Free VST инструменты и FX (3 онлайн)

Ещё немного Free:
Easy-syn-sun от Easy#toolz
"..inspired by Hardware Synth (Korg Mono/Poly)
..It is still a Beta-Version with only 8 Patches ..."


и инструменты от странного человека Kaitop

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Реакции: q_h
Free от ShuttlePlugs, среди новых: Ringelay "is a delay effect that applies ringmodulation to the repeats", Spili "is a lo-fi/filter effect."

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Trubia Labs Plugin Collection. Четыре инструмента (3- хороший лоуфай и один Другой) и вокодер.

(прямая ссылка 5mb)
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Реакции: tekknik
granulOSO v0.5 Beta от Rough Diamond Productions
"Stereo granular synth with controls for pitch & detune, coarse & fine loop points, volume & pan."

И studioCLOCK (Часы)
"Features : it's a clock
Specs : it tells the time
Uses : telling the time : The classic use for studioCLOCK is to tell the time.
Сurrent version : 1.0"


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Реакции: Phone Cuts
Superwave P8


Superware is a virtual analog synthesizer emulation for vst host

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Sun Ra


Ambient texture generator. It’s based on a dual synthesis engine, completed with several randomization options and a battery of built-in effects. It also features a good set of 24 presets.

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String Synthesizer


String Synthesizer is an emulation of the String Synthesizers of the late 70s made famous by ARP and Solina. Included are 40 patches.

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Satyr VA Synth


Satyr is a massive Virtual Analog synth with comprehensive oscillator waveshaping and modulation methods.

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Oberon Poly 4 VA Synth


Oberon is an attempt to imitate the classic analog polysynths. It has two special oscillators with sync, two envelopes, LFO and a special 2-pole doublefilter.

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Panzertank PM 4


Panzertank PM4 is a virtual phase modulation synth very much like the famous FM synthesizers.

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Спасибо, но честно говоря это набор из серии "ретрософт".
Это все уже выкладывалось:
В том числе и тобой:
Подобные вещи, если и имеет смысл выкладывать, то лишь в случае когда их кто-то искал, не нашел, и специально спросил.
Так что, по возможности, лучше здесь делится чем-то более-менее свежим.
LoopDrive, от Yedey
"LoopDrive is a loop slicer and step-sequencer especially made for drum loops."
".....and rearranger with some weird FX."


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Nucleus 3, Новая версия Soundfont плеера от B.Serrano

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Реакции: greennoise и Alex_HS
Voxengo выпустила бесплатный плагин Sound Delay 1.0


Sound Delay is an auxiliary multi-channel signal delaying plug-in for professional audio applications. You may specify delay time in both milliseconds and samples, with a high level of precision. This plug-in - being technical in its purpose - provides a basic signal delaying function only, without signal feedback or modulation capabilities.

Sound Delay also features internal mid/side encoding and decoding, and allows you to delay mid and side channels independently.

Sample-accurate delaying
Millisecond-accurate delaying
Up to 3 seconds overall delay
Multi-channel processing
Internal channel routing
Channel grouping
Mid/side processing
Preset manager
Undo/redo history
A/B comparisons
Contextual hint messages
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Реакции: MJSound и YoH
GTG MX2008 VSTi от GTG Synths
"*3x Osc synth with 3 LFO’s
*Stepped modulation, Pitch Envelope
*Chorus and Delay and a Fat filter with High Pass Control."


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Реакции: tekknik
A0 Classics Pack от A0 Digital Audio.


"Get some of the earlier top-selling A0 Digital Audio shareware plug-ins legally and for FREE.
PC VST and DirectX versions included!"

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Там же,кроме самого пакета,есть ещё пара плагинов.

Swell от Liquidclear


"A simple audio-triggered envelope designed for use with electric guitars

Stereo in/out"

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"COLDkILLERmini features the excellent EVM Lightwave Oscillator.
It has a number of useful presets, including sine, square, pulse and saw,
as well as several "digital" waveforms."

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FreeeQ от EricSound Plugins.


"You can never have too many different types of EQ in
your toolbox, especially if they use advanced 64-bit
analogue modeling, sound great and costs nothing!
The FreeeQ is a high-quality 3 band ‘instant results’
EQ which is also highly optimized (especially considering
what it’s doing ‘under the hood’) for CPU usage, so you
can use this on loads of tracks in your mix. You may find
that this is all you need. It's not the features of an EQ
that make the sound, and flashy guis or being able to
tweak a plug all day long does not replace tone!

You will find that the FreeeQ has a very smooth, mastering
type quality to its sound. It has a definite, high quality
analogue tone and interactive curve which makes it very
musical. I think that this more than makes up for the lack
of extra controls that your DAW's built-in equaliser uses.
It is also completely free so get it now!"


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Реакции: SoNick
Stelsi Virtual Synth v.1.0 VSTi

Украинский виртуальный синтезатор. Специально разработанный для написания нового альбома группы "Stelsi"
Используя уникальную технологию, "Stelsi Virtual Synth" выводит всю палитру электронной музыки и не только. От перегруженных футуристических сиквенсов к классическим аналоговым соло. При помощи специального графического эквалайзера вмонтированного в инструмент, Вы сможете предоставить Вашему звуку любую форму, а воспользовавшись функцией "Distortion" и "Step Lfo", Вы превратите его на нечто фантастическое. "Stelsi Virtual Synth" - быстрый, универсальный, легкий в использовании с приятным интерфейсом. Имеет 100 готовых "присетных" звуков.


3 OSC with Pitch & Fine tuning
STEP LFO with visual template interface

прикольный синт для Dance,House
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Реакции: BeatCheat
SPEAR (Sinusoidal Partial Editing And Resynthesis) от Michael Klingbeil (version 0.7.1 is a free application for Windows & OS X)

"SPEAR is an application for audio analysis, editing and synthesis. The analysis procedure (which is based on the traditional McAulay-Quatieri technique) attempts to represent a sound with many individual sinusoidal tracks (partials), each corresponding to a single sinusoidal wave with time varying frequency and amplitude"

Такой вот стенделон синтез-тулкит странноватый. В прошлой версии неполучилось извлечь ни звука, сейчас заработало.
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Tweakbench обновили все свои плугины

Changes in these updates:
*All of the cycler series (breakdown, dropout, mashup, sideslip) should all get some bug fixes in regards to timing, and some CC issues.
*Anything with granular processes (pudding, minerva) should see some increased performance as well.
*Everything else has just been updated to use the latest external modules, and latest SynthEdit bug fixes to increase compatibility.
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Arie Aradaz выпустили Aradaz Amp 2 Green (the second version of the Aradaz Amp 2 virtual guitar amplifier effect.)

*8 parameters (input, gain, bass, mid, treble, types of EQ, cabinet simulator and volume).
*New tube simulation.
*2 types of equalizer.
*Sample Rate up to 96 kHz.
*64 bit internal processing.
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Продолжение серии Space Transition Synthesizer от H.G. Fortune - STS-33 (С Free версией)

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Virtuoso от DSK Music, с семплами внутри(46MB)
"40 instruments in 7 categories (Keyboards, Chromatic, Plucked, Woodwind, Brass, Strings and Percussion." (не пробовал))

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Новый GTG WS 2 от GTG Synths
"Hybrid synth. Waveshaper and Phase Modulation Oscillator. Tempo sync LFO. Mod Envelope.Joystick Controller."

Смотрю почти все GTG инструменты потрескивают (при больше чем одной ноте), поэтому они плохие. может это у меня проблема только.
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Вторая серия от странного человека Kaitop

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MDrummer Small is the lightest version of MDrummer. It does not contain drumset generator nor rhythm editor nor rhythm generator. However it contains several drumsets and rhythms and it is FREE!
Free drum VST plugin - MDrummer S is a totally free MDrummer edition! Contains everything you need - standalone application and VST plugin compatible with most of the VST hosts such as Cubase, Nuendo, Cakewalk etc. You do not need to look for drum VST warez anymore, because this one is really free! Just download, install and enjoy the power of MDrummer VST plugin and standalone application.

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Последнее редактирование модератором:
MDrummer Small is the lightest version of MDrummer. It does not contain drumset generator nor rhythm editor nor rhythm generator. However it contains several drumsets and rhythms and it is FREE!
Free drum VST plugin - MDrummer S is a totally free MDrummer edition! Contains everything you need - standalone application and VST plugin compatible with most of the VST hosts such as Cubase, Nuendo, Cakewalk etc. You do not need to look for drum VST warez anymore, because this one is really free! Just download, install and enjoy the power of MDrummer VST plugin and standalone application.

*** скрытое содержание ***

Кто нибудь смог запустить в сонаре? У меня станд фурычит, а из под сонара - молчит как партизан :))
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Guitar Guru 2.25

- программа для обучения игре на гитаре. Имеет интерактивный анимированный гриф. Может синхронизировать гитарные занятия с оригинальными записями на CD или с midi и wma файлами.
Guitar Guru - Your Own Personal Guitar Teacher. Guitar Guru is an easy-to-use software application that will help you better learn and understand playing guitar. Here are some key features of "Guitar Guru": * Interactive, animated fretboard. * Learn at your own speed by adjusting the playback tempo. * Synch most Guitar Guru Sessions with the original CD recording. * Repeat any section as often as you like until you perfect your playing. * Customizable with downloadable guitar "skins."

Год выпуска: 2008
Язык интерфейса: английский
Размер: 2.93 MB


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Последнее редактирование модератором:
Milk Guitar от Mikko Maducdoc.


"Ever wanted to have that crunchy, evenly strummed guitar part for your recordings,
but can't get a clean take? Maybe you can't really strum or your pro hands simply want to have
a break. Whatever the case may be, here's a FREE vst instrument from one of our artists, that
can add a perfect rhythm to your song... Milk Guitar! It's a strummable, MIDI-controlled virtual
instrument which you can use with your favorite multi-track vst-compatible host (Cubase for example).
It contains a few well-sampled chords that are easy to play and and strum using your midi keyboard.
It has several built-in effects including room and reverb controls, harmonics, bass cut filter, and the
super-sweet stereo widening effect.

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Пока бета,но автор обещает обновлять периодически.

Meister написал(а):
Milk Guitar от Mikko Maducdoc.
Я не стал постить об этой штуке, т.к. набор аккордов весьма ограничен (вавки струмов), реально врядли можно юзать по крайней мере сейчас. На KVR выкупили, что аффтар сваял сей плаг в варезной версии Синтэдита:this:
Sonoma Wireworks have announced RiffWorks T4 (Mac & Win), a new, free edition of RiffWorks that includes looped recording, automatic track creation, effects, InstantDrummer, AmpliTube Duo LE, Studio Devil BVC, song posting and free online collaboration with musicians around the world. A quick Start tutorial in 14 languages is also included.
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98 Метров.
killerDelay от Novakill
" a multi-tap delay with 6 delay lines. Each one has it's own multi-mode filter and distortion, with a common LFO that can be used to modulate the filter cut-off. The top four delays have a maximum time of 5 seconds, the other two will run up to 10sec."

(и Brainkillerv2mini обновился)
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Nicolas Dangy-Caye (N.D.C.) has released an Audio Unit version of Tune It!, which is now freeware for Windows (VST) and Mac OS X (VST/AU).


Tune It! is a piece of software that helps musicians to tune their instruments. It can also be used to monitor the pitch during live performance. It is based on an original and very accurate pitch detection algorithm. It can tune a wide range of instruments such as guitar, bass, piano, flute, violin, saxophone, etc. It can be ran as a standalone application or as a plugin within a VST or AU host.

*Automatic note recognition from A-1 up to A6.
*Programmable A440 reference from 400 to 480Hz (step of 1Hz or 0,1Hz).
*Programmable Precision.
*The highest precision, the finest tuning.
*The lower precision, the lower latency (suited for tuning control during live performance).
*Very fine and precise tuning based on an original pitch detection algorithm.
*Tune any instrument: guitar, bass, piano, synths, flute, sax, trumpet, stick, violin...
Очень ненадёжный и мелькающий до раздражения тюнер, во всяком случае для Windows. Упрямо показывал мне C2 на F1 и постоянно приписывал # к ноте.

Пользуюсь этим
Посмотреть вложение C_Tuner.rar
без особого напряжения понятно что это тюнер. Это видно из названия приклеплённого фаила. Взято из интернета.
А так, тюнер как тюнер, такой же как твой, только во всём лучше. Было б что-нибудь сущестенного о нём, то сказал бы. Вот сайт
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