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Tonehammer выпускают сэплированный хор нового поколения Requiem.


Requiem pre-orders (save 25%) are available now (by adding to the cart below)
Requiem pre-orders will only be available until the release date of the library (20th of May 2010)
Introduction price: $599 (MSRP: $799)

The Requiem library is custom water marked for each customer.

Brand-New Multi-Effects: DEEP FREQ Out Now!>FREQ brings you 150 newly-created multi-effects for highly individual frequency metamorphosis with the free KORE 2 PLAYER or KORE 2. The latest brainchild of sound designer Denis Gökdag, DEEP FREQ offers plenty of real-time tweaking capabilities, making it an intuitive tool to enrich your tracks with its unique array of filters, resonators, frequency shifters, pseudo-resynthesizers and granular synthesis modules.
It’s time to freq out!

DEEP FREQ* is now available in the NI Online Shop for $ 79 / 69 ?. > https://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox/128b58c0319c378fDEEP
компания Rekon "идет" в ногу со временем

The VST-AU JUNO-106 Editor reKon audio™ has released their latest product, the VST-AU JUNO-106 Editor™ for Mac and PC. The VST-AU JUNO-106 Editor™ now offers support for both VST and Audio Unit hosts as well as providing Stand-alone versions of the plug-in. Based on a completely new framework, our newest product offering now allows for MIDI sysex data exchange via its own built-in MIDI Input/Output port selections and also supports more hosts. The VST-AU JUNO-106 Editor™ offers advanced control of the Roland JUNO-106 and HS-60 synthesizers. For more information on the release, visit the VST-AU JUNO-106 Editor product page on the reKon audio website (www.rekonaudio.com). Future updates of existing reKon audio products For those of you who are wondering if there will be updates to our previous line of products, the answer is YES! reKon audio will soon be rolling out new version updates of all existing products that will support Audio Unit hosts and will also come in standalone versions for both Mac and Windows. In addition, the new version (v2) products will also come with the same advanced Patch Manager, Patch Randomizer, MIDI Monitors and MIDI Setup options available in our latest product the VST-AU JUNO-106 Editor. To view an example of these features, please visit the VST-AU JUNO-106 product page on the reKon audio website (www.rekonaudio.com) and click on the 'View Screenshot' link located at the top right of the page. Thank you, reKon audio
Uranium Compressor>Новая SDC technology™ использует сложный 'look ahead' алгоритм, который анализирует уровень сигнала, с течением времени. По данным этого анализа, Uranium одновременно применяет компрессию для увеличения тихой части и сглаживания громкой. Эта инновационная технология позволяет достичь радикальной динамической манипуляции с гладким и теплым звуком. На офф.сайте есть возможность скачать Beta версию.

Так же Uranium использует специальный smart gate control, который обогашает динамики и глубину, а так же устраняет нежелательные шумы низкого уровня.
Последнее редактирование:
Компания Superwave сделала виртуальный клон синтезатора Roland JP8080.

Демонстрационное видео: http://video214.com/play/uiZ3vZRKDSBU7D6lU3ofNw/s/dark

Смотреть нечего. Крутится интерфейс туда-сюда, да и всё. Слушать, если честно, тоже - тема supersaw-осциллятора толком не раскрыта. Видимо, будут постить новые трейлеры.
Toontrack - Music City USA SDX

Описание: Music City USA SDX™ новейшая библиотека drum samples и MIDI grooves, для удостоенного наградами современной drum платформы - Superior Drummer® 2.0.
Nashville Tennessee это самый музыкальный город USA. С большим количеством лейблов, издателей, писателей, режиссеров, музыкантов и художников на душу населения, чем в любом другом городе Северной Америки, Nashville знает все о хорошей музыке и ее создании.

Первое 3D Hybrid Modeling Piano (Win)


Sound Magic has released their Imperial Grand3D which they describe as the First 3D Hybrid Modeling Piano. Here's the Sound Magic press release...

Huge Sound - Small Footprint: The Imperial Grand3D starts with the famous bright, rich Bosendorfer style sound, and establishes an incredible level of realism by using patented Hybrid Modeling Technology coupled with complete 3D Audio control. Physical modeling is at the heart of the Imperial Grand3D sound, but both sampling and synthesis are incorporated to add to the realism. Multiple DVDs, Out of Memory errors and glitches are ancient history. Only 150MB in size, the authentic harmonic colorations of the Imperial Grand3D bring an unmatched depth of sound to any style of music. Regular sampled piano sounds are always static - there is no interaction between strings while playing. Physical modeling forges these ethereal harmonic changes, generating subtle resonances based on which notes are being played at any given moment. The Imperial Grand3D is always changing, always reproducing this interaction between strings, giving it a living, breathing sound, creating a real instrument with its own soul.

Not content to simply reproduce perfection, the Imperial Grand3D adds over 50 controls to design the sound you're looking for. Create your own piano from detailed physical parameters, such as hammer hardness and velocity, dynamic response, even the interaction between different strings. Not a tweaker? Right out of the box, there are 16 preset modules that let you choose from the 5' 8" Bosendorfer model 175, the 225, the 280, or even the luxurious 9'6" model 290!

The Imperial Grand3D allows you to select and arrange multiple virtual microphones. Set individual levels, choose optimum placements and mix them together to shape that perfect sound. And there are no generic microphones here. You can choose from the best of the best as you select the sound of acclaimed microphones such as the Neumann U87, M149, or the AKG C12VR.

3D Audio brings the Imperial Grand3D into a new audio world. Dial in the separate 3D Effect unit and choose 7.1 channel output (with 24 Bit/192KHz resolution!) Utilizing the complex science of the latest Head Related Transfer Functions, Imperial Grand3D can place your piano into a real 3D space that erases the "virtual "and leaves "reality"!

Imperial Grand3D currently provides Standalone and VSTi version running under Mircosoft Windows.


Imperial Grand 3D gives you absolute control over every aspect of a piano. You can adjust hammer actions, microphone positions, sympathetic resonances, dynamics and more. You can even design your own piano.

Multi-microphone positions enable users to mix between different microphone positions and create new sounds that easily fit into a mix.

Meticulous Dynamic Response controls enable users to adjust the dynamics of the piano, change the keyboard response, and achieve both realism and playability at the same time!

New! Our 264-string Sympathetic Resonance System adds beautiful harmonies to both pedal up and pedal down notes.

Imperial Grand3D is able to detect repeated notes and activate True Staccato Mode which precisely reproduces staccato notes.

Built-in professional Reverb Engine simulates resonances with environment and soundboard, adding extra realism to the sound.

Actual modeling and soft pedal samples vividly present the sound of three kinds of pedals.

The separate 3D Effect unit can place the piano into a real 3D space, adding realism to the whole sound.

Faster load times. Smaller hard drive footprint, less memory and less CPU usage.

Pricing and Availability:
Price: Euro 99

112dB анонсировали "ламповый" лимитер Big Blue Limiter


Big Blue Limiter is a character limiter. It is neither transparent nor intended to be. In fact it adds a little mojo to everything you run through it, if desired even when no limiting is taking place.

Big Blue Limiter uses analog tube modelling in its limiting circuitry, which makes any limited warmer and fatter by adding a pleasing amount of coloration. And as if that weren't enough it also features an independent preamp that just loves to be overdriven. Whenever your material lacks character or oomph you will find that Big Blue Limiter is exactly what it takes.

With its versatile sound, intuitive interface, easy operation, and negligible CPU load Big Blue Limiter feels equally at home during a mix session and a mastering session. Hearing is believing!

Big Blue Limiter will be released... soon!

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Реакции: d1mey и achsan
Adobe может выпустить Audition для Mac.
В видеоролике, опубликованном на YouTube, можно увидеть Mac-версию аудиоредактора Adobe Audition, или, по крайней мере, что-то очень на нее похожее.
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Реакции: Dmitry Stepin
Новая перкуссионная библиотека от Triple-D Sampling

D3 Percussion" - Epic Perc. Lib.
- Hello all, and welcome to the inaugural release by Triple-D Sampling.

- This is my (Tom DiMartino) first sample-library release AND my first post here at VI. Control - so it's an extra special occasion.

- D3 Percussion is a customized epic library that has been engineered to provide a massive sound. Containing single instruments and customized ensembles, D3P is an easy to use library that will provide the extra percussive power necessary for music on a grand scale.

The library includes Toms, Bass Drums, Big Hits, Reversed Set,
Congas, FX, Found Percussion, & more.

Note: The Demo "Epic Ensemble" was created only with the "Epic Ensemble" Multi in D3 Percussion. It was recorded in one take, and it meant to show how easy it can be to get a big sound with this library.

- D3P is not meant to be an 'au-natural' percussion library. Many of the sounds have been recorded in a variety of ways and processed with a variety of effects, including reverb: both natural and artificial.

- It is common to process cinematic percussion, and the idea is that D3P will provide a unique set of samples that are ready to make a big sound out-of-the-box

- The Demos above are provided for your convenience. To hear these tracks 'naked' (Percussion only) as well as more demos, visit the product page http://www.tripledsampling.com/D3 Percussion

- All un-tuned percussion in the demos is from the D3P Library (except one cymbal roll).


6-10 way Round Robin
24 bit / 44.1 KHz
1.57 Gb on disk
1.13 Gb .zip download
1,460 Samples
Programmed for the Kontakt engine.
29 Kontakt Patches (.nki)
3 Multi Patches (.nkm)


Price is $99, BUT until July 5, it will be available for $85

Sincerely, Tom DiMartino

http://www.tripledsampling.com/D3 Percussion
Сообщение от Acerbic
Adobe может выпустить Audition для Mac.
В видеоролике, опубликованном на YouTube, можно увидеть Mac-версию аудиоредактора Adobe Audition, или, по крайней мере, что-то очень на нее похожее.
VMware with Inverse Cursors and TrafficOSX theme....
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Реакции: Iva и Alex_HS
Странна, что они Halion 4 одновременно не выпустили.. на базе которого и сделана эта гибридная хрень :girl_haha:
Relab LX480

Состоялся релиз Relab LX480 Lite. Первоначально Relab будет выпускать LX480, как "LX480 Lite". LX480 Lite включает в себя Random Hall и Random Hall HD алгоритмы. Цена составляет $ 199.

Этот продукт можно приобрести по следующей ссылке.

Касательно LX480: "Все программы и алгоритмы были завершены. Ведутся работы над апдейтом защиты iLok."

Полная версия LX480 будет стоить $ 499.

Люди, которые приобрели "LX480 Lite" будет иметь возможность модернизации за разницу в цене ($ 300).

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