Free VST инструменты и FX (17 онлайн)

REVERIE by Clara Baesecke
Cello Textures for Kontakt
requires FULL Kontakt v. 6.6.1 or higher
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Реакции: A . и Nagor
Pulsar Audio w495 Equalizer Plugin Is FREE Until October 31st
За еду подписку:
До 1 октября:
Я думал, что только у меня не работает, он с самого начала не работает и интересно, кто поблагодарил, как скачали
Человек с форума скачал. И передал успешно мне.
Плагин успешно зарегистрировался в аккаунте ЮАД и в облачном айлоке для SPARK.
может ваучер не для всех аккаунтов работает. я попробовал с двух - всегда ошибка (

Перепроверил. Человек мне прислал Редим код. Вроде как он его через плагин-бутик получил.
А уже редим код я указал в юаде.

А как он этот Редим код получил, я не знаю.

Я думаю, просто акция уже закончилась. Либо надо этот код вбить в гугл и посмотреть на других ресурсах.
Socalabs (по ссылке страница со всеми плагами) заявили о новом wavetable синте:

Какая-то свистоперделка Xenobyte от Sick Noise Instruments (видео на странице) некоторое время бесплатно:
Для iPad'а:
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Реакции: fewa-w
Thump One - это простой в использовании музыкальный синтезатор с забавным глитчевым "волновым" движком и банком гибких мультисегментных огибающих, позволяющих формировать звук в любом направлении. Идеально подходит для мощных кик-барабанов, огромных клубных басов и парящих лидов.
Лондон, 18 сентября 2023 г. - Компания Toybox объявила о выпуске Thump One. Синтезатор был разработан с использованием модульного подхода Toybox к компоновке схем, в котором используются "западные берега", а зернистые осцилляторы, тонкие кросс-модуляции и высококачественное моделирование придают плагину уникальное звучание.
Синтезатор оснащен двумя мощными движками, которые можно объединять в слои для получения различных сложных звуков и текстур. Движок 'Kick' содержит великолепно звучащий осциллятор с волновым набором, созданным на основе чистых и обработанных аналоговых звуков кик-барабана. Движок "Kick" имеет высококачественную схему насыщения и фильтрации, а также дополнительную схему "Buzz", добавляющую эффект жужжания "сломанного диффузора динамика". Второй движок, "Layer", использует точную модель осциллятора "supersaw", найденного в синтезаторе Roland JP8000. Этот осциллятор имеет выбор рабочих "режимов", которые настраивают осциллятор на интервальное воспроизведение и добавляют различное количество модуляции для создания шумовых, ретро-синтезаторных звуков, нечетких глюков или просто шума
Audio Unit и VST3 для MacOS и Windows. Автономное приложение для iPad и AUv3-плагин для iOS
150 пресетов от профессиональных саунд-дизайнеров для любых звуков....

Таблично-волновой синтезатор Vaporizer2 от VAST Dynamics стал бесплатным и получил открытый код

Vaporizer 2


Vaporizer 2 is our flagship hybrid wavetable additive / subtractive VST / AU / AAX synthesizer / sampler workstation.

The heart of this plugin is the alias-free versatile high-performance wavetable sound engine with low system CPU resource usage.

Vaporizer 2 comes with a groundbreaking wavetable editor with a vast number of editing possibilities including frequency shift, smooth, clean, bend and bloat for single-cycles, parts of single-cycles or even whole wavetables.

Featuring an easy-to use wavetable draw mode with smooth Bezier curves and snap to grid function.

Includes 780+ wavetables and single cycles and 410+ factory presets.

Vaporizer 2 features a comprehensive preset management system with tags, free text search, file system folder management and ratings.


  • State-of the art wavetable engine with four independent alias-free wavetable oscillator banks with up to 24 oscillator unison
  • Low system CPU resource usage - even with more than 1.000 oscillators playing
  • Groundbreaking wavetable editor with a vast number of editing possibilities including frequency shift, smooth, clean, bend and bloat for single-cycles, parts of single-cycles or even whole wavetables
  • Easy-to use wavetable draw mode with smooth Bezier curves and snap to grid function
  • Mix-in, amplitude modulate, interpolate, convolute, time>frequency, frequency>time or normalize wavetable cycles
  • Generate FM, PWM, harmonic morphed / reduced, low pass / high pass / band pass / comb / formant filtering and even hard sync wavetables out of an arbitrary single cycle waveform
  • Morphing and phase shifting of wavetable cycles
  • Import and change standard (Serum, Icarus) format wavetables - also simply via drag and drop
  • Record single cycle changes into a new wavetable
  • Oscillator pitch modulation and phase modulation with very fast modulations (up to ~ 2kHz)
  • 30 real-time wavetable effects per oscillator including innovative algorithms for hard sync, sincify, brew and bend / bloat
  • Additive synthesis section that allows to freely edit all harmonics and phases in real-time
  • FM synthesis up to a chain of 4 oscillators
  • Sampler section (wav / aiff / ogg / mp3) with loop points, loop start modulation, zero crossing detection and key tracking
  • Granular synthesis mode in the sampler section for stunning ambient effects
  • Resample samples to wavetables with pitch detection
  • Intelligent polyphonic portamento / glissando (you need to hear it!)
  • Mono legato mode or polyphonic 4 / 16 voice modes
  • Three effects busses including 4 x oversampling and mono cutoff to preserve a clean low end
  • 11+ highly parameterizable effects including reverb, delay, chorus, flanger, bitcrush, eq, compressor, limiter, flanger, phaser, comb filter, waveshaper and more
  • All effect times and durations can be synced to DAW
  • State of the art filter section (30+ different types) with 4 x oversampled LPF (biquad, state variable and diode ladder implementations) plus high pass, all pass, band pass, notch, shelf, comb and scream filters - all with resonance
  • Very steep filter curves for punchy basses
  • Real-time filter response display
  • Comprehensive modulation system with powerful modulation matrix including graphical display of modulation curves
  • 25 modulation sources including key track, random drift and four custom macro knobs
  • 220(!) modulation destinations (modulatable parameters) for almost unlimited modulation combinations
  • Innovative audio routing system for all sound generators, filters and effect busses
  • Five freely editable MSEG envelopes with loop function and DAW timecode sync
  • Five LFOs (per voice - means up to 80 LFOs in total) with smooth generation optimized for lowest frequencies with ramp and phase that can be set per voice or global - can be synced to the DAW
  • Built-in arpeggiator that is freely editable and supports polyphonic modes, hold and midi file drag and drop
  • Three step sequencers that can be synced to the DAW
  • All parameter knobs / sliders automatable and support manual editing for exact parameter values
  • Support for MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE): receive MPE MIDI dimensions (X/Y/Z) pitchbend, aftertouch (freely assignable), release velocity / lift (controlled via MSEG) and brightness / timbre (freely assignable) form supported controllers for highly expressive control options
  • State of the art preset management system with tags, free text search, file system folder management and ratings
  • General setting of wavetable frequency characteristics: sharp (ideal filtering), soft (butterworth filtering), dull (linear)
  • Comes with a daily growing number of presets – free regular updates on the website
  • Includes 780+ wavetables and single cycles and 410+ factory presets
  • Easy to use and intuitive user interface that is freely scalable and resizable even up to 4k and more with many drag and drop features and many graphical components, e.g. audio-out oscilloscope, filter response, MSEG / LFO / ARP
  • Polyphonic real-time visualization of parameter modulations
  • Four different UI themes to choose from
  • Hotkeys for most important editor functions
  • Life-long free update policy!
  • Plus: the sound is stunning!
Waves Audio и Black Octopus Sound предлагают плагин MetaFilter (29USD) для БЕСПЛАТНОЙ загрузки до 30 сентября 2023 года.
«когда я вижу очередной пультек рука тянется к пистолету» (с) кто-то из пользователей форума ещё лет 15 назад)
Это не я. Это они сами... :Dle65:
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Реакции: AlexLazer и Red Nagual
Таблично-волновой синтезатор Vaporizer2 от VAST Dynamics стал бесплатным и получил открытый код

Vaporizer 2


Vaporizer 2 is our flagship hybrid wavetable additive / subtractive VST / AU / AAX synthesizer / sampler workstation.

The heart of this plugin is the alias-free versatile high-performance wavetable sound engine with low system CPU resource usage.

Vaporizer 2 comes with a groundbreaking wavetable editor with a vast number of editing possibilities including frequency shift, smooth, clean, bend and bloat for single-cycles, parts of single-cycles or even whole wavetables.

Featuring an easy-to use wavetable draw mode with smooth Bezier curves and snap to grid function.

Includes 780+ wavetables and single cycles and 410+ factory presets.

Vaporizer 2 features a comprehensive preset management system with tags, free text search, file system folder management and ratings.


  • State-of the art wavetable engine with four independent alias-free wavetable oscillator banks with up to 24 oscillator unison
  • Low system CPU resource usage - even with more than 1.000 oscillators playing
  • Groundbreaking wavetable editor with a vast number of editing possibilities including frequency shift, smooth, clean, bend and bloat for single-cycles, parts of single-cycles or even whole wavetables
  • Easy-to use wavetable draw mode with smooth Bezier curves and snap to grid function
  • Mix-in, amplitude modulate, interpolate, convolute, time>frequency, frequency>time or normalize wavetable cycles
  • Generate FM, PWM, harmonic morphed / reduced, low pass / high pass / band pass / comb / formant filtering and even hard sync wavetables out of an arbitrary single cycle waveform
  • Morphing and phase shifting of wavetable cycles
  • Import and change standard (Serum, Icarus) format wavetables - also simply via drag and drop
  • Record single cycle changes into a new wavetable
  • Oscillator pitch modulation and phase modulation with very fast modulations (up to ~ 2kHz)
  • 30 real-time wavetable effects per oscillator including innovative algorithms for hard sync, sincify, brew and bend / bloat
  • Additive synthesis section that allows to freely edit all harmonics and phases in real-time
  • FM synthesis up to a chain of 4 oscillators
  • Sampler section (wav / aiff / ogg / mp3) with loop points, loop start modulation, zero crossing detection and key tracking
  • Granular synthesis mode in the sampler section for stunning ambient effects
  • Resample samples to wavetables with pitch detection
  • Intelligent polyphonic portamento / glissando (you need to hear it!)
  • Mono legato mode or polyphonic 4 / 16 voice modes
  • Three effects busses including 4 x oversampling and mono cutoff to preserve a clean low end
  • 11+ highly parameterizable effects including reverb, delay, chorus, flanger, bitcrush, eq, compressor, limiter, flanger, phaser, comb filter, waveshaper and more
  • All effect times and durations can be synced to DAW
  • State of the art filter section (30+ different types) with 4 x oversampled LPF (biquad, state variable and diode ladder implementations) plus high pass, all pass, band pass, notch, shelf, comb and scream filters - all with resonance
  • Very steep filter curves for punchy basses
  • Real-time filter response display
  • Comprehensive modulation system with powerful modulation matrix including graphical display of modulation curves
  • 25 modulation sources including key track, random drift and four custom macro knobs
  • 220(!) modulation destinations (modulatable parameters) for almost unlimited modulation combinations
  • Innovative audio routing system for all sound generators, filters and effect busses
  • Five freely editable MSEG envelopes with loop function and DAW timecode sync
  • Five LFOs (per voice - means up to 80 LFOs in total) with smooth generation optimized for lowest frequencies with ramp and phase that can be set per voice or global - can be synced to the DAW
  • Built-in arpeggiator that is freely editable and supports polyphonic modes, hold and midi file drag and drop
  • Three step sequencers that can be synced to the DAW
  • All parameter knobs / sliders automatable and support manual editing for exact parameter values
  • Support for MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE): receive MPE MIDI dimensions (X/Y/Z) pitchbend, aftertouch (freely assignable), release velocity / lift (controlled via MSEG) and brightness / timbre (freely assignable) form supported controllers for highly expressive control options
  • State of the art preset management system with tags, free text search, file system folder management and ratings
  • General setting of wavetable frequency characteristics: sharp (ideal filtering), soft (butterworth filtering), dull (linear)
  • Comes with a daily growing number of presets – free regular updates on the website
  • Includes 780+ wavetables and single cycles and 410+ factory presets
  • Easy to use and intuitive user interface that is freely scalable and resizable even up to 4k and more with many drag and drop features and many graphical components, e.g. audio-out oscilloscope, filter response, MSEG / LFO / ARP
  • Polyphonic real-time visualization of parameter modulations
  • Four different UI themes to choose from
  • Hotkeys for most important editor functions
  • Life-long free update policy!
  • Plus: the sound is stunning!
Vital, я тебя нашел! Вылезай.
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  • Haha
Реакции: Red Nagual и incubator
Для бесплатного плейера:

Просто вибрато:
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Реакции: Extaform
Как и обещали ProjectSAM ежемесячно добавлять по инструменту в свой Free Orchestra 2, то и слово своё держат! Стал доступен новый инструмент Bold Legato Brass, совместимо с Kontakt Player
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Реакции: AlexLazer
@Alexandr_Radio, ну как сказать - покрутил я плотно вапорайзер - я бы не сказал что они схожи звуком и воркфлоу - вообще 2 разных дополняющих друг друга прибора.
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Реакции: Alexandr_Radio

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