Скидки и распродажи (1 онлайн

На мыло пришло... Дескать покупайте в пол цены библу на выбор и другую получите бесплатно, а, может, и третью, если наберётся достаточно людей.
В общем - шара. Но непонятно - пол цены - это 12 евро, как указанно в прайсе, или 6 евро от 12-ти?
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[TD][FONT=Helvetica,Arial,Verdana,sans-serif]There are 30 different Xpansion Tank 2 sound libraries for SampleTank — 15 instrument collections and 15 loop collections — and they’re all on sale for half price during our new Xpansion Tank 2 Group Buy. But that’s only part of it. When you buy one, you get a second one of your choice, FREE! That means you’re getting 75% off the normal price of the two collections put together. Plus, if 500 people join the Group Buy by the time it ends on December 16, you get another free one! So join today and spread the word!
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Only during 3 days (23 to 25 November 2013), buy DUY's renowned EverPack bundle with a one-time-only 60% discount! DUY EverPack contains the legendary DUY DaD Valve, DUY Wide, DUY Shape and MAX DUY plug-ins. The pack includes the AAX, Audio Units (AU), VST and RTAS versions for Mac, and the VST and RTAS versions for Windows. AAX for Mac includes 32 & 64 bit versions, and also supports Pro Tools 10.3.7 and 11.0.1 or higher. 64-bit Audio Units versions also available. Authorisation requires an iLok.

[h=2] DUY provides free update to Avid's AAX-pack users [/h][h=5][/h]Avid users who recently purchased the AAX-Pack, which included our MagicEQ plug-in, can get a FREE update to the 64 bit Mac version of the software. The 64-bit Windows version is currently in development.[h=5][/h]In order to obtain the 64-bit AAX version of the software, you should follow these steps:[h=5][/h] 1) If you don't have a free account on this website, please create one now.
2) Send an email to aaxpack2013@duystore.com , stating the following information clearly:
a) ilok.com username (login) that was used to authorise the software; and
b) Your email address used to log into www.DUYstore.com [h=5][/h]Once we have verified your purchase with Avid, we will notify you and you will be able to access the 64-bit version download from our website.

[h=2] Reminder: DUY supports AAX 64 bit on ProTools 11 for Mac [/h][h=5][/h]DUY's AAX plug-ins are also compatible with ProTools 11 and AAX2, supporting 64 bit for Mac. To download the latest AAX installers, log into your DUYstore.com account. If you're not a DUY user, but would like to try a demo version of any of DUY's AAX2 plug-ins you can also do so, by creating a free account at DUYstore.com.[h=5][/h]DUY's supported plug-ins on AAX2 for Mac are DUY DaD Valve, DUY DaD Tape, DUY Shape, DUY Wide, MAX DUY, DUY Magic Spectrum, DUY MagicEQ, DUY31, DUY Silence, DUY Deep Analog EQ and DUY Z-Room. Users of any bundles that contain these plug-ins with the appropriate latest iLok licenses can also download the latest AAX versions.[h=5][/h]These new versions support ProTools 10.3.7, 11.0.1 or higher for Mac. 32 and 64-bit supported. Windows versions in development.[/TD]
У Presonus скидки...
Плюс, если покупать на jrr, там ещё group buy скидка около 30 долларов на Full версию


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Реакции: Arlekin
Классс! Как я люблю все эти ноябрьские скидоны ))) Отложил на подарочки, потираю ручки :english_en:
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Реакции: hitretz
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[TD="colspan: 2, align: left"] YOUR PRICE:
$ 49.99 / € 39 / £ 32.95 / SEK 299
The EZkeys Upright includes a stellar upright piano library and all the amazing EZkeys MIDI and songwriting features. One week only deal!

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Реакции: dambokot
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[TD="align: center"][h=1]Nine ReFills = 1 Bundle = $99[/h][h=3]Our entire ReFill collection in a single bundle![/h]
Now through December 3rd, we're offering a Reason ReFill Bundle for only $99 - that's our complete catalog of NINE ReFills for 72% off list price! If you use PropellerheadReason 6 or above, this is the absolute best way to add a treasure trove of instruments to your collection, from world instruments, harps, and scoring tools to guitar, bass, drums, hand percussion, mallets, and much more.

We've meticulously converted some of our most popular Kontakt libraries to the Reason format with custom artwork, Combinator programming, and the same intuitive playabilityyou've come to expect from our instruments. This is an absolute no-brainer for ALL Reason users.
[h=2]Listen to demos, read more, and get the bundle now![/h]


* Koto Nation: Classical Instruments of Japan
* Resonance: Emotional Mallets
* Shreddage: Electric Rhythm Guitar
* Highland Harps
* Sitar Nation: Classical Instruments of Japan
* Kazakh Dombra
* Shreddage Bass: Picked Edition
* Groove Bias: Vintage Drum Sounds
* Forest Frame Drums
Total MSRP: $352 / Bundle price: $99

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[TD][h=1]ARCHTOP Coming Soon...[/h][h=3]The upcoming, definitive hollowbody electric guitar library[/h]
If you loved Shreddage 2, our rock & metal guitar instrument for Kontakt, you'll be excited to know we're wrapping up a new guitar library! Archtop: Hollowbody Electric Guitar captures the beautiful, warm tone of a Jim Hall Sadowsky Model, perfect for clean playing, jazz, pop, fusion, alt rock, and much more. The library will be priced very reasonably and available as a crossgrade from Shreddage 2; plus, it will come with Kontakt Player!
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Плагин для усиления бочки[/TD]
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[TD][h=1]Little Foot Launch Sale[/h][h=3]Get Little Foot for a limited time for just $25![/h]Little Foot is the beast child of Sasquatch Kick Machine. We took some of our favorite features from Sasquatch and put them into a easy, streamlined plugin to make it as simple and fast as possible to get deep thump out of your kick drums.

Snag it now at this no-brainer price.
Existing owners of Sasquatch Kick Machine get Little Foot absolutely FREE. Just log into your account and it will be in your downloads section. This is our gift to you.

Пришло вот письмо от AudioDeluxe,
Get Ready!
Black Friday
Cyber Monday
Starting NOV 28TH

Какие-то вкусности ещё готовятся к 28 числу, так что пока денежки не тратьте особо )). Ещё про упомянутые FXPansion
Geist/Tremor/DCAM по $99
, в аудиоделюксе уже сейчас по $82.99 выходит.
последний номер электронной версии Computer Music (198-й) вместе со всеми плюшками до завтра можно получить бесплатно

Это для жителей "UK, US, Canada and Australia", которые пользуются Android и Chrome, устраивает Google Play Newsstand.
Не смог зайти по указанной ссылке! Пишет, что, мол для Украины недоступно
Sorry! Newsstand on Google Play is not available in your country yet.
We're working to bring the content you love to more countries as quickly as possible.
Please check back again soon.
Купил по акции Xpansion Tank 2 - Piano Collection 2 - Порадовало качество роялей. Выбрал обещанные IKmultimedia 2 бесплатные библиотеки - Xpansion Tank 2 - Bass Collection 2, Xpansion Tank 2 - World Instruments Collection. Все удовольствие обошлось в 12 евро. Акция длится до 16 декабря.
последний номер электронной версии Computer Music (198-й) вместе со всеми плюшками до завтра можно получить бесплатно бесплатно http://www.musicradar.com/news/tech/...agazine-588829
для тех кто не смог зайти, но скачал их с другого места и с другого номера, теперь есть отмазка, что мол разобрали по акции.... :dj:
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Реакции: CakeWorker
Гы... :nuke:
К сожалению! Газетный киоск на Google Play не доступен в вашей стране еще ​​нет. Мы работаем, чтобы принести содержание вы любите больше стран как можно быстрее. Пожалуйста, зайдите позже.
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[TD="bgcolor: #fff"]Only 48 Hours 'Til Waves Black Friday Sale!

Don't miss our biggest sale of the year - Up to 80% off![/TD]
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[TD="width: 300, align: right"] Get ReValver and Nectar Elements for FREE! [/TD]

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[TD="width: 588"]Newsletter - November 27th, 2013[/TD]
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[h=2]XLN Teams up with Peavey and iZotope![/h]

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Dear Demo user,

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If you’ve been thinking about stepping up to the full version of our Addictive Drums or Addictive Keys software, there has never been a better time!

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For a limited time only, purchase our award winning Addictive Keys software for only $99/99€ (regularly $179/179€) and get iZotope’s Nectar Elements plugin absolutely FREE. You heard right! Nectar Elements (regularly $99) is FREE with Addictive Keys, but only for a limited time.

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[TD="bgcolor: #faa634, align: center"]Get Addictive Keys + Nectar Elements[/TD]
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Or, purchase our flagship Addictive Drums software for only $99/99€ (regularly $179/179€) and get Peavey’s ReValver HPse plugin absolutely FREE. That’s right. Simply purchase and register Addictive Drums and a free license for Revalver HPse will appear in your XLN account automatically. It’s that easy.

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[TD="bgcolor: #faa634, align: center"]Get Addictive Drums + Revalver HPse[/TD]
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Thanks to our friends at Peavey and iZotope, your amazing Drum and Keyboards will have outstanding guitar and vocal tones to go with them!

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But act fast, this offer is for a limited time only!

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