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DMG Audio releases Essence de-esser plugin


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Реакции: antonsev и Arlekin
Nora от Squaredheads вроде ещё не упоминалась, толкьо что вышла вторая версия какраз, vst midi комбайн типа "секвенсор в секвенсоре" если я правильно понял. (Win\Mac 32\64)



Цена: 49€ (интро 42€ до 30 декабря )

Подробности: https://www.squaredheads.com/programa.php
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Реакции: MJSound
Softube Release A New Plug-in - The Mutronics Mutator
The Mutronics Mutator was a stereo analog filter and an envelope follower which can be used to create mind boggling filter effects on any sound source. The original hardware was used by acts such as Radiohead, Daft Punk, Nine Inch Nails, Chemical Brothers and Beck, and it had a big part in defining the sound of the 1990s. Because a key component of the hardware Mutator became unavailable the industry thought we had lost the unique sound of the Mutator until now.
Softube Create Mutator - The Plug-in

Mutator has an analog voltage controlled filter (VCF) for each of its two channels, which can create synth-like filter sweeps on any sound source that is fed into the unit. The filter can be controlled from a number of sources, for example the envelope follower, which sweeps the filter in proportion to the amplitude of the sound source. In Gate mode, the filter is either on or off, and the filter can also be controlled by the on-board LFOs. These have four waveforms, which create filter sweeps in our out of time with the music.

Another option is to use the external sidechain input, to have an external sound source control the filter movements. For example, insert the Mutator on a pad track and have the filter move in sync with a drum loop. You can also link or unlink the two channels for trippy stereo effects, use the Width control to extend the stereo field and use the Mix knob to blend in the original sound source with the mutated sound.
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Реакции: Arlekin и Elle
Началось закрытое бета-тестирование Waldorf Nave для Windows и Mac OS. Несмотря на то, что название аналогично синтезатору, который выпущен под IOS, разработчики утверждают, что это не портированная версия, а самостоятельный продукт (лично мне, правда, не совсем ясно, зачем тогда надо было сохранять название).

Вот ссылка на твиттер одного из разработчиков, в котором иногда можно прочитать скупые сообщения про Nave: https://mobile.twitter.com/nlogmusic
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Реакции: Dmitry Anderson
AudioBro разразились (вернее, разразился), наконец-то, принципиально новым продуктом.
LA Drama Drums: Orchestral Percussion and Beyond high

Насколько можно судить, будут и отдельные хиты, и лупы, и всякий саунд-дизайн.
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Реакции: max333max и RockMeister
Meldaproduction - MDrumLeveler


Meldaproduction предлагает нашему вниманию MDrumLeveler - плагин для комплексной динамической обработки перкуссивных звуков, в первую очередь - барабанов.
Владельцы MMixingBundle и MTotalBundle получают его бесплатно с апдейтом 8.10.
Последнее редактирование:
Новости от 2CAudio, новый продукт Kaleidoscope (некое подобие Metasynth?)


В меню продуктов сайта пока не значится, но страница уже присутствует http://www.2caudio.com/products/kaleidoscope

"Kaleidoscope is the ultimate sound-design tool and creative effects toy! It is an entirely new class of visual audio effects processors and is one of the most unique generative signal processing tools to come to market in recent history. Technically speaking, Kaleidoscope is a massively parallel bank of physically modeled resonators that can be tuned completely arbitrarily with scientific precision and dynamically modulated over time by over two million points of automation. In simplistic terms, Kaleidoscope uses pictures to control sound!"

Цены icon_surprised.gif: интро $199.95 (Normally $249.95), версия с доп.волновыми формами от galbanum $324.95 (интро $249.95)

Несколько демо видео выложенных на квр саунддизайнером Sampleconstruct (Simon Stockhausen):
Проснулись разработчики синтезатора Cell (wavetable синтезатор, вдохновленный Virus C, когда-то была тема на rmmedia, но ее закрыли по причине отсутствия актуальных новостей на тот момент, поэтому пишу здесь), На KVR выдали новую информацию о проекте.


4 independent OSC (Fm, MKO, HWT - (Wave Tables Editor + Hi Res Table) 12 Voice unison, each Matrix Control Voice. Voice matrix (Each voice can be multiplied together Ring Mod)
4 independent set of filters (in the complex information per 2 filters and three modes of routing, split, parallel, serial) ZDF included. BP.HP.LP and other (over 12 types)/ Filter Drive and something new that has no analogues in the world.
Each oscillator his punch
Matrix Mixer (flexible structure)
Ability to play multiple oscillator attached to different areas of the keyboard.
HWT envelope of 15 envelopes the whole synthesizer, later to make the most (about this later).
Modulation Matrix 64 cells (Source - Inverter - Destination)
FX - Distortion, Rectifier, Delay, Reverb, (in the pre-release version of Multi-band testing sidechain). And that's not the full list.
The ability to control a synthesizer hotkey switching presets by Midi.
This is not a complete specifications, some of the solutions tested.

The project is created in FLOWSTONE (64 bit - no, mac - no, only 32-bit)

The maximum number of voice on my CORE I7 - - - 1152 voice.

Демо звучания (в том числе, совсем свежие)


Тема на KVR


Маленький кусок гуя


ожидаемая дата выхода и цена пока не озвучены
Последнее редактирование:

New for 2015 – McDSP’s Version 6 release (v6) includes support for VST and VST3 plug-in formats.

In addition to VST plug-in format support, v6 includes a complete upgrade to the entire McDSP product line. New user interface features, faster loading times, and algorithm optimizations across all formats are just some of the improvements in the v6 release. Pro Tools users will appreciate v6 additions such as enhanced support for the Avid S6 and S3 control surfaces. Artist presets from the likes of Dave Pensado, Kevin Churko, Joe Barresi, and many others are also included.

The McDSP v6 release will be a free upgrade to v5 purchases (upgrades, plug-ins, bundles) made after January 2, 2015.

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