for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key]=reaper[key] end
function MoveNotesVertically(take, dir)
local dir_int = 1
if dir then dir_int = -1 end
local tableEvents = {}
local t = 0
local gotAllOK, MIDIstring = MIDI_GetAllEvts(take, "")
local MIDIlen = MIDIstring:len()
local stringPos = 1
local offset, flags, msg
while stringPos < MIDIlen-12 do
offset, flags, msg, stringPos = string.unpack("i4Bs4", MIDIstring, stringPos)
out_val = msg:byte(2)
if msg:len() > 1 and ( msg:byte(1)>>4 == 0x9 or msg:byte(1)>>4 == 0x8 ) and flags&1==1 then out_val = math.max(0,math.min(msg:byte(2) - dir_int,127)) end
t = t + 1
tableEvents[t] = string.pack("i4Bi4BBB", offset, flags, 3, msg:byte(1), out_val, msg:byte(3) )
MIDI_SetAllEvts(take, table.concat(tableEvents) .. MIDIstring:sub(-12))
function main(dir)
if val == 0 then return end
local midieditor = MIDIEditor_GetActive()
if not midieditor then return end
local take = MIDIEditor_GetTake( midieditor )
if not take then return end
MoveNotesVertically(take, val>0)
Undo_EndBlock('Move notes vertically', 1)
is_new_value,filename,sectionID,cmdID,mode,resolution,val = reaper.get_action_context()