Собственно сразу главный вопрос - где найти хоть какую-то информацию по новым V2108? В чем отличие от снятых с производства VS2108?
И немного философский - упадёт ли хоть немного цена на VS2108?.))
Mercenary $5,620.00 PAIR.
АПД1- Спустя много месяцев тайн, ну вот наконец-то хоть чтото + фото! (28.10.10)

[media]http://www.gearslutz.com/board/attachments/new-product-alert/200788d1288466927-quested-v2108-quested-v2108-front.jpg[/media] - HQ
[media]http://www.gearslutz.com/board/attachments/new-product-alert/200789d1288466927-quested-v2108-quested-v2108-back.jpg[/media] - HQ
АПД2 -
Официальный тех.паспорт -
О цене предварительно -
АПД3 -
А вот и наши офф.дистры активировались на сайте -
ПС - как и ожидалось - в китай производство не переехало, см.скриншот задника.
И немного философский - упадёт ли хоть немного цена на VS2108?.))
Mercenary $5,620.00 PAIR.
АПД1- Спустя много месяцев тайн, ну вот наконец-то хоть чтото + фото! (28.10.10)

[media]http://www.gearslutz.com/board/attachments/new-product-alert/200788d1288466927-quested-v2108-quested-v2108-front.jpg[/media] - HQ
[media]http://www.gearslutz.com/board/attachments/new-product-alert/200789d1288466927-quested-v2108-quested-v2108-back.jpg[/media] - HQ
Quested Classic Rides Again! 28-10-2010
With a tip-of-the-hat to the past, , Quested has revealed the new V2108 reference monitoring system.
“We have had so many enquiries asking when we would be replacing the old VS2108 that still does so much work worldwide?” commented the company’s Guy Lewis, “Well, it’s finally ready.”
The new near-field model takes Roger Quested’s well-known and trusted driver layout, and teams it to the company’s new current-driven, floating drive stage Class A/B amplification platform, delivering two pristine channels of 200W to each the drivers.
Roger comments: “The VS2108 did evolve over the years, mainly as electronics changed, but once I started work on the new model, it was apparent we could use the new amplifier to improve a couple of areas.”
The amplifier pack he refers to is a custom 2-channel layout, based on the High/Mid section of the company’s recently launched V3110.
“The new amplifier is quite something,” says Roger. “The results are a mid-range that gives a clearer picture of what is going on, plus the control from the extra power gives us a clean response down to 40Hz. Another reason for the clearer picture is the new dust cap on the custom 8” drive unit and improved stiffening of the cone, which extends the LF response.”
“It may look classic or timeless from the front, but inside it is a whole new story.”
With a tip-of-the-hat to the past, , Quested has revealed the new V2108 reference monitoring system.
“We have had so many enquiries asking when we would be replacing the old VS2108 that still does so much work worldwide?” commented the company’s Guy Lewis, “Well, it’s finally ready.”
The new near-field model takes Roger Quested’s well-known and trusted driver layout, and teams it to the company’s new current-driven, floating drive stage Class A/B amplification platform, delivering two pristine channels of 200W to each the drivers.
Roger comments: “The VS2108 did evolve over the years, mainly as electronics changed, but once I started work on the new model, it was apparent we could use the new amplifier to improve a couple of areas.”
The amplifier pack he refers to is a custom 2-channel layout, based on the High/Mid section of the company’s recently launched V3110.
“The new amplifier is quite something,” says Roger. “The results are a mid-range that gives a clearer picture of what is going on, plus the control from the extra power gives us a clean response down to 40Hz. Another reason for the clearer picture is the new dust cap on the custom 8” drive unit and improved stiffening of the cone, which extends the LF response.”
“It may look classic or timeless from the front, but inside it is a whole new story.”
АПД2 -
Официальный тех.паспорт -

О цене предварительно -
НО -Про Аудио и световые системы написал(а):Первая пара уже продана, хотя ещё в пути.
Стоимость 210800руб (7000$) за пару.
Да! в розницу можно купить у наших партнёров в Москве «8 нот», там же можно и послушать.
ПС о ценах -
ЕЩЁ - очевидцы с гирслутца говорят что $5620.00 for a pair... тогда всё ещё печальнее... http://www.gearslutz.com/board/new-product-alert/545185-quested-v2108.html
АПД 13.11.2010
Mercenary $5,620.00 PAIR.
ЕЩЁ - очевидцы с гирслутца говорят что $5620.00 for a pair... тогда всё ещё печальнее... http://www.gearslutz.com/board/new-product-alert/545185-quested-v2108.html
АПД 13.11.2010
Mercenary $5,620.00 PAIR.
АПД3 -
А вот и наши офф.дистры активировались на сайте -
ПС - как и ожидалось - в китай производство не переехало, см.скриншот задника.
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