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eaReckon анонсировали новый fx EARebound delay (Win\Mac).


"...is a full featured multi-delay plug-in (VST/AU 32/64bit) featuring 15 delay lines (“taps” or “steps”) + an extra global delay.
Each line (including the incoming signal) can be processed by its own set of effects (7 types of saturation, high and low cut filters, a quad modulation unit, … per line!)."

Price: TBA

Подробности: http://www.eareckon.com/en/products/earebound-delay-plugin-vst-au.html
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Реакции: LogicS и Arlekin

DMG Audio EQuilibrium.

  • Massively flexible EQ suitable for all critical professional applications
  • Audio Engine can be incredibly low CPU usage, or incredibly high for mastering applications
  • EQ features pristine digital curves, plus circuit models of vintage EQs, and engineering filters
  • Completely reconfigurable UI with set-up wizard to suit to your specific workflow
  • Extensive routing, grouping, channel and metering control
  • Extensive analyser functionality, including 1/3 octave, 1/12 octave, spectrograph
  • Even in lowest CPU mode, generates super-high-quality prototypes - clear undistorted top-end
  • In FIR mode, Linear, Analogue, Minimum, Zero-Latency Analogue or even Free phase control
  • 32 bands of EQ, Q 0.1->50, +/-36dB range
  • Each band can be Peak, HPF, LPF, High Shelf, Low Shelf or Notch
  • In stereo, each bank can process Mid, Side or the full stereo image
  • Surround support for channels groupings in DTS
  • Fully parametric filters (high and low-pass), 6/12/18/24/30/36/42/48db/oct

Подробнее: http://dmgaudio.com/products_equilibrium.php
Последнее редактирование:
8Dio выпустили новый инструмент под названием 8Dioboe (гобой).
Produced by Colin O’Malley and Troels Folmann, the 8Dioboe is an evocative instrument based on the raw and emotional approaches to sampling that we’ve explored in our Adagio String series.

There are many woodwind instruments on the market today. Very few of them have the emotional realism to sit out in front of an orchestra and truly carry a composition forward. The 8Dioboe is exactly such an instrument. The recordings capture a world class player playing a word class instrument. The player is invested in every single note she plays. Oboes are notoriously hard to sample. A big part of this is due to the player’s tendency to overplay and “quack” the intervals in a relatively grueling session. In contrast, the legato of the 8Dioboe was sampled in a highly fluid manner with a natural flow into vibrato. The result is an instrument that is both nimble and lyrical.

With key switches C0-D#0 you can choose which articulations play both before AND after the legato intervals, allowing for great flexibility in phrasing. Staccatissimo can also be triggered without legato intervals simply by key switching to d#0 and playing in a disconnected fashion. Staccatissimo also works great with legato for faster grace note type of figures.

Core Specifications:
Lyrical Oboe
3 Microphone Positions
Expressive True Legato
Sustains & Marcato
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Реакции: Sonitrus и Maxim Komov
если не ошибаюсь, то на Musikmesse 2013 U-he, среди прочего, покажут tape machine emulation - Satin
Посмотреть вложение Satin_Ad.pdf
прочее (репост):
- we'll showcase Bazille 1.0 (to be released in June/July)
- we'll showcase Satin (tape machine emulation, due in May)
- we might showcase Presswerk, a massive compressor (ui pending)
- we'll have a Digital oscillator module for Diva
- we'll have a new "Uhbie" filter module for Diva and ZebraHZ
- we'll have a sequencer/arpeggiator combo for Diva (all coming in June)

От XILS-lab пришло письмо, готовят к выпуску какой-то новый синт, вот чего заявленно:

New XILS-lab Musical Instrument

- Is it a synthesizer, Is it an effect, Is it both ?
- It's inspired from a legendary machine
- It's a simple but powerful audio generator
- It can also process audio content
- Vangelis, Tangerin Dream, Laurie Anderson, Kraftwerk and many others, used the original machine

Stay tuned, more news, demo, pictures are coming soon

Пока всё).
так вроде как всё на эмуляцию Roland Vocoder VP-330 Plus указывает, нет?
Новости плагиностроения

Вот и дожили мы до поры плагиноизобилия. Ну кого сейчас удивишь и обрадуешь очередным Пультеком... FET-компрессором... 808-й машиной!?.
Как сейчас найти производителю путь к сердцу потребителя? Приходится напускать туману перед выходом новинок, устраивать бесконечные распродажи, организовывать групбаи etc.
Впрочем, не все производители таковы. Некоторые безо всяких лукавых заигрываний пытаются предложить пользователю оригинальные, невиданные доселе фичи. О паре шедевральных новинок и пойдёт здесь речь.

1. Удиджеридуизатор - Didgeridrone VST.

Принцип действия:
+ Didgeridrone.jpg =
, что превосходно демонстрируют демо на сайте производителя. Позволю себе процитировать комментарий с Gearslutz:
plugin somewhere between awesome and should-have-been-posted-on-April-1st.

2. Истлевающий амп/параллельный EQ - ACIDGROOVES LSD525 / Amplifier & Parallel EQ.

Т.е., вообще-то, это некий утепляющий плагин с эквалайзером, созданный to be used along virtual synthesizers, which often need extra punch and warmth.
Но... прочитав внимательно описание, мы увидим, что плагин использует Entropy Sound Technologies : TAD & USP, что при ближайшем рассмотрении оказалось вот чем:
About Acidgrooves Entropy Technology Platform:

Until now, all Audio processors stay in a frozen state, once the code is compiled, it will remain the same for years to come. This removes all kind of natural maturity of the sound associated with the passage of time.

With time, capacitors, resistors, transformers and other analog components will decay and lose some of their original specifications which will effectively change the sound and personality of that particular unit.

The Acidgrooves Entropy Technology Platform tries to recreate exactly that.
Русским языком говоря, в процессе эксплуатации внутри прибора начинают происходить печальные вещи - текут "ёмкости", плывут "потенциометры" и т.п., естественно, всё это влияет на звук. Вот к каким чудовищным результатам должны привести 7 лет эксплуатации плагина:


(Уровень шума, замеры производителя для версии плагина 1.4.0.)
И опять, цитата с Gearslutz:
so the next step will be to create plugins that broke in order to open virtual service center?

По материалам зарубежного интернета.
ProTools 11

Посмотреть вложение 64957
The most powerful digital audio workstation just got more powerful. With an all-new, ultra-efficient audio engine, 64-bit performance, and groundbreaking capabilities, Pro Tools 11 enables you to take on the most complex and demanding music and audio post productions with ease, so you can focus on sounding your best.

Посмотреть вложение 64953
Turbocharge sessions with the all-new Avid Audio Engine

Get multiple times the processing power of Pro Tools 10 to work with way more virtual instruments and effects plug-ins than ever before. And with the new 64-bit architecture, you gain the performance you need to handle the most sophisticated sessions—with more memory headroom to go even bigger.

Посмотреть вложение 64954
Deliver mixes with lightning-fast offline bounce

Forget the wait—speed up your final mix delivery with new faster-than-real-time bounce capabilities.

Посмотреть вложение 64955
Have confidence in your mix with new metering options (Pro Tools HD 11 only)

New built-in metering standards provide a variety of scale and ballistics options, so you can be assured that you’re creating the best mix possible.

Посмотреть вложение 64956
Work directly with HD video

Play MXF HD, Avid DNxHD, and other HD video formats directly in the Pro Tools timeline, without transcoding, using the built-in Avid Video Engine—the same as in Media Composer.
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Реакции: Balint, DeMonnnm и standma
Теперь платный, но кроссплатформенный. Дешевле чем Effectrix, но и функционал вроде слабее.


The infamous FSU plugin is back! And yes, there's finally a Mac version!

Glitch is an audio effect plugin for Windows (VST), Mac (VST and AU) and Linux (VST), available in both 32-bit and 64-bit formats. Featuring a new and improved sequencer which can play multiple effects simultaneously, with the ability to trigger unique scenes from every note on your keyboard, Glitch can be as gentle or as brutal as you like.

Add the occasional splash of retrigger or stretcher to single hits within your drum loop, or fill the entire sequencer with random effect blocks for a totally chaotic trip down the digital rabbit hole... the choice is yours!

Features at a glance

Each program consists of 128 scenes that can be triggered via MIDI notes. Each scene has its own unique sequencer pattern, timing, and effect settings, allowing you to create tons of unique variations for every moment in your song, all ready to go at the press of a key!

Multi-lane sequencer allows many effects to be played simultaneously, to create interesting layered sounds.

Improved sequencer timing controls to better match your groove and song structure.

Intuitive pattern editor with drag'n'drop. Draw, erase, resize, split and join blocks with ease.


9 cheeky little effect modules designed to slice, dice, chop, screw, twist, turn and mangle your sounds into radical new forms.

Tempo-synced effects can easily be dialled in to precise musical timings such as 16th notes, 8th note triplets, and so on.

Filter, mix, pan and volume controls on each module, to help shape and fine-tune the output.

Randomize, Mutate, Glitch!

Randomize and Mutate functions can be found at almost every level. Mutate a single effect to get slightly different parameter variations, or instantly Randomize everything in the entire scene to create unexpected, chaotic and inspiring results!

Цена 49.95 евро.
Последнее редактирование:
Sample Logic - Cyclone

Sample Logic - Cyclone


Cyclone is the ultimate Kontakt synth solution. Instantly transform your musical dreams into reality with CYCLONE, a powerhouse virtual instrument containing over 325 instruments and multis ranging from multi-layer motion pads and cinematic harmonic instruments to dub step inspired basses, electronic hybrid leads, and experimental drum kits. Whether on a tight deadline, in need of inspirational presets and production tools, or looking to dig deep and create your own, CYCLONE delivers it all with its multi presets and instruments that can be quickly tweaked right on the interface for instant transformation.


Construction Kits
Instrument Stacks
One Note Glory
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Реакции: Dmitry AstroPilot
Zynaptiq анонсировала плагины UNCHIRP и UNFILTER

UNCHIRP – это работающий в реальном времени плагин, предназначенный для устранения «водянистых» эффектов (журчание, бульканье), часто возникающих в результате кодирования с низким битрейтом, при шумоподавлении и прочих процессах, работающих со спектром сигнала. Из-за своей широкополосной и хаотичной природы эти артефакты практически невозможно удалить. Но теперь UNCHIRP может спасти не только такую слишком экономно кодированную музыку, но и речь, прошедшую через узкие спутниковые или GSM-каналы, звук в роликах, снятых на мобильный телефон, или материал, слишком агрессивно обработанный шумоподавителем.

UNFILTER – это работающий в реальном времени плагин, предназначенный для устранения эффектов фильтрации, типа гребенчатой фильтрации, резонансов или чрезмерной эквализации. Благодаря продвинутым алгоритмам, UNFILTER в полуавтоматическом режиме эффективно линеаризует частотный спектр сигнала. Он также может удалить медленный хорус или фленжер, применить снятый отпечаток фильтра к другому сигналу или сохранить его для дальнейшего использования. Кроме того, его можно использовать для исправления некачественно записанных микрофонных треков, приведения множества различных звуков к единой акустической среде, изменения общего спектрального баланса, удаления резонансов и просто для дизайна новых звуков.

upd: UNCHIRP поступит в продажу 6 мая, UNFILTER – 20 мая 2013 года. Цена пока не объявлена. Оба плагина будут доступны в форматах AudioUnits, RTAS, AAX Native и VST для Mac и Windows.
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Реакции: pmg и Elle
AcousticSamples - GD-6 Acoustic Guitar


The GD-6 Acoustic Guitar is based on a Guild D-40 custom edition electro-acoustic guitar.

We recorded it with a pair of microphones and using the build in pickup.
We sampled it very deeply, all frets of all strings with upstrokes, downstrokes, round robins, releases, staccatos, mutes, palm mutes, hand blocks, slides, hammer ons, pull offs, retriggers, fretnoises, percussions other articulations. All of these details allow us to reproduce the real playing of a guitar player, and easily.
There are basically 4 modes, the solo mode that allows to play melodies, the chord mode that helps playing strums or picking very easily, the patterns mode that does all of the strumming or picking for you and the MIDI mode that allows you to use your preffered midi guitar controler.

demo (soundcloud.com)
4.43Gb, 7000 samples.
Strumming engine (features chord recognition and a smart strumming technique to produce guitar-like chords) and complete control of all its parameters.
62 realistic patterns for easy strumming, picking and advanced playing styles.
Integrated song builder to create songs within minutes and very easily
Legato script to play natural hammer ons, pull offs and slides.
Natural hand placement simulation.
39 different samples per fret and all 21 fret sampled for each string.
Multi velocity Hammer on, pull off, slides up, slides down, mutes, ghost notes, pre notes.
Included sparkVerb©.
Control over the microphones and pickup volumes.
Advanced bend control.
Advanced UVI scripting giving you access to a simple yet powerfull interface and advanced features.
and more...
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Реакции: ShadeMaster
Ну наконец-то! Многолетний долгожданный и в какой-то степени даже монументальный Venom VB-303 вышел в релиз!

https://www.box.com/s/2o6ubx78iefbdmdbyfrq - ссылка у меня не работает (превышен лимит у хостера), будем надеяться, что antto на днях выложит куда-нибудь ещё... Если кто уже успел скачать - поделитесь!

Видео туториал по програмиированию паттернов:

Ну и сравнение с x0xb0x
Последнее редактирование:
Многолетний долгожданный и в какой-то степени даже монументальный Venom VB-303 вышел в релиз!
Следил за проектом аж с 2009-го года, начиная с этой статьи: http://knobster.org/instruments/venom-vb-303/#.UXW3ItvDVEE
Жаль только, что годы идут, а ничего не меняется:


Поэтому ни для мак, ни 64-бит версии для винды не ждите, камрады. Как в анекдоте про украинца: "Бананив нэма".
ничо,для этого есть Vienna ensemble pro и недорогой виндовс ноут(сорри за оффтоп)...)))
ProjectSAM - Lumina


ProjectSAM - Lumina €849 / $1099

Featuring full orchestra, choir, smaller ensembles and a wide range of guest instruments, LUMINA dives into the world of fantasy, mystery and animation, adding depth and delicacy to your musical palette. Based on more recordings than ever before, this third volume in the SYMPHOBIA series is ProjectSAM’s most ambitious release yet.

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Реакции: LexaLexin

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