Free VST инструменты и FX (3 онлайн)

TAL-DUB-II от Togu Audio Line (Delay / Echo) (Win or Mac)
" an extended version of TAL-Dub with a completely new sound engine. A 4x over-sampled distortion stage allows you to add vintage distortion to the delayed signal (it is also possible to make clean delays)."

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Реакции: YoH
AquesTone v0.7.2.1 от Aquest (vocal synthesizer, VSTi, Win PC)

*Real-time generation of a singing voice from MIDI data and a lyrics file.
*Uses Japanese phoneme set.
*Lyrics file (written in Hirangana) can be edited with a text editor, uses Shift JIS character code.
*Low CPU usage.
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Bootsy обновили свои плугины TesslaSE (v1.2) и BootEQ (v1.1)

Changes in TesslaSE v1.2
Increased stability.
Fixes some grafic glitches.
Wavelab issues are fixed.

Changes in BootEQ v1.1
*Increased stability.
*Fixes some grafic glitches.
*GUI is slightly improved for better contrast and readability.
*Wavelab issues are fixed.

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Отличная новость - Odo Synths сделал свои Donationware инструменты Free (4 шт.)(до этого можно было пользоваться пресетами - а элементы управления были заморожены)

>38911 Bytes, a C64 (Commodore 64) based synth.

>Double Six, a 6-operator FM synth with 32 DX7 algorithms and 16 4-operator algorithms.

>Six, a simple FM synth.

>Unknown 64 Pro, another C64 (Commodore 64) based synth.

*All Odo Synths plug-ins are available as VST plug-ins for Windows PC.

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Реакции: reax
Известная своими поделками на Синтэдите и Синтмэйкере DSK Music представила очередное творение - DSK SaxophoneZ

- 3 saxophone type: Soprano, Alto & Tenor
- Velocity response
- Amp. envelope and micro-detuner
- HP/LP Filter
- 2 Fx (reverb & chorus)
Сцылы на закачку:
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ЗЫ: Сопрано похоже с Ямахи ПСР-ки сэмплировали, он там прикольный, может пригодиться. Тенор тоже сойдёт где-нить. Жрёт прилично, ревер и хорус - вообще непонятные, сразу вырубать, релиз - убирать. Питч только на октаву:sad: и это не регулируется.
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ExperimentalScene сделались free:
SpatialVerb,DarkWave Studio (Virtual Studio),DGenR8 (Drum Synth),AntiAlias (Filter)
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Son of a pitch от Saltline (Pitch Shifter / Time Stretch)

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Alex_HS, Во блин, есть такое дело. Проверил - но Six и Unknown 64 pro у меня работают. А первые два тоже валят - ошибка таже что и в некоторых последних интструментах от Xoxos (ошибка в какомто модуле синтедитовском с буквами CK_ ), я спрашивал чуть раньше у Рюрика Лефанты (чувак из кокоса) - он гвоорит что это глюк несовместимости некоторых модулей с определёнными конфигурациями хардварными, связанно с мультипроц. системами (если я правильно понял перевод), притом у многих людей всё работает. Жаль конечно.
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Реакции: Alex_HS
Nasty series от Bootsy:


NastyLF, a specific and tuned combination of lowend EQ and output stage.
The low frequency EQ in classic boost/cut design offers both: broad ‘oldschool’ as well as rather narrow ‘modern’ curves (switchable) altogether with a variation of that special sounding curve designs when using boost and cut in combination. A new developed output stage offers tasty lowend saturation which can virtually be driven up to 24dB with internal automatic gain compensation.

NastyHF, a specific and tuned combination of highend EQ (peak and shelve) and oversampled output stage.
The high frequency EQ offers both: broad ‘old school’ as well as rather narrow ‘modern’ curves (switchable). HF peaking is applied on fixed frequencies and the 10kHz filter performs as a shelve. Both designs feature special musical sounding curves. A new developed and oversampled output stage offers fancy and almost artefact free HF saturation prominently featuring K2 and K3 harmonics with attenuated higher harmonics.

NASTYtableTop, a low-mid frequency booster which increases perception in this frequency range by saturation.
In subtle amounts this is perceived as a kind of ‘phatness’ while in extreme settings this is going to be perceived as ‘muddy’ and/or ‘distorted’.

*The previously released NastyLF plug-in included in this package is an updated version with some bugfixes.

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(прямая ссылка, 5 mb)
Soundhack выпустила пакет из трёх дилеев:
This is a group of three plugins that I developed as class demonstrations while teaching computer music and studio technique at UC San Diego. All of these are derived from the same basic delay algorithm: a hermite interpolated delay line with variable modulation, and a feedback loop with dc blocking and saturation. Pitch shifting is achieved with a dual head crossfading delay (ala Eltro Tempophon/Dennis Gabor/Pierre Schaeffer phonogene) and is decidedly low-fi. The saturating feedback also allows them to be great drone and noise generators.

The three plugins are +delay (classic delay effects), +pitchdelay, (essentially the same plugin with controls oriented toward pitch shifting), and finally +bubbler (a granular delay in which grains are pulled from the delay line with randomized start time, delay time and pitch shift value).

Version 6.05 can be considered the first real release - since the beta I have added MIDI automation to +pitchdelay, and expanded it in +bubbler. Also +delay now has a cleaner, deeper feedback loop.

Windows users, please uninstall previous versions before installing this one...

Windows is in VST and RTAS formats, Mac is in VST, RTAS and AU formats, all are freeware.

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Windows users, make sure to uninstall previous versions.


Доступна бесплатная версия VSTi дарбуки от HTT


A free VST Instrument with all the features of HTP series with 4 
single instruments from 4 styles
-Darbukator engine free style player
-4 different styles (single instrument)
-Doholla – Jerk
-Doff – Rumba
-Darbuka – Nubian
-Riq (Tambourine) - wedding
-All the features of the retail modules (stereo output only) 

Now you can enjoy try the freedom that Darbukator offers
See how you can get different track every time you play
And listen to how real it is
This is a free gift from HTT so no activation required
For personal and commercial use

Test the compatibility with your DAW before buying any of our products 
as it’s the same engine
Два free Reverb/Delay

SoundScaper от Homegrown Sounds
"...a free VST Effect Plugin for Windows capable of Reverb, Echo and Comb effects. It was designed primarily as way of creating atmospheric landscapes in the tradition of past HGSounds creations.
SoundScaper has a diverse range of sonic possibilities using 300 datasets of comb/allpass timings, each providing a different effect model. Each of these modes can then be set to one of 33 different Multipliers (Styles) which take it through tight comb based effects, to reverbs and finally echo banks."


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bucketEER MK I v0.8 (beta)от Rough Diamond

"...a bucket style stereo reverb & delay VST effect for Windows PC.
Inspired by early bucket brigade machines, bucketEER is a simple stereo reverb effect consisting of 16 delay lines, each with an all-pass filter. Mono or stereo input, with 3 output modes, bucketEER can be used for delay effects and basic reverbs."

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psymon vsti от De la Mancha

"psymon continues from styrofoam the series of single-waveform, retro, lofi noise makers. Whilst faithfully recreating the 'speaker in a box' sound of the original game, psymon takes a bold leap into the 21st century. You are no longer limited to the 4 notes of the game, but can use every single note on your midi keyboard!..."
* one waveform, it's a beauty
* 1 whole preset
* optional note sustain and velocity
* no flashing lights or memory tests
* batteries not included

П.с - попробовал разными способами- тишина. Так и непонял что это такое. единственное что понял (из описания), что похоже на

faderratic (Cross-fader/Gate vst) от De la Mancha

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Free FS Collection от Flame Studios (семплы in SoundFont or Giga format)
"The samples were originally created for the giga format but I have now made soundfonts out of the same samples except those that could not be translated to soundfont, such as reverb samples (due to release samples playing at the same volume no matter where in the envolope the key is released)."

*Seagull Acoustic Steel String Guitar.
*Ibanez Acoustic Steel String Guitar.
*Ibanez Electric Bass Guitar.
*Washburn Electro-Acoustic Bass Guitar.
*5-string Kay Banjo.

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*(архив 266 mb)
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Реакции: Meister и future-bit

I've uploaded release 1.2 of this and there is now the black face "Anniversary Edition" of my very first Plug-In included (see OP for details).

This black face anniversary edition "RescueAE" is completely reworked and features 4x Oversampling and a fancy output stage limiter (as already announced).

Have more fun with that and happy mixing,
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Реакции: greennoise
& Nasty Series upd. to 1.2 ..adds two plug-ins :

NastyVSD (virtual summing device)

" a kind of “summing device” effects simulator and features some of the effects which can appear while going outboard (out of a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)) and receiving a analog summed stereo mix back into the DAW. When doing this, “safety limiting” or even AD clipping is performed, so this is included in this simulation as well. When driven hard (aka abused), this could be used for maximising purposes as well."

NastyCS (character channelstrip)

"NastyCS features the very best “nasty” things coming from this Plug-In series and additionally two mid frequency EQ’s originally developed for the BootEQ Plug-In as well as high- and low-pass filtering"

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1-Time от Reign Design.


1-Time (one-time) is a FREE mono tape saturation plug-in. 
It can smooth out harsh transients, add weight to kicks, and more. 
There is only one setting and only one knob that adjusts the gain.

Только для MAC'a...:girl_devil:

Читаем и забираем:
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Обновились ReaPlugs до 1.15. Новый плагин reajs для использования JS эффектов в любых хостах.
HGS WAV Recorder от Homegrown Sounds
"..a simple free VST plug-in for Windows that performs a single role, recording the incoming signal directly to a WAV File.."

*16-/24-/32-Bit Support.
*Records at Host Project's Sample Rate.
*Mono, Stereo and Sum Output Modes.
*Monitor Switch.
*Bypass - Disables Sound output for silent recording.
*Record Level.
*Record Level Indicators.
*Open Last Recording Button.
*Configurable Storage Directory - Open cfg file to change path, then click update to update the path.
*Open Recording Directory in Windows Explorer.
*Default - Sets to the plug-ins default parameters.
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Ревер TimeVerb от

"When you need an easy and good sounding studio reverb and you don’t want to deal with tons of parameters, here comes TimeVerb! Five knobs for all your “easy” reverberation needs."

*Reverb algorithm used in the (upcoming) ElectricGrand EG70.
*Very easy to use.
*Very light on CPU and memory.
*Easy MIDI Learn feature.
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AM UniControl (MIDI ctrl) от Angular Momentum
"a freeware MIDI controller plug-in for Windows PC that lets you control your external hardware."

*MIDI Learn: Move slider or knob simultaniously with your hardware controller.
*Use 2 MIDI Tracks…
MIDI Track 1…MIDI In = from Hardware Controller….MIDI out = UniControl
MIDI Track 2…MIDI In = UniControl….MIDI Out = Output to Hardware
*Available as a VST plug-in and standalone version.
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Реакции: Phone Cuts
future-bit написал(а):
Что будет в дальнейшем - не знаю
Скорей всего попросят 50 евро, судя по предыдущим инструментам.
Демо шум пускает. К тому же инструмент моно, как и евошные Родесы.
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boost от de la mancha - младший брат компрессора bathtub (free)

boost is a dual-band, parallel compression effect that enhances your audio by boosting the lows and highs whilst still letting some of the original signal through to get a nice blend. Increase the gain to get more compression, then tweak the low and high band to suit the sound you want. The boost knob increases the mix of compressed audio with the dry signal.

boost is a very simplified version of bathtub, which is a fully featured and flexible compressor / limiter / maximizer plugin


- dual band stereo compressors for low and high frequencies
- parallel compression mixes dry audio with compressed audio to preserve transients
- gain reduction indicators so you can see when compressors are working
- boost knob increases mix of wet signal
- gain knob increases input gain to desired compression level
- high and low knob increase output gain of each freq band
- all knobs are mapped to midi CC's


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