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Audiogaming.представила на рынок проф.софта.
AudioWind и AudioRain.Плагины имитации ветра и дождя
Посмотреть вложение 51570
Цена за бандл AudioWind и AudioRain.399.00€
AudioWind 245.00€
AudioRain 245.00€

Имхо конечно,но,что в них такого за эту цену?

Просчет каждой капли в 3d пространстве обьемом 100500 кубометров, синхронизация с гидромецентрами ,спутниками..
С AudioWind все ещё сложнее. Цена оправдана.
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Реакции: Novation
Ну что, Slate Virtual Tape Machines вышел!


Покупателям продуктов Slate Digital должны прислать ваучеры со скидкой, еще есть скидки для владельцев пленкоэмуляции от Вейвс и УАД

сайт обновляют, на настоящий момент ссылки на демо еще недоступны
Последнее редактирование:
Starplugs - Time to say Good Bye...

Dear Starplugs Member!
We regret to inform you that The Starplugs Homepage and shop is now
closed. Unfortunately due to many issues over the past months we are
unable to keep our doors open and our website running. We'd like to
thank all of our long time customers for your loyal business.

We will always be thankful for everybody who was supporting us over
the last 8 years, always!

Allthough the shop is closed we will keep up the support untill end
of August 2012.

Thank you very much !

Best wishes,
Kai Schliekelmann
Sales Manager

BIAS Inc прекратили свою деятельность

Компания Steinberg объявила о 50% скидке на WaveLab 7 и WaveLab Elements 7 для пользователей, переходящих с программ BIAS Peak Studio XT 7, BIAS Peak Pro XT 6, BIAS Peak Studio 7, BIAS Peak Pro 6, BIAS Peak Studio LE 7 и BIAS Peak LE 6. Предложение действует до 31 октября 2012 года.

Подробнее тут
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Реакции: Alexey Makov
Очень клёвые джазовые барабасы! (послушайте первый и два крайних примера)

(напрямую ссылка может не работать, сперва вам предложат выбрать регион, просто выберите что-нибудь :) Аудио примеры "выскакивают" в отдельном окне, примеры можно скачать (мп3), возможно нужен предусановленный Apple QuickTime плеер)
Ableton наконец-то выпустил 64-битную версию Live:
(пока что бета...)

The 64-bit version of Live 8 does not support Max for Live, video, or The Bridge. We are currently working with our partners to add support for these features.

Пока только посмотреть. Реально этим пользоваться невозможно...

Arturia обновила всю линейку своих инструментов, реализована потдержка х64, а также MIDI assignment improvements, better performance.
Также сделана скидка на все плугины в два раза (только я непонял - по случаю, или навсегда).



XILS-lab анонсировали новый синт Oxium (WIn\Mac)


"Oxium is a performance oriented synthesizer, offering both a classic pure analog sound and modern tones. with awesome real time modulations capabilities, allowing you to play a synthesizer in ways you could never have imagined."

Detailed Features:
Core Modules
- 2 Cumulative analog modelled Oscillators ( up to 8 per patch ). PWM for all waveforms ( Aliasing-free Saw, Triangle, Pulse and Square ) . Advanced Glide/Portamento mode per Oscillator/ Hard Sync and Ring modulation between Oscillators.
- 3rd Generation Zero-Delay-Feedback filters, self resonnance for all modes ( LP 24/12, BP6/12, HP) Additional second filter to choose between Formant Filter, LP , BP, HP with emphasis or articulation parameter.
- Flexible Double Mixer architecture ( one per filter ) with fully configurable serial or parralel modes

- 3 freely assignable DsyncADSR envelopes.
- 3 Multiwaveforms LFOs with Mono/Poly mode, Midi Syncable, Delay, Fade in, and note retrig parameters
- Exclusive 2nd generation Le Masque controller modulator, with 16 freely drawable zones ( masks). Each mask has two level parameters, can trigg envelopes, or be envelope controled, the grid has vertical and horizontal snap modes. Patterns can be saved, loaded. 3 Trigger modes.
- Central Modulation Environment : 6 freely assignable pairs of source/target parameters, 3 additional prewired pairs for common musical gestures ( Vibrato, Tremoloe, Autowha ), 6 harwired slots for real time controlers ( Mod Wheel, Pitch Bend, Aftertouch, Breath Controler. All parameters are Midi Controlable.

Music Playing
- Advanced PolyMono Arpegiattor, with fully configurable note order, Gate and swing parameters
- 8 Play Modes ( 5 Poly/3 Mono) allowing multiple keyboard playing techniques
- Deep integration and interaction between Play modes, Arpegiattor modes, modulations and per voice core sound engine for organic and expressive instruments.
- Up to 8 voices Unisson with Tune spraed parameter, Oscillator drift and Output Vintage parameters to model several aspects of analog hardware synthesiser, unique Modulation randomiser : Use these 4 parameters to customise big as life patches

- New Stereo Delay with CrossFeedback and Damp feedback , exclusive BBD Vintage chorus, Phaser, and Double EQ with emphasis

User Interface
- Instant Visual Feedback User Iinterface Concept based on exclusive Flower Design of Oscillators , LFOs, Filters and Glide blocks for Instant Visual Feedback of synthesizer modules.
- Exclusive Intelligent Feedback Pane : You’ll find here all the informations usefull to understand, then modify or adapt a preset to context.
- Database : Double Criteria Search Engine : Find the right patch for your track in seconds, build your own favorites soundbanks, project, CD or Live soundbanks, and export them with a single click. Cross platform preset format.
- A/B compare slots
- Two skins to fit your mood

Планируется к выходу в июле.

Последнее редактирование:
Секвенсоры начнут раскручивать и продавать Вашу музыку, пока ждём фичу в Studio One :smile:

PreSonus has announced it has acquired Nimbit and integrated its technology and services into Studio One Artist, Producer, and Professional to provide a complete solution for music and audio creation, sales, and promotion. The integration will be available on August 1, 2012, via a free Nimbit Extension for Studio One 2.0.6 and later. Here's the details directly from Presonus:
With integrated Nimbit, Studio One users can:

Instantly sell and promote their music and audio the moment it is created.
Sell MP3s, CDs, merchandise, and event tickets through beautiful stores for their Facebook pages, their Web sites, NimbitMusic.com, and services like Jango, FanBridge, and PledgeMusic.
Create sharable, interactive promotions for Facebook, Twitter, and email that feature music and video players, messages to fans, and free downloads to drive sales.
Grow their fan base and understand their fans better thanks to detailed analytics and sales reporting.
From Studio One Artist, Producer, and Professional v.2.0.6 and later (with the free Nimbit Extension), you can select an individual song right from the start page, or select File >Export and upload to Nimbit. You then add details, upload a product image, and set a price, and your music will be immediately available for sale.
Studio One Professional users will reap additional benefits. When you export to Nimbit from the Project page, your project metadata pre-populates the Nimbit product setup, allowing you to sell and promote your music almost instantaneously.
A Complete Solution
With the addition of Nimbit technology and services, Studio One users can now go from creating the first track to marketing and selling a finished project, all within Studio One and associated Web sites. Studio One Professional users can record, mix, master, digitally release, burn CDs, upload to the Web via SoundCloud, and market and sell through Nimbit without leaving the DAW.
In short, Studio One has become a complete musician's solution.
Registered Studio One 2 customers will be able to download the Nimbit Extension free from the PreSonus Exchange. Having installed the Extension, they can sign up for a Nimbit Free or Nimbit Plus account from within Studio One and start selling and promoting their music.
The benefits of Nimbit are not limited to PreSonus Studio One customers. Anyone who would like to sell and promote their music, other audio products, and merchandise can sign up at www.nimbit.com or can install the free Nimbit store for Facebook.
PreSonus Acquires Nimbit
To accomplish this integration and take full advantage of the two companies' synergies, 2012 PreSonus acquired Nimbit, Inc., in April 2012 for an undisclosed sum.
"Our mission has always been to empower musicians, and until today we've done it by creating the best tools for music creation and recording," says PreSonus CEO Jim Mack. "But musicians need more than a good recording to succeed. Nimbit shared our vision of helping musicians, giving them the easiest way to sell and promote music online. Combining our products into a truly complete solution for musicians was a natural fit, and we saw such a bright future for their business model that we decided to acquire the company."
"The team at PreSonus really 'gets it'; their vision fits naturally with ours and even allows us to broaden the reach of our platform," comments Patrick Faucher, co-founder and CTO of Nimbit, Inc. "We're thrilled to be working along side these luminaries, making Nimbit a critical piece of the complete ecosystem that PreSonus is creating."
Philip Antoniades, cofounder and president of Nimbit, Inc., adds, "It's easy to run fast when you are working with forward thinkers who have a similar mission of redefining the music industry through technology. Together we'll close the gap between creation, promotion and sales-in fact, with our newly released Studio One integration, it has already started."
Nimbit will continue independent operations as a wholly owned subsidiary of PreSonus, located in Massachusetts. Nimbit founders Patrick Faucher and Philip Antoniades and CEO Bob Cramer will continue running day-to-day operations, product specification, and development of the Nimbit platform; and Nimbit's development, support, retail, and marketing teams are all remaining with the subsidiary.
More information:

MeldaProduction, новый fx MMultiBandGranular


"..is a versatile granular resynthesizer which can make your lead sound like a pad, make your drums more powerful and much more."

Price: €35 (July offer: €21)


Также все плагины обновлены до v7.0
What New:
The version 7.00 update comes with a new smart randomization engine, automatic gain compensation, lots of new presets and more. Please note that the 7.00 upgrade is not 100% backwards compatible for a few plugins.
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Реакции: Nayky и apunctum
Cakewalk Z3TA+2 coming to Mac


Cakewalk Z3TA+ 2 a-460-85.jpeg
OS X port of waveshaping VST on the way
Cakewalk's decision to finally update its Z3TA+ synth came as a big surprise in 2011, but version 2 turned out to be a welcome return.

Now Mac users will get the chance to experience what the instrument has to offer: Cakewalk has announced that it'll be available in VST3 and AU formats for Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later in August.

Existing Windows users will get the Mac version for free. If you're a Mac user who wants to be notified as soon as the OS X version is available, you can sign up for an email update on the Cakewalk website. The price remains at €79.00
Arturia обновила всю линейку своих инструментов, реализована потдержка х64, а также MIDI assignment improvements, better performance.
Также сделана скидка на все плугины в два раза (только я непонял - по случаю, или навсегда).
Limited offer : first 1000 copies (для каждого отдельного продукта, я так понял)
Вышла IRCAM Prepared Piano (399 $)

• Deep multi-sampling of 45 preparations on the IRCAM Yamaha C7 Grand Piano.
• Over 12,000 samples in total.
• Multiple mic positions.
• Pristine recordings made with the finest mics, preamps and converters available including DPA, Schoeps and Prism.
• Advanced algorithms by the leading UVI scripter, Arnaud Sicard of AcousticSamples.
• UVI SparkVerb™ : add lush atmosphere to any configuration instantly!


Последнее редактирование:
Новый FX от 2CAudio, B2 Spatial Processor\Reverb (Win\Mac)

"..the third in 2CAudio's line of reverbs and spatial processors, is a modular dual-engine, non-linear spatial processor featuring built-in harmonic distortion and flexible dynamics."


- Two identical and independent engines.
- Pervasive non-linearity and controlled randomness providing unique character and excitement.
- Non-linear distortion ranging from subtle saturation to extreme bit-crushing.
- Parallel as well as serial and hybrid configurations via Cascade.
- Modular design that gives limitless configurations and minimizes CPU usage.
- Extreme range in density varying from a single delay to full white noise as well as complex & clustered IRs.
- Two dynamics modules providing Gating, Ducking, Auto Gain, and more.
- Well-designed and ergonomic GUI which organizes deep complexity into a simple and enjoyable workflow.
- Huge number of novel and unique Damping and EQ filter types.
- Complex and Extreme Stereo Modes.
- Advanced Conservation of Energy scheme that maintains RMS levels when editing presets.
- Comprehensive Factory Presets and Preset Browser.
- Engine Templates to facilitate preset design.
- Ability to load Breeze presets as Engine Presets.
- Dynamics sub-preset system that is distinct from engine presets to allow mix-and-match preset creation.
- 2x & 4x Oversampling.
- Double Precision 64-bit DSP.
- Band-limited Interpolation.
- Proprietary Spectral Modulation.
- Variable Quality Modes.
- Extreme Off-line Render Modes.
- 64-bit Host/OS Support on Windows (forthcoming on OS X).
- Optional global saturation and soft-limiting for added character and color.

Price: $249.95 (Intro $199.95 to September 1st)

Подробнее: http://www.2caudio.com/products/b2
Не знаю, куда это запостить.
Но в принципе, новость, поэтому сюда:

Вейвсы объявили распродажу на Gold пак (и не только)
раньше стоил 600$. щас можно за 400 купить. Сам вот думаю, т.к. хотел именно этот пак

Последнее редактирование:
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Реакции: CakeWorker
Начиная с 182 номера, цифровое издание журнала Computer music включает в себя не только сэмплы, но и СМ и FULL версии коммерческого софта. Подписка в магазине Zinio на 13 номеров стоит 1295 рублей, то есть 100 рублей за номер.
Our digital editions NOW INCLUDE DOWNLOADS of the DVD content, so you can get the plug-in right now with our Newsstand and Zinio editions that cost just a few quid/dollars! Along with our samples, video, etc.
Небольшой апдейт Renoise до версии 2.8.1 как стало ясно из официального форума: это скорее исправление мелких ошибок и недочетов.

скачать обновленную демоверсию можно отсюда: http://www.renoise.com/demo владельцам лицензии добро пожаловать в бекстейдж: http://backstage.renoise.com/app/userArea/index.page

хорошего дня и вдохновения)
HoRNet ChannelStrip MK2

ChannelStrip MK2 от итальянских разработчиков HoRNet представляет собой виртуальную канальную линейку, состоящую из эквалайзера и двух динамических процессоров. Любой модуль можно менять местами с другим в виртуальном рэке. Каждый динамический процессор может работать в одном из четырех режимов: VCA- /FET- /OPTO-компрессор или экспандер. Плагин оснащен эмуляцией аналогового насыщения, оверсемплингом и кнопкой инверсии фазы.

Сайт разработчика


Стоимость полной версии 35€.
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Реакции: achsan
Sonic Charge Permut8


Permut8 is an effect plug-in that embraces the sounds of primitive signal processing hardware. At its core is a 12-bit digital delay with variable sample rate from 0 to 352 khz. The delay is controlled by a programmable processor that allows you to change and modulate the delay time with various "operators". The input and output stages offers virtual analog components for saturation, limiting and filtering. The sound of Permut8 is raw and complex but noisy and warm at the same time.


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