Thanks for getting in touch, really glad our work has provoked such discussion! I’m in charge of the sound on all the Naked Noise videos so can possibly answer your questions.
For the video in question we were using our old setup based around the Roland R-26 Location Recorder, using it’s internal XY condenser microphones for vocals and ambience, and two external condenser mics for the bass and the guitar. Here’s the recorder in question:
The bass was recorded with a SE Electronics X1:
http://www.seelectronics.com/se-x1-microphone and the Guitar was recorded with a Sontronics STC-10:
In order to capture Zaz’s voice naturally, with the limited inputs, I used the Roland’s internal microphones, positioned on a tripod directly in front of the centre of the three players and in post production, panned the bass and guitar left and right respectively.
In this way Zaz’s vocal would sit comfortably in the centre of the stereo field and nicely match the visuals.
With regards to reverb, all the reverb is natural. At the start when she is talking it sounds dry but as soon as she gets louder reflections from the nearby walls start getting picked up by the XY/Stereo mics.
The location had a fantastic natural reverberation and if I had added any additional reverb to the vocal, it would have caused phasing issues as the guitar and bass were also picked up by the internal microphones.
Since we are now predominantly recording indoors, we have upgraded our sound setup to a Macbook Pro running Logic 9, Focusrite Liquid Sapphire 56 audio interface, Focusrite OctoPre MKii Dynamic Preamps and a collection of Sontronics Microphones, all hugely recommended! I am looking to get hold of a Zoom H6 very shortly though for further location recordings.