Скидки и распродажи (1 онлайн

ребята отзовитесь Кто покупал НИКомплит5 ? где дешевле взять, на родном ебеи смотрю от 499$ до 1000+ не много странновато , так же очень интересует политика UP или грэйда продукта с появлениен обновлений, платно или нет и от чего будет зависить
Спасибо , жаль что я не Москвичь но всё же, ну а как обстоят дела с упдейтами или упгрейдами линейки или какова не будь одного вст ,платно не платно? привилегии от NI вобщем есть?
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Реакции: l0ader
Только сегодня (1.05.2009) можно купить '72 Jazz Bass от Lyrical Distortion за 10 баксов. Потом он отдельно продаваться не будет.

'72 Jazz Bass
"Fingered" and "Picked" styles
No slap crap or popping funk junk, just good ol' "Come on! just play the dang song will ya!" rockin bass

Lyrical Distortion is proud to present '72 Jazz Bass, a 1972 Fender Jazz Bass, recorded direct via Countryman Type 85 Active Direct Box, Great River ME-1NV, Apogee Rosetta and programmed in Kontakt 2.2.4 to be easily played through an amp or amp simulator.

24bit/44.1 samples
1.03gb - over 1700 samples
all articulations feature four variations
Picked dn/up (4 each)
Fingered in/mi (4 each)
Palm Picked dn/up (4 each)
Hammer Ons
Pull Offs
Staccatos (Picked, Fingered, Palm)
Assorted FX
Finger Noise Release

Scripted for Auto use, with manual override

Demo By Theodor Krueger

We hope you enjoy our latest offering for $10!!!
Don't forget to take advantage of our 50% off our other products
Ещё одна однодневная распродажа 8-го мая за 10 баксов от Lyrical Distortion - LDi Lead

For One Day Only!!!! $10
This is a preview!
This product won't be available until May 8, 2009

Lyrical Direct Lead

After May 8, 2009 it will no longer be available individually!
Please don't email us the following day begging to get it

LDi Lead
This Library is derived from our current flagship library Lyrical Direct.
LDi Lead is a great way to test drive Lyrical Direct! which is also 50% off (along with everything else) this and the next two Fridays.
So if you really like this library, I highly recommend you go for the awesome full version while it's 50% off!
(Note to Lyrical Direct users, you already have this content!)

LDi Lead - a 1994 Paul Reed Smith Custom 22 "10" Top Artist Package
A way to describe this guitar is, it's one of those guitars that everyone is afraid to touch.
"You bring the amp tones, we'll supply the guitar tone"

Lyrical Distortion is proud to present LDi Lead, recorded direct via Countryman Type 85 Active Direct Box, Great River ME-1NV, Apogee Rosetta and programmed in Kontakt 2.2.4 to be easily played through an amp or amp simulator.

24bit/44.1 samples
1.14gb - over 2200 samples
features four variations

Picked dn/up (4 each)
Palm Picked dn/up (4 each)
Hammer Ons
Pull Offs
Palm Hammer Ons
Palm Pull Offs
Heavy Vibrato
Pinch Harmonic
Pinch Harmonic Vibrato
Palm Staccatos
Assorted FX
Finger Noise Release

Scripted for Auto use, with manual override

Demo By Theodor Krueger:


Спасибо , жаль что я не Москвичь но всё же, ну а как обстоят дела с упдейтами или упгрейдами линейки или какова не будь одного вст ,платно не платно? привилегии от NI вобщем есть?

Взял Komplete 5 по выше указанной акции. По отдельности инструменты апдейтятся бесплатно, а вот за апгрейд на Komplete 6 безусловно попросят денег. Привилегии все на месте: доступ к юзер лайбрари, саппорт, апдейты ну и т.д..
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Реакции: Scarlatino
На КВР до 21-го мая идёт Group Buy сэмплерного синта Wusikstation, на данный момент набралось 67 человек, если перевалит за сотню - будут очень шоколадные условия. Синт чумовой, за внешней простотой скрываются очень богатые возможности, разработчик WilliamK очень внимателен к пожеланиям, а мелкие баги устраняются практически моментально (я сейчас в бета-тестерах).


Dear Users, we would like to announce our Spring 2009 Group-Buy, a deal you just can't pass.


Deadline: May 21st

To participate, just visit the page above and pay the minimum fee.

You will receive a BLANK Download URL. This URL will only be filled with the files once we reach over 100 users or once the deadline is reached. If by the end of the GB we don't reach over 100 users, you will receive an invoice for
the remaining value. We will NOT Refund any order if we don't reach over 100 users. Also be sure to test the Demonstration version before you order. Click on the product name below to open its page and find the Demo.

Important Notes: All orders Downloadable only. Only Wusik EVE is MAC compatible. (UB: VST/AU)

Bonus for going over 100 Users:

- For Wusik EVE: Mellotronix

- For Wusik Station: Integrated Groove-Box and FX Version

- For Both Options: 12 Month Wusik Membership and Unlimited Sound Credits

Bonus for going over 150 Users:

- New SURPRISE set for both Wusik EVE and Wusik Station (to all Previous and New users)

Bonus for going over 200 Users:

- For Wusik EVE: New SoundSet By DangerousBear (to all Previous and New users)

- For Wusik Station: New Skin by Cusis (to all Previous and New users)

Important Notes:

The DVD goes in a DVD-Case, with printed cover and a DVD-R disk with a Printed Label.

The Download URL can be used anywhere, so you can also download at work and burn a DVD yourself.

Both Bonus will be extended to all current (previous) users of Wusik EVE and Wusik Station. So even if you already have all our products, help this GB by spreading the word around, as you will also benefit from it.

Users Upgrading: you get a 35% Discount on the price-list above. So the minimum price is $ 39.95 USD.


Об инструменте:
Последнее редактирование:
Kjaerhus объявил летнюю распродажу с 12 мая по 11 июня. Скидка на все плаги - 50%, на синтюг - 75%.
На нарекания юзеров о длительном отсутствии поддержки Торбен (програмер) ответил, что были проблемы со здоровьем и прочее, но сейчас он вроде бы всё разрулил.

There has been lack of support for some time, due to long time illness and other problems. That has been sorted out now. I know people get support right away these days.

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Реакции: konion и future-bit
И ещё одна однодневная распродажа 15-го мая за 10 баксов от Lyrical Distortion: Intimate Guitar - Dreadnought


This price is only good from 12:00:00am - 11:59:59 EST May 15, 2009

After May 15, 2009 it will no longer be available individually!
Please don't email us the following day begging to get it

Lyrical Distortion is proud to present Intimate Guitar Dreadnought, a dreadnought acoustic guitar, recorded dry via AKG condenser mic, Great River ME-1NV, Apogee Rosetta and programmed in Kontakt 2.2 to be easily played from any MIDI controller or sequencer.

24bit/44.1 samples
1gb - over 1300 samples
features four variations

Finger Pick
Fingernail Down Pick
Hammer on
Pull off
Slide up
Slide down
Finger noise release
Assorted fx

Also includes: LD Intimate DSP by Theodor Krueger (PC vst only)


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Реакции: Bormoleos Van Drill
И ещё одна однодневная распродажа 15-го мая за 10 баксов от Lyrical Distortion
Плюс ещё одна сегодня, 22го мая, на сей раз Modern 5 String Bass


This price is only good from 12:00:00am - 11:59:59 EST May 22, 2009

After May 22, 2009 it will no longer be available individually!
Please don't email us the following day begging to get it

Lyrical Distortion Friday Extravaganza $10 one day release May 22, 2009 is proud to present Modern 5 String Bass, an Ibanez Mahogany 5 String Bass, recorded direct via Countryman Type 85Active Direct Box, Great River ME-1NV, Apogee Rosetta and programmed in Kontakt 2.2.4 to be easily played from any MIDI controller (88 keys recommended) or sequencer through an amp or amp simulator.

24bit/44.1 samples
1.49gb - over 2700 samples
Picked or Fingered
Features four variations

Picked - dn/up
Fingered - in/mi
Palm picked - dn/up
Hammer on
Pull off
Staccato - pick, palm, fingered (dn/up, in/mi)
Finger Noise
Assorted FX

Большая распродажа сэмплерных библ и ВСТ инструментов, скидки до 70%.

We thought you might be interested in our huge sale across hundreds of sample libraries and virtual instruments!

With up to 70% off titles from Best Service, Ueberschall, Toontrack, Big Fish Audio, Power FX, SoniVox and many more, there's sure to be something that will fit nicely into that project you are working on.

Save a massive £496 off the Virtuoso Series String Orchestra from Ilio or £381 off SoniVox's Symphonic Brass Collection! Ueberschall's Drum 'n' Bass Resonance library is now just £7.95, Nu Tec Grooves from Best Service is £9.95 and Big Fish Audio's Complete Funk is down from £29.95 to £10.95!

Prices start at just £6.95!

Audiomidi.com выпустили в продажу ограниченную "специальную" версию ревербератора Breverb от компании Overloud.

В этой версии доступны только алгоритмы Room и Plate.
Ключ iLock не требуется.

View hidden content is available for registered users!

Стоимость $4.99

Кроме того, при апгрейде до полной версии в течение 30 дней с момента покупки "специальной" версии Вы потратите всего (?) $249, а после 30 дней - $289.
Распродажа 23 и 24 июня в честь 9-тилетия:
Скидки 30%.
9 Years Anniversary Sale.

On June 23-24 we celebrate our 9'th year anniversay with a 30% discount sale.

We thanks all our dear users for the great support in all the years and promise to come up with a lot of new sounds for you in future.
На IK началась промо акция на TRacks singles.
Сейчас при регистрации одного плагина дают бесплатно ссылку на еще один. Когда наберется 500 и 1000 зарегистрировавшихся дадут еще по одному.

Бандл из трех софтин за 99,99$ (нормальная цена 482$)

FabFilter Twin
FabFilter Volcano
FabFilter Timeless

Только два дня.

P.S. После покупки есть возможность получить скидку и на другие продукты:
FabFilter Pro-C - Professional compressor plug-in 27%
FabFilter Simplon - Simple filter plug-in 40%
FabFilter One - Simple synthesizer plug-in 45%
Последнее редактирование:
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Реакции: future-bit

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