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Выпущен новый секвенсер, заточенный под танцевальную музыку IMEA Sequencer для Win с ценой в 24 евро. Есть демо-версия.


They say that it is easy to use and allows you to create your own music (House, Electro, Techno, Progressive ...). It comes with the IMEA's own plug-ins (Drums, Sampler, Synth, Chorus, Flanger, Reverb, Delay and Compressor), and is compatible with all VST plug-ins.

• 16 Patterns per instrument.
• Tool to help you create patterns and to improvise drum solos live.
• Controls and external MIDI keyboard.
• Compatible with VST instruments.

• The Morphing allows you to interpolate one or more settings of an instrument simultaneously.
• It acts on the plugin , effects and mixing parameters.
• Ability to control up to 4 morphings per instrument.

• 4 effect sends and 2 inserts per instrument.
• Sampling rate of 44.1Khz to 192Khz.
• Saving the output mix in WAVE or MP3.
• Compatible with ASIO audio output drivers.

Instruments & Effects delivered with the sequencer:
• IMEA SynthI
• IMEA Drums
• IMEA Sampler
• IMEA Reverb
• IMEA Delay
• IMEA Compressor
• IMEA Chorus
• IMEA Flanger

Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista

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Реакции: riko
Vir2 анонсировали новую библу названную коротко и ясно - Q :focus: в продаже с 15 ноября, стоить будет USD $299.95

Vir2 Instruments' Q, a massive sound design and scoring instruments library designed for the unique needs of television, film, game, and media composers and music producers who want to add a fresh and previously unheard dimension to their sonic palette.

EMpTy 250 reverb plug-in v2.0 will be released on the 1st of November 2010 for Windows as a VST effect plug-in. The Mac OS X AU and VST version is under development, this version will use iLok protection and will need the iLok dongle.

The EMpTy 250 reverb has been updated with:

* New and smaller User interface.
* A carefully designed 14 pole input/output filter combined with a steep sweepable high-cut filter.
* An improved classic algorithm that is more transparent and has improved mono compatibility.
* An extra modern algorithm. This setting is specially built for melodic instruments. It sounds a bit repetitive on percussive sounds, but on guitar, piano, etc. it sounds much richer than the vintage algorithm.
* 5.1 sound support , with volume control on every channel.
* A new front/back switch. In 5.1 mode it also reverses the front and surround channels.
* An installer that helps with installing and uninstalling the plug-in. The installer will add the plug-in to the VST directory and will create a shortcut for the manual.
* Presets and a presets handler, so it is easier to start working with the EMpTy 250.
* Numerous bug fixes.
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Реакции: google, Arlekin и song
Tonehammer выпустила бесплатную библу Bees (Пчёлы)
В продолжение темы про бесплатные библы от Tonehammer - Sick (в предверии Хэллоуина)!:diablo:
# Cinematic Quality Hardcore Gory Sound Design
# Big Ass Monsters
# Hungry Zombies
# Scared and screaming humans
# Intestines and gores explored
# Smashed Pumpkins
# Nightmares
# Sample resolution: 44.1Khz / 24Bit stereo .wav format
# Format(s): Kontakt and .wav
Последнее редактирование:
Tone2 анонсировали на декабрь новый Hybrid VSTi ElectraX


Features - summary

Four synthesizers in one interface
High-end sound quality
Huge sonic range
High flexibility
13 different synthesis methods which can be combined
Psychoacoustic processing
Low CPU, multicore processor support
Easy to use
4x multitimbral
presets by professional sound designers
23 exclusive analog modeled filter types
45 oscillator types
18 effect types; Master effect section with Equalizer
More than 1000 waveforms
64x4 voices
Midi learn
Customizable user interface with 4 skins
Standalone version for PC
Flexible preset management
Context sensitive help

Synthesis methods & OSC features

Virtual analog
Sample playback and import of own samples with loop/sustain loop support
Wavetables with resynthesis function and the ability to load own waveforms
Ultrasaw (up to 18 detuned oscillators per voice)
Fractal (a completely new synthesis method)
Phase distortion
Exclusive oscillator types
Analog oscillator drift modelling
Fat tuning

Цена пока неизвестна, подробнее на сайте:
The Mouth

The Mouth>http://www.native-instruments.com/#...etter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The+Mouth Компания Native Instruments представила вокальный синтезатор The Mouth, пождходящий как для записи, так и для живого перфоманса. Над разработкой программного продукта, в том числе, потрудился широко известный в узких кругах электроный музыкант и новатор - Тим Эксайл (Tim Exile). Основой для нового продукта стали технологии Native Instruments Reaktor. Вообще, The Mouth генерирует необычные и интересные гармонии для звукового сигнала любого типа в режиме реального времени, позволяя превратить партию ударных, вокал, либо любой другой звуковой поток в электронную текстуру, способную добавить немного космоса в микс.


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Последнее редактирование:

Focusrite’s new Midnight plug-in suite takes two of the most iconic Focusrite modules of all time – the ISA110 equaliser and ISA130 compressor; models their sound exactly with powerful DSP technology; and gives them elegant, functional on-screen front panels that make them simplicity itself to use. Now you can add that authentic, classic Focusrite sound to your own tracks at a price you can afford. Your productions have never sounded so good.

Ivory II Italian Grand


Ivory II Italian Grand combines the extraordinary Italian 10 Foot Concert Grand Piano with Synthogy´s groundbreaking new Ivory II piano engine. A remarkable instrument. An unforgettable playing experience.

Ivory II Italian Grand is the second product in Synthogy´s newest generation of virtual piano technology. Featuring a greatly expanded sound set of the extraordinary 10 foot Concert Grand Piano, and fully integrated with the powerful new Ivory II piano DSP engine with Harmonic Resonance Modeling for true Sympathetic String Vibration, Ivory II Italian Grand shines like never before.

This exceptional piano is one of the world´s greatest and most sought after Concert instruments. Handcrafted in Italy, it is also one of the world´s most expensive and exclusive Concert Grands, renowned for its expressive dynamics and full-bodied character. Its tone is remarkably versatile, equally at home in large scale classical works, intimate jazz playing, as well as a full range of pop styles. The beauty of this instrument is captured in greater detail than ever, with up to 18 velocity levels, additional soft pedal and release samples and pedal noise enhancements. Synthogy´s decades of expertise in piano development, along with proprietary "timbre interpolation" technology combine to deliver the unrivaled playability and expressiveness that Ivory is famous for.

Ivory II Italian Grand also comes to life in a whole new way thanks to the groundbreaking features in the new Ivory II piano engine. Principal among them is Sympathetic String Resonance, a long sought after but elusive characteristic of real pianos that Synthogy approaches in a completely new and unique way. Realizing the true complexities and subtleties of sympathetic string excitation, Harmonic Resonance Modeling is a brand new technology that does not rely upon triggering additional samples, ordinary sine waves, or recordings in any way. Rather, notes struck that are harmonically related excite the actual complex overtones of the notes that are being held, in the same manner that undamped strings ring in a real acoustic piano. The result is an unprecedented new level of realism.

The full compliment of Ivory II’s new features is also present, such as Half Pedaling, Lid Position, Pedal Noise, and Tuning Tables to provide even greater detail and control. Additionally, features such as Timbre Shifting, Parametric EQ, and new Synth Layer controls offer powerful new sound sculpting capabilities for custom piano programming and sound design. Years in the making, every effort has been taken to assure that Ivory II Italian Grand is a true and worthy successor to the legacy established by our original Ivory products.

Ivory II Italian Grand is not only one of the most stunning Concert Grands you´ll ever play, it is also one of the greatest values in software instruments at just $179 SRP. Whether you are a first time buyer or long time Ivory user, you owe it to yourself and your music to experience this amazing Concert Grand.

iZotope анонсировали Nectar: пакет для работы с вокалом



Pitch Correction | Breath Control | Compressors | DeEsser
Doubler | Saturation | EQ | Gate | Limiter | Delay | Reverb


Alternative & Indie | Blues / R&B | Classical | Country
Dance & Electronica | Folk & Traditional | Hip Hop & Rap
Jazz | Pop | Rock | Special FX | Voice Over & Spoken



Following the success of Wivi Band for iPhone, with over 100,000
downloads in the iTunes App Store, Wallander Instruments now presents
its latest software instrument: Wivi Band - The Virtual Instrument.

Wivi Band for Mac/PC is an easy-to-use, low-cost yet powerful software
instrument, dedicated to wind instruments. It includes 10 modelled
brasses and woodwinds (trumpet, trombone, french horn, tuba, flute,
clarinet, oboe, bassoon, tenor saxophone and soprano recorder). All
instruments can be played solo or in sections of up to 8 players with
automatic divisi.

The sound engine behind Wivi Band is the same high-quality engine used
to power the world-renowned synthesis/modeling software WIVI, but the
instruments are wrapped behind an intuitive and easy-to-use interface
with only the features you need, right where you need them. The
software loads super-fast, and all instruments have fluent, continuous
dynamics that can be controlled using the mod wheel, an expression
pedal or even performed with a breath controller.

No mute, Straight mute, Cup mute, Bucket mute, Solotone mute, Harmon mute (no stem, inserted & extended), Plunger mute.
Tenor Trombones:
No mute, Straight mute, Cup mute, Bucket mute, Harmon mute (no stem, inserted & extended), Plunger mute.
French Horns
No mute, Stopped, Straight mute.
No mute, Straight mute.
Concert Flutes
Modern Oboes
Modern Bassoons
Tenor Saxophones
Soprano Recorders


Adobe Adobe Audition for Mac!

Adobe выпустила первую публичную бета-версию аудиоредактора Audition для Mac. Пакет Audition до приобретения Adobe в 2003 году и ребрендинга был известен как Cool Edit Pro. Последняя версия пакета, Adobe Audition 3, была выпущена в 2007 году и существует лишь в виде приложения для Windows.

«Adobe Audition for Mac приносит современные средства пост-продакшн на платформу Mac. Знакомые средства редактирования аудио, мультитрековое микширование и запись сочетаются с высокой производительностью, гибкостью рабочего интерфейса и новыми возможностями — например, окружающим звуком 5.1 и новыми эффектами. Кроме того, здесь присутствуют высококачественные средства обработки и восстановления звука, которые помогут с легкостью добиться чистоты звука», — рассказывает компания.

Бесплатная бета-версия будет полностью функциональна в период бета-тестирования. Для ее работы требуется процессор Core 2 Duo и выше, Mac OS X 10.5.7 или более новая версия ОС. Загрузить ее можно отсюда (требуется регистрация).

После выпуска Audition для Mac у Apple и Adobe наметится еще одна область для конкуренции на рынке для профессионалов, ведь первая в настоящее время является в сегменте аудиопродакшн на собственной платформе безоговорочным лидером со своим аудиопакетом Logic.

Lexicon анонсировали PCM Native Effects Plug-In Bundle



The PCM Native Effects Plug-In Bundle makes all the effects processing of Lexicon's PCM96 available as a plug-in.
The PCM Native Effects Plug-In Bundle incorporates all the capabilities of the PCM96 hardware unit including:

Dual Delay – The PCM provides a comprehensive palette of delay effects, such as slap-back echo, tape echo and much more – all with complete control over delay time, mix, repeat and other parameters.

Random Delay – Builds upon the capabilities of Dual Delay with more voices and four LFOs (Low Frequency Oscillators) that control delay time with both familiar waveforms as well as random values and input levels.

Chorus/Flange – The available chorus, flanger and long multi-voice delay enable everything from traditional flanger sounds to flangers that play far behind the beat for out-of-this-world effects.

Resonant Chords – This unique mode, first introduced in the Lexicon PCM70, allows multiple delay voices to be tuned to resonate on specific notes. The sonic result can be glistening chords, strange ringing delays or truly bizarre room sounds.

Pitch Shift – A multitude of mono and stereo pitch-shifting capabilities are available, from pitch correction in a mix to standout special effects.

Multivoice Pitch Shift – This is a multi-voice delay algorithm with an independent pitch shifter on each voice. It can function as anything from a voice thickener, to multiple delays that can shift up or down while locked to tempo, to a "Seasick Room" preset that "must be heard to be believed".

The PCM Native Effects Plug-In Bundle adds to these effects an all-new Stringbox algorithm, which provides the user with 88 virtual strings resonating according to the audio in. Several tuning and panning options are available, along with a virtual keyboard and randomizer, giving users the ability to create never-before-heard chords, melodies and room sounds.
Выход намечен на январь 2011, стоить будет $1199.95.
с iLok.
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