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Scaler EQ 49$


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Реакции: jeko
Savant Audio Labs (те которые Quantum 2772 Evolution) выпустили ещё Quantec емуляцию (?) Quantum Room Simulator.

Посмотреть вложение 237004

- Contains seven room size algorithms, ranging from a small closet to 100s Taj Mahal
- Faithful emulation of the legendary room simulator algorithm from 1982
- Freeze Mode for infinite reverb tails that never repeat
- Enhance Mode for alternative reflection patterns
- Configurable for Quadraphonic (4.0 Surround) with multiple stereo instances (true to the original hardware correlation patterns)
- Faithfully modeled analog hardware stages, including 10kHz bandwidth option
- Factory and Expanded Presets, offering our new True Resonance Mapping technology capable of emulating real-world spaces.

Price: intro 74$ (reg 149$)

Теперь и Relab QuantX )


Some of the stand-out features include:
- Unique Dual-Engine Design – Both the Reverb and Enhancement engines run in parallel for some great front-to-back layering.
- Expanded Bandwidth – We recalculated the behavior of the internal sample rate and analog filters, to give you a highly unique and resonant frequency curve for multiple bandwidth options.
- 8-Voice Hand-Tuned "ACE" Modulation – We've included not one but TWO 8-voice modulation engines running in series, woven deep into the algorithm for incredibly rich and lush tails.
- Enhancement Feedback Controls – Where the tail of the enhancement is hard-coded in the original hardware, we’ve opened that up so you can really fine-tune your reverb.
- And much more...

Price: intro 149$ (reg 199$), или например если Сонсиг в акке то 124$
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Реакции: Andernik
Abletunes releases Retrotape - Advanced Cassette Deck Emulation


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Реакции: Saymon и AL3X

а я вот приобрел))))
Видимо он нужен вам срочно ))) Через 3-4 месяца он будет сперва $149 по акции потом $99 а в течение полу года его как и все остальное можно будет регулярно (с небольшими перерывами в пару недель) покупать на акциях за $39.
Видимо он нужен вам срочно ))) Через 3-4 месяца он будет сперва $149 по акции потом $99 а в течение полу года его как и все остальное можно будет регулярно (с небольшими перерывами в пару недель) покупать на акциях за $39.
Здесь как то по 600 руб можно было любой плагин взять, купил плагин, так и висит в аккаунте и все ок )
Klanghelm has announced their first reverb-plugin, TENS after 3.5 years in development.
TENS has been modeled after a range of high-end studio spring reverbs introduced in the 1970s to early 1980s from a famous Austrian company.
A free little brother named TENS jr. is available as well for free.



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