Free VST инструменты и FX (5 онлайн)

Scuzzphut выпустила Scuzzphut6
Scuzzphut6 is a free VST plugin for Windows, featuring a flexible trance-gate and two delay-lines, each with its own filter and LFO.

The trance-gate section features:
Click-n-drag activation of the gate steps.
Step ties to link steps.
Attack/decay and shuffle controls.

Each of the two delay-lines features:
Tempo synchronization.
HP/LP filter.
LFO routable to both pan and filter cutoff.

A mixer section rounds things off and remember – you can switch off the gate and just use scuzzphut6 as a spacey delayifier.


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Последнее редактирование:
Vocovee - бесплатный вокодер от g200kg
Vocovee is a VST Effect version of g200kg's Vocov Vocoder. It does not have sidechain routing but it does have a lower latency. It also has an improved built-in synth.

Digital vocoder engine.
Built-in 8 Voice polyphonic 3-OSC 2-LFO synth.
6-band Graphic EQ.
Delay, Chorus and Reverb effects.


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Синтезатору Helix нарисовали новую морду. С сайта убраны ссылки на закачку. Вполне возможно, что бесплатное бета-тестирование закончено и теперь за него попросят денег.:sad: Хотя может и ошибаюсь, хз.:unknw:
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Реакции: Novation
ADT - Artificial Double Tracking
The ADT technique was developed at Abbey Road Studios by engineers recording the Beatles in the 1960s. To free John Lennon from having to sing everything twice for real double tracking they came up with an artificial replacement: they sent the original signal to another tape machine and re-recorded it. Due to the physical distance between record and playback heads the new signal was delayed. The length of the delay depends on the tape speed (the slower the tape is running the longer it takes for the signal to travel from the record to the playback head). However, due to the machine's (small amounts of) Wow and Flutter the delay time was not fixed but varied slightly, giving an additional chorus-like effect.
The ADT Plug-In takes a mono input signal and creates a stereo output. The original input signal will be output on one channel the new ADT signal on the other. Blending the two is also possible. The Plug-In allows to control the delay time (10 - 50ms), Wow and Flutter (both with intensity in % and frequency). All values are based on the technical data of the tape machine that was originally used to create this effect.

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RIAA - phono equalization
This Plug-In provides normal and inverse RIAA equalization. It thus can be used for record playback or vinyl cutting purposes. Another nice trick is to use it to simulate certain 'vinyl sound effects' by applying the inverse RIAA curve to your signal and after running it through a compressor converting it back to flat.
Works at the standard sample rates from 44.1kHz up to 96kHz.

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Плаги без фейса.
M-Production выпустил первый из запланированных плагинов - MCompressor

MCompressor provides standard compression with volume maximization and has adjustable compression shape, which gives you power to set custom smoothing or even interesting sound effects.

Standard and custom compression shapes: Using user shapes you can easily create various dynamic effects such as expansion, gate or even "some extraordinary shapes for rhythmization".
Actual source level indication inside the shape graph: You always know what dynamic value you can actually expect on the input and output.
Signal maximization: Compressors lower the signal above a threshold. MCompressor can compensate the reduction to ensure that if the source has reached 0dB the result will too. This is especially useful for mastering, since you want to maximize loudness and use the entire bit resolution.
Hard, linear and smooth knee with adjustable size.
Standard general parameters: Input gain, Attack and Release.
Fully automatable (except for the custom shape graph).
Global preset management: using a title button you can save your settings, which are shared on the computer, so you can easily access them in other songs.


Free версия для некоммерческого использования (коммерческая - 30 Евро), в ней отключена ворзможность сохранения пресетов в своём формате и оверсэмплинг.

ЗЫ: Советую не нажимать на кнопочку с конвертом - у меня после паузы вылезает огромная куча окон Интернет Эксплорера.
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Последнее редактирование:
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Реакции: Eduard_fromMiensk и Vosk
WatKat от
"..a VST effect plug-in that pays tribute to Charlie Watkins, inventor of the tape echo."
"WatKat is a digital “clone” of a Wem Watkins “Custom” Copicat. It sounds very lo-fi, noisy, irregular."


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Vocalizer от A-Quest (от которого AquesTone).
"..a free vowel effect VST effect plug-in for Windows which enables you to convert any sound into a human-voice-like sound."

*Strongly apply human voice characteristics.
*Intuitive GUI control with XY-pad (Strength of effect, Vowels can be controlled with X-Y pad only).
*Both Male and Female voice patterns are available.
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Реакции: tekknik и Kilgor Traut
Синтезатору Helix нарисовали новую морду. С сайта убраны ссылки на закачку. Вполне возможно, что бесплатное бета-тестирование закончено и теперь за него попросят денег.:sad: Хотя может и ошибаюсь, хз.:unknw:

...ребят залейте плиз куда-нибудь (шоп можно было без аккаунта флэшгетом скачать) пока мы знаем, что он бесплатный еще и узнавать другого не хочим:laugh4:...
SuperDroid написал(а):
...ребят залейте плиз куда-нибудь (шоп можно было без аккаунта флэшгетом скачать) пока мы знаем, что он бесплатный еще и узнавать другого не хочим:laugh4:...
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Реакции: SuperDroid и tekknik
MEqualizer, очередной free vst от MeldaProduction
"MEqualizer is a 6-band equalizer with increadibly fast and easy controls."

*7 filter types for each band.
*Smooth visualisation of resulting frequency response. All parameters are adjustable from the graph.
*Enable, Q, and Actual source level indication inside the shape graph.
*Global preset management - using a title button you can save your settings, which are shared on the computer, so you can easily access them in another songs.
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Реакции: BeatMnyx, q_h и greennoise
Надыбал сайтец одной конторы - (not the same). Есть у них фриварный реверочег REV-1 Pro, дивайс странноватый по некоторым крутилкам и саунду при некоторых сочетаниях ручег, но может кому сгодится:
Страница загрузки:
Там ещё есть куча фри демоверсий их каких-то загадочных лупостроек (генераторов лупов, ограничение в демо - 16 шагов) для различных стилей музыки - типа Virtual Dance Producer, Brazilero и т.п., но шо оно такое, я пока ниасилил.
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Реакции: greennoise
Третий продукт от MeldaProduction - MLimiter

Limiter is a traditional way to enhace recording sound power and finish the mix. MLimiter performs smooth limiting in a standard tube-like way improving clarity of the resulting sound. It can also be used as a distortion module for guitars and other instruments.
*Actual source level indication inside the shape graph.
*7 smooth limiting modes.
*Fully automatable.
*Global preset management - using a title button you can save your settings, which are shared on the computer, so you can easily access them in another songs.

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Реакции: mxc
следующие - MPhaser и MRingModulator


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San (beta) , Новый vsti от Saltline

* a hybrid synthesizer. It features two analogue oscillators (with two FM oscillators) and a phase distortion oscillator. Each sound generator can be mixed between two of three variable state filters. Many of the parameters in San can be modulated by three multi-routable, multi-rate LFOs, two ADSR envelopes and one 8 stage envelope. There is also a simple flanger/chorus and distortion effect.
San's second panel has a quick guide to some of its features as well as a MIDI controller ID list.

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Реакции: mxc
Rombo (saturator) от Acrobatics Software (которые Alieno vsti)


"The original Acrobatics technology captures all the dynamics from your audio material with two separated envelope followers (true stereo), then use them to drive an exclusive, ultrasmooth saturation algorhythm."

*Adjustable Input Gain, Attack, Release and Output Level.
*Optional stereo/mono peak detection.
*Internal, dedicated bypass mode for fast A/B comparisons.
*VU Meter with multiple pick views over the whole signal path.
*Zero Latency, DC Block Filter
*All samplerates supported: 44.1khz - 192khz.
*Fully automatable in host.
*Knobs & Switches receive external MIDI control CC program changes.
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Реакции: greennoise и mxc
Новость от Psychic Modulation- теперь free 3 инструмента:

Arptron - a binary arp-synth with crossfading oscillators, part VA, part phase distortion. Equipt with an onboard dual delay section and external audio processing.(Набор из трёх dll- сам инструмент,его fx ,и арпеджиатор)

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Meteorite - a 3 oscillator virtual analog performance synthesizer.

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Photon - a strange hybrid synth with an with an experimental ‘warp’ engine for creating evolving rythmic sequences, random arpeggios and classic Sample&Hold style arcade wierdness.

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AAY-Audio aMS-Tools v1.0 (FREE)

AAY-Audio aMS-Tools is a set of three "Mid-Side" tools in the VST plug-in format.
Using this tools you can encode Left-Right stereo channels to Mid-Side, decode Mid-Side to Left-Right and adjust Mid-Side balance.

AAY-Audio aMS-Tools v1.0 include:

aMS-Tools Encoder
aMS-Tools Decoder
aMS-Tools Balancer

System requirements: Windows XP or any later 32-bit Windows OS; about 13.1Mb of harddisk space; processor 1GHz or higher; RAM minimum 512Mb; audio application supporting VST plug-ins (e.g. Cubase SX, Nuendo, Sonar, WaveLab, SoundForge, Ableton Live, FL Studio etc.) In the case your software does not support VST plug-ins natively you should get a suitable VST adapter program which allows you to load and run VST plug-ins in your audio application.

AAY-Audio aMS-Tools is a perfect free way to make your sound wider!


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Братцы, я прошу пощения за оффтоп, но здесь столько всякого....
Почему бы не создать тему Free VST ЗАСЛУЖИВАЮЩИЕ ВНИМАНИЯ! или ПРОВЕРЕННЫЕ!
А то ить некоторые скачанные даже со своим назначением справлятся не умеют..
Еще раз извиняюсь..
Vit44 написал(а):
А то ить некоторые скачанные даже со своим назначением справлятся не умеют..
Например? Не знаю как в первых давних мессагах, а в последних откровенного хлама практически не втречается, т.к. постится обычно не всё подряд, а то, что может представлять реальный интерес.
Например c3multibandcomp_1_2 Не реагирует даже на экстримальные положения порога и ratio. Фришный мультикомп, кстати, не помешал бы.. Разыскивается..
Еще добавлю от себя, что например, плагины от Kjaerhus и Voxengo просто превосходные! Вот таких бы побольше!
Vit44 написал(а):
Например c3multibandcomp_1_2 Не реагирует даже на экстримальные положения порога и ratio. Фришный мультикомп, кстати, не помешал бы.. Разыскивается..

reaxcomp из reaplugs. Это ВСТ.
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Реакции: Vit44
Melda Production выпустила ещё 2 плагина - MStereoExpander и MWaveShaper


MStereoExpander provides stereo field modification to improve or smaller clarity of differences between channels.
*Expansion based on actual sample or delay.
*Perfectly mono compatible.
*Fully automatable.
*Global preset management - using a title button you can save your settings, which are shared on the computer, so you can easily access them in another songs.


MWaveShaper is a traditional wave-shaping plugin. Unlike other plugins it has an adjustable shape instead of a few predefined shapes.
*Continously adjustable shape.
*Automatable depth.
*Global preset management - using a title button you can save your settings, which are shared on the computer, so you can easily access them in another songs.
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Реакции: a-up, Empiric и mxc

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