@Ifrit, с обсуждений этого цифрового явления, документы официальные академические для этого же есть...
вот ещё
I mean, the jitter needs to be at least how high to be heard by the majority of the population?
There are three fundamental sources of evidence on this question.
One is mathematical models such as Julian Dunn's work which places audibility based on the point at which effective resolution is degraded by 1/2 LSB. Dunn places the threshold at about 20ps at 20khz.
Two is sighted evaluations based on ill controlled listening tests or pure speculation, thresholds under such "conditions can be as low as 2ps.
Three is actual controlled blind listening tests published as academic papers, the two most important papers are..
‘‘Theoretical and audible effects of jitter on digital audio quality,’’ Preprint of the 105th AES Convention, #4826 (1998).E. Benjamin and B. Gannon.
Detection threshold for distortions due to jitter on digital audio Kaoru Ashihara, Shogo Kiryu, Nobuo Koizumi, Akira Nishimura,
Juro Ohga, Masaki Sawaguchi and Shokichiro Yoshikawa. Acoust. Sci. & Tech. 26, 1 (2005)
Benjamin and Gannon using signal-correlated jitter place the thresholds at around 20ns. Ashihara et al using random jitter place the thresholds at around 250ns.