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HoRNet release Planer - High-quality versatile clipper




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T-RackS The Farm Stone Room


Phil Collins made history when he tracked the explosive drum sounds for the worldwide hit song "In the Air Tonight." Awash in the unique reverb of the studio's stone-walled drum room and crushed by compression, it has become perhaps the signature drum sound of the '80s. Also used on Peter Gabriel's "Intruder" and many other hits, the combination of heavy reverb and massive compression has been widely influential and instantly recognizable ever since.
Seeking to recapture that magic in their own studio, "Fisher Lane Farm" in the UK, the band Genesis enlisted the original engineer Hugh Padgham to build a drum room to the same specs as the one at Townhouse Studios where the iconic drum sound was produced. And while both rooms are sadly now gone, IK was given exclusive access to the Farm before it closed forever to preserve its distinctive sound in a brand-new plug-in.
The Farm Stone Room is here to give your drum tracks the sonic impact that only this type of rare stone live room can offer.
Key Features:
  • Faithful and exclusive reproduction of the iconic stone room at Genesis' studio Fisher Lane Farm.
  • Two room reverb channels: Neumann U87 pair (Stereo Room) and STC 4021 "Ball and biscuit" (Mono Crush).
  • SSL -modelled EQ and dynamics to sculpt the sound in the same way as they did in the studio.
  • Analog-modelled "SSL Listen Mic Compressor" on the mono crush signal delivers powerful sound to any drum track.
  • IK's latest proprietary VRM technology delivers the most realistic sound spaces ever.
  • Customizable "Curtain Open" or "Curtain Closed" dampening for a bright or darker sound.
  • EQ, Pre-delay and expanded Decay Time controls.
  • Dry and Wet signal level controls with solo buttons.
  • Works as a single plug-in for any DAW or inside the T-RackS 5 suite.
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Реакции: redrum и Sergio_P78
T-RackS The Farm Stone Room

Посмотреть вложение 244804

Phil Collins made history when he tracked the explosive drum sounds for the worldwide hit song "In the Air Tonight." Awash in the unique reverb of the studio's stone-walled drum room and crushed by compression, it has become perhaps the signature drum sound of the '80s. Also used on Peter Gabriel's "Intruder" and many other hits, the combination of heavy reverb and massive compression has been widely influential and instantly recognizable ever since.
Seeking to recapture that magic in their own studio, "Fisher Lane Farm" in the UK, the band Genesis enlisted the original engineer Hugh Padgham to build a drum room to the same specs as the one at Townhouse Studios where the iconic drum sound was produced. And while both rooms are sadly now gone, IK was given exclusive access to the Farm before it closed forever to preserve its distinctive sound in a brand-new plug-in.
The Farm Stone Room is here to give your drum tracks the sonic impact that only this type of rare stone live room can offer.
Key Features:
  • Faithful and exclusive reproduction of the iconic stone room at Genesis' studio Fisher Lane Farm.
  • Two room reverb channels: Neumann U87 pair (Stereo Room) and STC 4021 "Ball and biscuit" (Mono Crush).
  • SSL -modelled EQ and dynamics to sculpt the sound in the same way as they did in the studio.
  • Analog-modelled "SSL Listen Mic Compressor" on the mono crush signal delivers powerful sound to any drum track.
  • IK's latest proprietary VRM technology delivers the most realistic sound spaces ever.
  • Customizable "Curtain Open" or "Curtain Closed" dampening for a bright or darker sound.
  • EQ, Pre-delay and expanded Decay Time controls.
  • Dry and Wet signal level controls with solo buttons.
  • Works as a single plug-in for any DAW or inside the T-RackS 5 suite.
Ужо было
  • Wow
Реакции: masterkruger
бесплатный Silver (библиотека для контакта 7) от Audioro (сайт работает только с VPN)


(кредитка не нужна, указал фейковый американский адрес, e-mail на гугле - и заказ прошёл.)

The instruments (so far):

  1. Silver Tongue – a multi-dynamic tongue drum played with hands, soft mallets, and metal mallets. It includes Round Robin, unmuted and muted, isolated tongue tines as well a controllable resonance (“Reso”)
  2. Bowls – multi-dynamic hand-played bowls with Round Robin, slaps, mutes and semi-mutes
  3. Pads – Guitar Suspense, Slow Guitar Suspense, Strings Harmonics, Tongue Bells, Far Bells, Analog Wide, Analog Simple, Analog Zap
  4. Basses – Attack Bass, Attack Bass Monophonic, Simple Bass, Simple Bass Monophonic
  5. Electronic Drum Kit – A collection of General MIDI drums with various snares, kicks, rims, claps, and all the other regulars: hats, toms, crashes, tambourine, etc.

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Реакции: dr-music
Samplicity releases 'Number Seven' reverb plugin


Samplicity has released Number Seven, a reverb plugin capturing presets from the Bricasti M7
Key Features of Number Seven:
  • 136 very accurate presets.
  • Pre-delay, time based or host tempo based.
  • Five band equalizer with selectable filter types.
  • Dual modulation, for early reflections and reverb tail independently.
  • Sidechain compressor, with input drive, threshold, ratio, knee, make-up, attack and release, driven by the wet or dry signal.
  • Sidechain noise gate, with threshold, attack and release, driven by the wet or dry signal.
  • User interface with wide and collapsed modes.
Zynaptiq анонсировали Morph 3 и Morph 3 Pro


Features in Detail:

Price: (если ничего не напутал) - апгрейд с v2, пока идёт Early Access (это до 15 апреля) стоит USD 69, и юзер получает лицензию на обычный v3 (не pro), которая после 15 апреля сделается (для юзера) pro.
После этой даты цена апгрейда станет USD 69 на не pro, и USD 149 соот-но.

Не апгрейдная цена: USD 169 (пока еарли аццесс, т.е. это pro по цене обычного) и reg price USD 169 и USD 279 соот-но.

UPD бандловая лицензия v2 не попадает на текущий апгрейд :( (Requires surrendering an existing, full and non-bundled license for MORPH 2. Upgrade paths for bundles containing MORPH 2 will become available on April 15th)

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Реакции: Unikum
Solid State Logic releases Module8 - all-in-one modulation FX Rack plug-in

Key features:
  • All-in-one modulation FX rack plug-in designed to encourage creativity and the exploration of sound design.
  • Six LFO-driven modulation effects (Phaser, Flanger, Chorus, Tremolo, Vibrato, Pan) with comprehensive control over rate, depth, and shape for intricate sound manipulation.
  • Two additional Lo-Fi and Space processors on independent FX returns for adding vintage character and spatial depth.
  • Each module can sync to the DAW's tempo, be set manually for precise control, or be synced to external LFOs in compatible DAWs.
  • Drag-and-drop reordering of processing modules to encourage experimentation.
  • Global parameters to quickly adjust overall depth and mix to streamline workflow and stay in the creative zone.
  • Engineered with SSL's advanced workflow and industry-leading sound quality.Module8 comes packed with a wide range of presets to kickstart your creativity and help you achieve desired sounds faster.
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Реакции: Sergio_P78
VCE-118 - это уникальный инструмент динамической обработки, основанный на достижениях, произошедших с появлением технологии VCA в начале семидесятых годов. Его репутация секретного оружия связана с его особым соотношением, которое позволяет как сжимать, так и расширять, в сочетании со специальным линейным режимом, который служит мощным топливом для изменения динамики как творческого эффекта.

Естественно, VCE-118 обеспечивает максимальную энергичную компрессию, известную по ранним флагманским компрессорам VCA, таким как знаменитый 160. Но он не останавливается на достигнутом, поскольку его расширенный динамический диапазон удивляет интригующими эффектами, напоминающими гейты и транзиентные формирователи. Линейный режим может пойти еще дальше, предлагая звуковые выходки, такие как тяжелые ритмы или мертвая тихая атмосфера.

Плагин доступен для ознакомительной продажи всего за 29 долларов США (обычно 59 долларов США) до 29 апреля 2024 года.
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Реакции: AlexLazer
(Сорь если было, не новое но через поиск не нашло)
Automata (Cellular Automata based MIDI Sequencer) by Lectric Panda (который обычно делал хорошие RE для Ризона, тепеерь делает vst).


Price: 35$

И Stage (Minimal Gain Stage amplifier with Peak, RMS, Crest Factor metering).


Price: 15$

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Реакции: crowd91
Мультиэффект Synestia (сейчас beta-версия, релиз ожидается к лету 2024)
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Реакции: Wham_48
Arturia сегодня что-то представит, но вот софт или железо пока непонятно
XILS-lab Les Diffuseurs
CARP Audio releases Krossbow


Unfiltered Audio Battalion
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Реакции: Karelia 2 и crowd91
Alex Hilton releases A1PrimeDelay - VST, AU & AAX plugin


  • Analog-style resonant filters (LP, BP, HP) in the feedback loop.
  • A built-in ducker.
  • Transient softening.
  • High-quality (oversampled) saturation.
  • An additional chorus effect.
  • An additional room reverb effect.
  • Dedicated low- and high-cut filters.
  • Flutter and wow (delay modulation effects).
  • Stereo widener.
  • A fully resizable user interface.

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Реакции: lamamama
Myth by Tracktion \ Dawesome


Full Specs:
- Advanced organic re-synthesis based on machine learning.
- More than 700+ presets created by more than 10 sound designers and artists.
- Intuitive modular system.
- Trainable resonators (by dropping a sample).
- Virtual analog filters.
- Creative midi effects.
- Full MPE support.
- Build-in tutorial system.
- Powerful and innovative randomisation system.
- Intuitive modulation system.
- Supports MTS-ESP for microtonality.

Price: intro 125$ (reg 179$)

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Реакции: Herr Morkovka
Softube Bad Speaker

Lo-fi distortion. So bad it’s good.

- A unique lo-fi speaker distortion plug-in with Softube-quality sound
- Add dirt, grit, and spice to your productions and sound design
- Three distinctive speaker modes: Portable Radio, Cassette Deck, and Hi-fi Speaker

Intro price



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