вольный перевод:Firstly, it has to be clear that Samplemodeling and Audio Modeling are two different companies that makes different instruments: Samplemodeling makes their own instruments based on Kontakt, Audio Modeling (Stefano Lucato and myself) makes instruments based on our proprietary technologies. We are commercial partners because Samplemodeling distributes our instruments and also helped a little with some feedbacks, but the product lines are totally independent.
As now we have created two different technologies: "SWAM", which is based on both samples and physical modeling and "SWAM-S", which is based on physical modeling (and no samples at all). "SWAM" is most suitable for winds instruments, but it could be applied to other kind of expressive instruments too. "SWAM-S", which is derived from the Waveguide Synthesis by prof. Julius Smith, is most suitable for strings.
We will make for sure brass instruments too, maybe exploring new synthesis and models, but before that we want to complete the bowed strings family. So just wait for the Double Bass to come
Emanuele Parravicini
CTO - Audio Modeling
Во-первых, должно быть ясно, что Samplemodeling и Audio Modeling - две разные компании, которые делают разные инструменты: Samplemodeling производит собственные инструменты на базе KONTAKT, Auodio Modeling (Stefano Lucato и я) делаем инструменты, основанные на собственных закрытых технологиях. Мы - коммерческие партнеры, и Samplemodeling продает наши инструменты, также помогая с некоторым фидбеком, однако линии производства абсолютно независимы друг от друга.
Сейчас мы сделали два разных движка: SWAM, основанный на сэмплах и физическом моделировании, и SWAM-S, являющийся полностью синтезаторным. SWAM лучше подходит для духовых инструментов, но может быть переработан и для других выразительных (динамических) инструментов. SWAM-S, Выросший из Waveguide Synthesis профессора. Julius Smith подходит для струнных.
Возможно, для медных инструментов тоже, если разработать новые методы синтеза и моделирования, но нам бы закончить сначала семейство струнных. Так что ждите контрабас

[DOUBLEPOST=1501187376][/DOUBLEPOST]А следом пост моего любимого дядьки:
After Lele Parravicini's reply, we believe it´s time to finally chime in for some opportune clarification.
One could in fact wonder where this AudioModeling comes from. So far, it's no secret that two different teams, albeit following different philosophies, strictly collaborated for many years in the development of SWAM virtual instruments. Only very recently (May 2017) Stefano Lucato & Emanuele Parravicini decided to set up their own company, which was named, most likely by analogy,AudioModeling Srl.
Samplemodeling instruments rely on real samples and proprietary technologies to recreate virtually any articulation in real time. We are very happy that the results - i.e. our brass instruments, Kontakt-based, got worldwide appreciation. We are convinced that our approach will still yield superior results. Therefore, we need to state, once and for all, that there are no plans to "upgrade" Samplemodeling Brass to the SWAM engine. The Kontakt platform proved to be quite suitable for excellent results, in terms of expressiveness and realism.
In a near future, two lines of new products will be available. Swam-based and Kontakt-based virtual instruments. Best of luck to our colleagues of AudioModeling. Honest competition is the way to go.
Giorgio Tommasini & Peter Siedlaczek.