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Some plug-ins feature side-chain processing ca- ger the plug-in.
pabilities. With side-chain processing you can
trigger a plug-in from a separate reference track
or external audio source. The source used for
triggering is referred to as the Key Input. Key in-
puts are monophonic.
A typical use for this feature is to control the dy-
namics of one audio signal using the dynamics
of another signal (the Key Input). For example, a
kick drum track could be used to trigger gating
of a bass track to tighten it up, or a rhythm gui-
tar track could be used to gate a keyboard pad.
RTAS plug-ins do not provide side-chain
processing when used on TDM-based sys-
tems. If you want to use side-chain process-
ing, use the TDM versions of plug-ins on
TDM-based systems.
Key Input Filters
Some plug-ins feature key high-pass and low-
pass filters. These controls let you define a spe-
cific frequency range in the Key Input signal
with which to trigger the plug-in effect. A com-
mon production technique is to use these con-
trols to filter a drum track so that only specific
high frequencies (a hi-hat, for example) or low
frequencies (a tom or a kick, for example) trigger
the effect.
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