- starting or stopping host playback when a track was set to follow host start/stop could lead to a crash in some circumstances
- clicking in the timeline on a track playing set to loop another portion of the track could lead to a crash
- controlling track velocity with MIDI when the EZplayer window was not open caused a crash
- closing the EZplayer window did not cancel the MIDI Learn in progress, if any, causing incoming MIDI to cause a crash
- clips recorded but containing no MIDI events no longer remain on the track after after the recording has been stopped, and are rightly disposed of
- if no track are playing, and none are synced to the host time line, the Browser will now reset its position and start playing immediately
- the playhead of a track following host position and host start/stop should now return to its original position when stopped after having been started by the host, assuming Auto Rewind is on
- Browser playback using the original tempo of the groove should no loner stutter when looping and the host tempo was different than the internal tempo of the MIDI file
- the syncing to host bar position should work more reliably in hosts providing problematic transport information
- syncing is done 'silently' i.e not playing from where the time line is. This is required for the single shot plays from the Browser
- Fixed an issue when playing an EZplayer track and then trying to sync the Browser to the host time line
- notes on tracks should no longer be skipped if the MIDI events have a position "in between buffers", if the host made a small gap there and the track was set to follow host position
- when a track was set to follow host playback position and the host jumped from the end of a loop to the beginning, EZplayer would occasionally miss notes on the track
- when playing an EZplayer track that wasn't set to follow host position and then starting the host transport, the position on the track would sometimes jump to wrong position
- some additional sync problems when jumping forward on the host time line have been resolved
- a 'all notes off' call is now enforced when playback is stopped
- a 'all notes off' call is now enforced when an Arranger track gets muted
- a 'all notes off' call is now enforced when the playback position is changed by a click elsewhere in the time line
- a 'all notes off' call is now enforced when a clip currently playing is deleted from a track
- a 'all notes off' call is now enforced when a different groove or clip is selected
- a 'all notes off' call is now enforced when a groove or clip is transposed
- while Browsing grooves, with playback ongoing, clicking on a corrupt MIDI file will now stop the playback to make obvious that the file encountered in invalid (the current groove would keep playing before the update)
- the Browser's Follow Tracks option should now work correctly when changing the current/active track in the Arranger
- kit pieces dragged on Arranger tracks are now recalled properly from projects saved with this version (1.0.7 issue)
- when recalling a project, the chosen MIDI channel for a track would be one less than it was when saving
- the 'Thru' option for MIDI output channel in the Browser should now work as intended
- copying track settings did not copy the MIDI out channel value correctly
- dragging a transposed kit piece multiple times from the Browser should no longer result in an incremental transposition for every drag and drop
- snap to grid now snaps to the nearest division in either directions (instead of to the closest preceding prior to update)
- the velocity and transpose up/down buttons sometimes did not work when clicked quickly
- the velocity and transpose up/down buttons now increase rate of change when pressed down for a certain time
- accidentally creating a loop on a track when clicking in the time line should now be less likely
- the velocity of clips on the Arranger tracks was not saved properly
- dragging kit pieces from the Browser to a track then back to a user folder in the Browser saved the original groove instead of only the kit pieces
- dragging kit pieces to a track with 'Merge Kit Pieces' on and saving saved the full groove as opposed to the kit piece info only
- selecting a kit piece then closing and reopening the plug-in window, last dragging the groove from the player display area to a track copied the full loop instead of just the kit pieces selection
- the "Drag & Drop MIDI" display did not show the selected groove name after re-opening the plug-in, if it was not also selected in the Browser
- dragging from the Browser playback display area when a different folder was selected in the Browser made "Find in Browser" for the resulting clip not work correctly
- right-clicking a mount point not previously selected did not bring up the edit dialog, requiring a 2-step process
- selecting a kit piece and then a different branch in the Browser without selecting a new groove could cause the tempo factors to not work as intended when subsequently dragging to a track
- when dragging a clip from one track to another, the outline would sometimes be drawn beyond existing clips on the track
- when dragging within the Arranger, the view automatically scrolled when the mouse was moved near the edge even if the drag was not in the direction that the view scrolled
- when moving an accent, the view scrolled when the mouse was moved near the edge even if the clip that contained the accent was already fully visible
- when dragging a clip to or within a track, the outline was drawn even if the mouse had been moved outside the track
- when the horizontal scroll size was calculated on opening the plug-in window, only clips on the last track ending past the 14th bar were considered, so that clips on previous tracks further to the right were not possible to scroll to
- in insert mode, the scroll width was not increased if a clip was pushed out to the far right of the track
- the savefile tempo setting should no be recalled correctly, even when sync is off
- the tracks velocity knobs is no longer reset to 0 (graphically) when the plug-inwindow is opened
- the global play button is now correctly turned off when recording is stopped and no track playing
- clips selected with the Command key (Mac) / Ctrl key (PC) held down but releasing the key before dragging copied them instead of moving them as expected
- moving a clip in the Arranger should no longer deselect it as a result
- adding a layer to a track now shows the layers if they were hidden
- clicking a clip already selected on a track had for result that its transpose and velocity values were no longer displayed
- clicking on a track did not deselect the active clips on other tracks
- selecting an accent did not graphically deselect the active clips
- the mouse pointer kept showing a 'Delete' symbol when the mouse was moved away from a clip with the Delete tool selected
- "Follow Host Position" did not get checked in the tracks menu unless "Follow Host Start/Stop" was also checked, even though the two functions can be used independently
- MIDI headers with a ".head" suffix in the file system are no longer displayed
- the time line and signature should display the correct info when the window is (re)opened instead of the default 4/4 signature
- the time division should no longer look incorrect with certain time signatures
- undoing whilst layers were hidden could cause graphic artefacts on screen
- in the "Set Path to Created MIDI" dialog, the browse button should no longer be graphically cut off when clicked
- the file selector dialogs on Mac is no longer missing the 'New Folder' button
- displaying the dialog about missing MIDI files should appear when recalling project from hosts where it previously failed silently to load all clips
- in the tracks menu, "Split by Playhead" has been changed to "Split at Playhead", as per manual
- the MIDI Output, Sync At and Layer Handling submenus should no longer have the first entry checked when the plug-in window is (re)opened in the 64-bit Mac version
- the contextual menus positions should no longer be displaced in the 64-bit Mac version
- the user preference in respect to tootips should now be respected, even after re-opening the plug-in window