+ (remove this comment) simplified ts/bpm display
+ (remove this comment) reorganized mouse modifier scaling for mousewheel over transport edit fields
+ (remove this comment) better OSX mousewheel over transport edit fields
+ (remove this comment) Video: fixed resizing video items while playing
+ (remove this comment) preference to clear time selection on item click

На морде добавили кнопку tap tempo - наконец то ;)

v3.61 - June 18 2010

+ Action: duplicate selected items, duplicate selected area of selected items
+ API: export ApplyNudge function
+ Envelope lanes: display envelope value in envelope lane control panel
+ Envelope lanes: more consistent behavior of slider in trim/read mode
+ Envelope lanes: respect user preference to not arm envelopes automatically when adding
+ Envelopes: enable visual feedback from hidden envelopes by default
+ Envelopes: user preference to enable writing automation to hidden envelopes
+ Envelopes: more consistent behavior of action to add 4 envelope points at time selection
+ Envelopes: preference for double-click to edit the envelope point (vs adding or resetting a point)
+ Timestretch: low quality windowed mode quality fixes
+ Menus: fullscreen mode and always-on-top moved from Options to View menu
+ MIDI editor: action to set or insert CC event at mouse (double-click)
+ Nudge/Set: window opens on startup if it was open when REAPER was last closed
+ Nudge: account for take play rate when snapping contents to grid
+ OSX: AU PDC fix
+ OSX: graphics optimizations and drawing glitch fixes
+ Scrollbars: drawing improvements when UI scaling or Windows scrollbar scaling is used
+ VST: fixed automation recording with certain plug-ins
v3.62 - June 19 2010

+ API: fixed GetIconThemeStruct() offsets that had changed in 3.6
+ JS: optimized tan(), fixed tan() on OSX/i386


бугагашенька)) (с)
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v3.651 - July 15 2010 :dance2:
Последнее редактирование:
Kas29, специально же выделено красным в первом посте: "...(Скрывайте длинные списки спойлером!) Модератор."
Походу 3.66 выложили

Changes: Leaps and Heaps

MIDI editor:
action to reverse events also reverses CC, works in event list view
actions that target a CC lane will target the top lane if no CC lane has focus
advance edit cursor correctly after paste preserving position in measure
better blink cursor appearance
clicking to the left of a CC lane will set focus to that lane without deselecting notes/CC
fixed CC events on one channel erasing events on other channels when moving CC with notes
fixed splitting notes in looped MIDI items
fixed step input actions when inserting X semitones below the current note
immediately refresh event list when correcting overlapping notes/CC
option to disable single-click selecting CC events
paste preserving position in measure will not paste duplicates
quantize, humanize, event properties, and filter windows stay on top of the editor
swing grid support
swing grid strength is set/edited by dragging handles on the upbeat grid lines [demo]
text box for manual entry of swing strength
when correcting overlapping notes, also correct CC events at the same time/channel
when correcting overlapping notes/CC, always preserve the selected note/CC
Custom colors:
action to reset random color generator (also resets default.palette if it exists)
if default.reapalette file exists, use those colors instead of random colors
default.reapalette (resource dir): text file of R G B values, one color per line
organized default custom color menu entries
preference for media item background tint strength, for selected/unselected media items [demo]
preference to automatically color any recording pass that adds takes to existing items [demo]
support for setting all takes created in the same recording pass to a custom color [demo]
support for setting custom colors per-take
MIDI quantize:
actions to quantize note position, or position and end, to grid
added actions and options to quantize notes only, or all events
added bypass checkbox to quantize dialog
checkbox to fix overlaps on commit
notes will move with grid changes if quantize dialog is open when changing grid or swing [demo] [demo]
overhauled quantize dialog
when quantize grid is set to editor grid, quantize swing setting is linked to editor swing
better text field coloring
fixed 2GB+ file peakfile generation/reading
fixed a few graphical glitches relating to docked windows
selecting default system devices now allows differing input/outputs
organized options for behavior when recording over existing items
recording over existing items can split the old items and add takes, create new items, or trim existing items [demo]
ensure that loop recording creates correct length files when "add new files on loop" enabled
fix for loop recording sometimes being slightly off the loop edges
new preference to discard incomplete first/last takes if at least one full loop was recorded [demo]
action to activate take under mouse, mapped to "Y" by default (for "yes")
media item drawing optimizations
media items can be locked to the active take (to prevent mouse clicks from switching takes) [demo]
preference to link or unlink all takes when editing start offset (slip editing) [demo]
"Options/Show overlapping items in lanes" creates as many lanes as necessary [demo]
when showing items in lanes, items whose audio will mask other items are drawn in a higher lane [demo]
automatically remove tracks created by accidentally moving an item down too far [demo]
added preference to remove or retain tracks created by moving an item below the last track and back
higher recording speed for FX parameter automation
refresh track volume/pan sliders when deleting a track envelope in read/write modes
Color theme:
added themeable colored bars to optionally display on selected items, active takes [demo]
added themeable colors for MIDI note/CC text colors (light and dark)
API: allow extensions and ReaScript to get/set take custom colors, recording pass ID
Custom menu editor: action list automatically switches to the correct section when changing menus
Envelopes: drawing optimizations when zoomed out
External sync: option to only use external sync on playback or recording, or both
Master VU: fixed inaccurate RMS meter calculation with some window/audio buffer sizes
Media items: draw media source end notch slightly differently for unlooped items [demo]
MIDI: fixed MIDI notes sometimes not being played when coinciding exactly with a time signature change
Nudge/set: checkbox to preserve relative item positioning in set mode [demo]
Preferences: new tab for path settings (default render path, default recording path, alternate peak cache path)
ReaControlMIDI: fixed reading .ins files that contain trailing blank lines
ReaGate: checkbox to invert gate output (when loud, duck wet signal vs dry) [demo]
Scrollbars: improved zoom button sizing
Toolbar: refresh custom toolbars after linking/unlinking loop points and time selection via preferences
Transport menu: fixed checkmarks on submenu items (such as external sync, etc)
Video: preliminary support for flip/rotate of video (video source properties) [demo]
VST: inform plugins if transport repeat is enabled
Windows: better audio device closing behavior when minimizing REAPER and stopped

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