…Пишем. Присылаем. Время есть: «Deadline for entries: All entries must be received before 15 May 2008 (certified by the post office stamp)»
I. Prize for the winning Composition
1. Prize: Euro 5.000.- and minimum three performances by the Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Wien® during its 2009-2010 international concert tour season.
II. Conditions for entry
* There are no age limit or nationality restrictions for composers.
* Instruments: The compositions submitted for the competition must use the following instruments,
either together or in sectors, involving a minimum of 2 performers and a maximum of 5, without conductor.
Flute (single performer including piccolo, G alto flute and C bass flute)
Clarinet in B-flat (single performer including A-clarinet and B-flat bass clarinet)
Violin (single performer)
Cello (single performer)
Piano (single performer)
http://www.pierrotlunaire.at/Santiago Vazquez-Dateien1/composer competition english.htm
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