собсно для музыки абсолютно бесполезный формат
Why do we need more than two loudspeakers? Research into the spatial acoustics of small rooms shows that reproduction of stereo music through two speakers is not an optimal solution, even when the listener is ideally situated. Additional loudspeakers, driven with signals that provide audible spatial components, can significantly increase the pleasantness of the sound field, and enlarge the listening area. This is particularly true when speakers are placed along the sides of the room.
The primary improvement is in the perception of spaciousness.
Music recordings played through this system have a very large listening area. The orchestra is firmly frontal, but the sound is highly enveloping.
15th International Conference of the AES on small room acoustics, Oct 31-Nov.2, 1998
Так, что для музыки многоканальные форматы самое то, но непрактичны с точки срения рядового слушателя - понакупают пластмассовых пукалок и будут требовать окружения звуком.