Сейчас вот такое письмо пришло:

Dear Apollo User,
We hope you’re enjoying your new Apollo interface.
We just announced our new Apollo Satellite Promotion. Anyone who buys and registers an Apollo rackmount interface now through December 31st 2015 is eligible for a FREE UAD-2 QUAD Satellite DSP Accelerator — a $1,249 value!
Since you registered your Apollo interface during the month of November, we’re happy to extend this special offer to you as well!
All you need to do is send us your shipping information and we'll send you your free Satellite (allow 6-8 weeks for delivery).
У меня 2 вопроса:
-че, неужели подарят сателайт?
-если таки вышлют дойдет или на таможне оно застрянет?

Dear Apollo User,
We hope you’re enjoying your new Apollo interface.
We just announced our new Apollo Satellite Promotion. Anyone who buys and registers an Apollo rackmount interface now through December 31st 2015 is eligible for a FREE UAD-2 QUAD Satellite DSP Accelerator — a $1,249 value!
Since you registered your Apollo interface during the month of November, we’re happy to extend this special offer to you as well!
All you need to do is send us your shipping information and we'll send you your free Satellite (allow 6-8 weeks for delivery).
У меня 2 вопроса:
-че, неужели подарят сателайт?
-если таки вышлют дойдет или на таможне оно застрянет?